Skyrim Version 1.30 Patch Notes

Skyrim version 1.30 is now available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Skyrim 1.30 patch notes, the latest update added various tweaks and changes. Apart from this, Skyrim update 1.30 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, an updatewas also released with the new Creation Club contents and more. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are still experiencing several issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Skyrim version 1.30 will resolve a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Skyrim Patch 1.30 Notes – January 17, 2024

Skyrim Patch 1.30 Notes

  • When using a controller, the right analog stick is now exclusively bound to the description field. When using a controller “Search” is now bound to “A”, not Right Trigger.

Bug Fixes

  • Menu items no longer “bounce”.
  • Author names should no longer shift upon inspecting the details page.
  • Fixed issues requiring the user to select menu options twice when returning to the main menu.
  • Fixed issues with the Download Bar not rendering correctly.
  • Fixed an issue causing the order of screenshots to change between sessions.
  • Fixed an issue causing deleted Creations to appear in your Load Order.
  • Fixed an issue rearranging the Load Order when updating a Creation.
  • The correct warning message is now displayed when a Creation is downloaded without its dependencies.
  • Fixed issue preventing Creation downloads after an extended time browsing the menus.
  • Fixed issue causing large Creations to sometimes fail to download.
  • Restoring your Load Order will now properly enable disabled Creations.
  • The “Download All Creations” menu option will no longer deactivate previously installed Creations.
  • Canceling “Download All Creations” will no longer result in a crash when returning to the Main Menu.
  • Uploading and restoring Load Orders to and from will no longer fail on large Load Orders.
  • The “Updated” category in the Channels List now shows Creations from your library with available updates, instead of showing “Latest” uploads.
  • Gallery images no longer change in size when browsing.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur after loading Anniversary Edition after linking a new account.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong Load Order to be uploaded.
  • Fixed flickering of arrows on the Banner on the initial load of the Creations Menu.
  • Categories are now sorted by “latest.”
  • File size now properly displays after updating a Creation.
  • Resolved an issue that could prompt a deletion confirmation when exiting the menus.
  • Resolved an issue that would show some Creations as owned even if unpurchased.

Epic Only

  • Resolved an issue preventing Creation Credits from displaying in the user’s account.

PlayStation Only

  • Fixed a crash that could occur from repeatedly entering the in-game Creations screen.
  • Creation names should no longer flicker after downloading.
  • PS5: Fixed Crash when browsing the menu while it is loading.
  • PS5: “Delete all Creations” now works as intended.

Xbox Only

  • Fixed an issue that would kick the player to the Main Menu when attempting to download Survival Mode or Goldbrand.
  • The “Show Missing Content” box on the Search Menu after loading a save with missing Creations now works.

GOG Specific

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Anniversary Upgrade prompt from working.
  • Fixed issue that could occur, resulting in the wrong saves being overwritten.
  • Localization fixes.

Resource Pack

  • Resolved unfilled alias on Carriage Quest.
  • Added “CalendarDay” script.
  • Modular jugs now have audio when dropped.
  • Addressed game crashing issues.
  • Addressed various shuttering bugs
  • Stability and performance improvements.
  • Other minor fixes.
  • General performance optimizations
  • Minor art and lighting fixes
  • Adjusted creation quests so they no longer start upon leaving Helgen

The following changes were added previously.

The Skyrim Anniversary Edition bundles together Skyrim Special Edition with every piece of Creation Club content released at the time of the Anniversary Edition’s launch, including additional quests, armor and gameplay modes.

Saints & Seducers

Originally released in 2019, this creation introduces an additional storyline across two quests (complete with side quests) for players to delve into. With additional armor sets, weapons, enemies and much more to discover, Saints & Seducers features some of the largest amounts of content we’ve ever packed into a single creation!

Rare Curios

Included as part of Saints & Seducers, the Rare Curios creation brings additional goods imported from all over Tamriel to Skyrim’s Khajiit Caravans. So long as you have coin, these merchants can supply you with all sorts of useful wares, including ingredients to concoct special potions, arrows and poisons!

