Star Wars The Old Republic Update 6.3.2b Patch Notes – December 13, 2021

Star Wars The Old Republic update 6.3.2b is now available to download on PC. According to the official Star Wars The Old Republic patch notes, the latest update brings back Life Day and much more to the game.

Previously, a major update added new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Star Wars The Old Republic patch 6.3.2b will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Star Wars The Old Republic Patch Notes – December 13, 2021

  • Life Day Celebration– Life Day is back from December 14, 2021 to January 11, 2022! Throw snowballs and complete Conquest Objectives and Achievements to earn festive rewards!
  • Ten-Year Anniversary
    • Celebrate our Ten-Year Anniversary with us! To kick-off this year of celebration, the “Anniversary Personnel” Vendor is available on the Fleet from December 14, 2021 until January 2023. Their inventory will be updated throughout the whole year, beginning with new planned rewards and contest-winning decorations with the launch of ‘Legacy of the Sith’ in February 2022.
    • Both Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds have received their annual discount, and can be purchased for only ten credits until the launch of ‘Legacy of the Sith’ expansion!
    • Added Renown Boosts to the Anniversary Personnel Vendor’s inventory.
  • Double XP– Starting December 20, 2021 and lasting until January 4, 2022, enjoy two weeks full of Double XP, Valor, and Renown.
  • Feast of Prosperity– The Feast of Prosperity event will be back from January 11, 2022 until February 1, 2022! Help Gaboorga the Abundant and Duuba the Magnanimous restore the Cartel’s influence during the 3 weeks of the event.
  • Conquest– Prepare for Total War as tensions between the Empire and Republic increase leading into ‘Legacy of the Sith’! Total War Conquest will run for Conquest weeks beginning December 21st, January 4th, and January 18th.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.