Soda Dungeon 2 Update 1.2 Patch Notes (The Primal lands) – Nov 16, 2021

Soda Dungeon 2 update 1.2 released on PC. According to the official Soda Dungeon 2 patch notes, the latest update brings a major expansion (The Primal lands) to the game.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Soda Dungeon 2 patch 1.2 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Soda Dungeon 2 Patch Notes – November 16, 2021

You may access this area as long as you are in Dimension 2 or higher by speaking with the new character outside of the Wizard’s Hut.

  • 5 new areas with new enemies, bosses, and attacks: The Tar Swamp, River, Veldt, Mountain, and Jungle.
  • New story content and quests.
  • 50 new items, including MYTHICS!
  • 7 new minable ores and related plating effects.
  • New stats to tinker with: Essence Multiplier, Withering (reduces enemy stats), +Battle credits per boss defeated, and Enemy stat boost (stronger enemies drop more gold)
  • New statuses: MP Drain, Frozen, and Delirium (chance to attack friendly characters)
  • Fixed an issue where the Drinkin’ Buddies bundle wouldn’t give characters back after entering a new dimension

This update has been in development for quite some time, so we hope the wait was worth it. Thank you to all of the Discord beta testers that helped to work the bugs out of the final build! For those interested in the nitty gritty details, here’s a full list of patch notes for this update:

  • Wither currently caps at 90%
  • Fishing currently offers a 50/50 chance of boosting your team ATK or HP for the remainder of the run. Each battle location can only be fished once (if the battle takes place in the tar swamp or river)
  • New ores can naturally spawn in the veldt OR mountain, as well as the usual mineshafts
  • Of the 50 new items, 10 are rares, 2 per area, for lower level players
  • Of the 50, 23 are mythics. Of those 23, 13 are unique and can only be found once.
  • Mythics won’t drop until floor 1k and can’t be obtained while using Battle Credits
  • Ambushes cannot occur in river/tar swamp
  • Paths in dungeon 2 will require 2 keys after level 1000
  • Up to 2 ambushes per area can occur after level 1000
  • In Dungeon 1 (Castle), enemy stat boosts received a 1.2x multiplier at level 500. Dungeon 2 has the same but bumps this to 1.3x at level 1k. Then, this multiplier grows by .1 every 10,000 levels. Note that this boost is added AFTER the base atk and hp are calculated
  • 25% chance to encounter a seven enemy “swarm” on level x8 of the tar swamp and river

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.