Survival Mode

Looking to immerse yourself in Skyrim’s untamed wilderness like never before? Previously released in 2017, the Survival Mode creation has your Dragonborn contend with the very elements of Skyrim itself to survive! Players must wear warm gear and seek shelter in cold climates to keep from freezing to death, as well as mind their hunger and exhaustion on top of the usual threats like pesky bandits and ambushing dragons. Thankfully, Skyrim is rich in food to harvest (or scavenge), weather-appropriate armor and even taverns to rest your weary head. If you’re looking for a different way to experience Skyrim, we highly recommend you check Survival Mode out!


On the topic of obtaining your own food, Skyrim’s all-new Fishing mode creation lets you angle over 20 unique aquatic species across the area’s many bodies of water. Cook your catch for a meal, display it as trophy in your den or even keep it inside your own home aquarium – the choice is yours! With many of Skyrim’s fishing spots located in the region’s most breathtaking and tranquil spots, there’s nothing like unwinding on the shores as you tackle (pun intended) the questlines in this upcoming free creation.

“I have been eagerly awaiting the release of this round of creations,” says Daniel Lee, Senior Artist and Creation Club development lead at Bethesda Games Studios. “I’ve wanted fishing in Skyrim ever since the beginning and now it is finally here. We’ve worked hard on this program and it has been a true labor of love; there are more than a few surprises tucked away and I can’t wait for everyone to find them.”


The four above creations will be made free for all owners of Skyrim Special Edition, but what about all the other amazing creations already released for the game? That’s where The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition comes in. Available for purchase November 11, Skyrim Anniversary Edition features the complete Skyrim Special Edition PLUSallpreviously released Creation Club creations for the game – yes, that includes the four free creations, too!

That isn’t everything in the Anniversary Edition – players will also be able to enjoy an all-new batch of creations, including new ways to play and new quests tapping into Tamriel’s history. In ‘Ghosts of the Tribunal’ you’ll earn over a dozen new weapons and armors previously featured in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, while ‘The Cause,’ has players encounter the Mythic Dawn, who aim to form a new Oblivion gate, and features brand new enemies, locations, and weapons – not to mention a conjurable Daedric horse! This is just some of the amazing new content releasing in November to mark the 10-year anniversary.

These new creations are included in the Anniversary Edition, along with all the free creations and previously existing creations mentioned above, making it the most comprehensive edition of Skyrim to date. Already own Skyrim Special Edition? Purchase the Anniversary Upgrade and snag all those creations in one convenient package at a great value. Players may also purchase these creations individually upon release, if they so choose.

Will my achievements/trophies carry over?

Any achievement/trophy progress earned playing on Skyrim Special Edition will carry over to the Anniversary Edition, EXCEPT when upgrading the PlayStation 4 version of the game to the PlayStation 5 version.

Bug Fixes (Updated)

  • Added support for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.
  • Addressed Creation Club related issue.
  • Added enhanced graphics (PS5/XSX)
  • Faster loading times (PS5/XSX)

Bug fixes and balance updates to the following Creations:

• Alternative Armors – Daedric Mail
• Alternative Armors – Elven Hunter
• Alternative Armors – Ebony Plate
• Alternative Armors – Ebony Plate
• Arcane Archer Pack
• Bone Wolf
• Dawnfang & Duskfang
• Dead Man’s Dread
• Chrysamere
• Civil War Champions
• Divine Crusader
• Forgotten Seasons
• Goblins
• Hendraheim
• Myrwatch
• Pets of Skyrim
• Plague of the Dead
• Rare Curios
• Ruin’s Edge
• Saints and Seducers
• Saturalia
• Spell Knight Armor
• Staff of Sheogorath
• Stendarr’s Hammer
• Sunder & Wraithguard
• Survival Mode
• Tundra Homestead

Download free Skyrim update 1.20 on PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.