Splitgate Update 1.30 Patch Notes (v7.1.1) for PS4, PC & Xbox

Splitgate update 1.30 (v7.1.1) is now available to download on PS4, PC and Xbox One. According to the official Splitgate 1.30 patch notes, the latest update fixed Portal Ripping, showdown bug, infinite BP animation, & more. Apart from this, the latest Splitgate patch 1.30 also includes various tweaks and fixes.

Recently, a major update was released which added various quality of life improvements and fixed.

Unfortunately, players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Splitgate version 1.30 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details here.

Splitgate Patch 1.30 Notes (v7.1.1) – August 12, 2022

Game Modes

  • Fixed bug that occasionally forced players to spawn with 1 or 0 weapons in Showdown
  • Reverted change that made successfully defending a flag result in no points in One Flag CTF
  • Fixed blackscreening bug on Xbox when selecting the difficulty in Race mode
  • Fixed bug in Hotzone that caused point progress bars to disappear while dead


  • Fixed “Portal Ripping” bug


  • Fixed bug that caused a soft lock with the Battle Pass animation after playing Showdown
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the Battle Pass to infinitely progress


  • Fixed issue with assist kills not being properly shown in the post-game screen
  • Fixed bug that caused medals during a game not match the medals in the post-game screen

Ranked Matchmaking Tuning

  • Players ranked Diamond and Masters can only queue in parties of 2 or less in the respective ranked playlist
  • Players ranked Champion can only solo queue in the respective ranked playlist
  • Prioritized getting the most balanced match possible over a quicker queue time

Twitch Drops

  • Fixed issues preventing players from receiving items in their locker

Download free Splitgate patch 1.30 on PlayStation 4, Xbox and PlayStation 5.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.