Skullgirls 2nd Encore Update Patch Notes – November 11, 2021

Skullgirls 2nd Encore update (Build is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Skullgirls 2nd Encore patch notes, the latest update added two new moves for Umbrella.

Previously, a big update added various quality of life fixes and improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s Skullgirls 2nd Encore patch will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Skullgirls 2nd Encore Patch Notes (November 11, 2021)

  • Hopefully resolved an issue where save data and progress was not being saved when the game was closed.
  • Added another Blockbuster, “Under The Weather”. (QCF+KK) [Level 2]
    • You can influence the direction of the storm and bubbles by holding forwards or backwards.
  • Added another Special Move, “Cutie Ptooie”. (QCB+LP)
    • The frame data of the bubble improves the longer it travels before touching an opponent.
    • Fullness added from Hungern eating the butterfly is increased if Hungern is Starving. This will pull him out of the Starving state into the Ravenous state, but you’re vulnerable during the animation.
  • sHP now reflects projectiles back at the opponent, if you can time it correctly.

    (… please note projectile reflection only works against Peacock at the moment as we iron out any bugs with the system.)

  • Umbrella can now perform a unique “Bobble Jump” off of Bobblin’ Bubble. She can jump in three directions, and steer her jump afterwards until she lands or attacks.
  • Bobblin’ Bubble (QCB+MP) is now slightly slower as it moves forward.
  • s.F+LP active frames increased by 2F. Recovery reduced by 2F.
  • sLK hitstun increased by 3F. Recovery increased by 2F.

    (… now combos into Starving and Overstuffed sMP and cMP.)

  • sMP slides much farther forward while attacking. The slide stops on contact with something.
  • Fixed a bug where cHP cancelled into Hungern Rush could start a new combo chain if a jump cancel was performed between them.

    (… now uses the same rules as Parasoul performing cHP cancelled into Napalm Pillar.)

  • jHP (while Overstuffed) now has a fixed jump velocity and cannot be influenced.

    (… velocity is the same as if you were holding forward during it before.)

  • Reflected projectiles can now be reflected (infinitely) back and forth if Umbrella is on both teams.

    (… please note projectile reflection only works against Peacock at the moment as we iron out any bugs with the system.)

  • Fixed two bugs with Retina Reflector’s projectile reflection VFX. Now only appears if a projectile is properly reflected, and in the correct position for P2 side.
  • Hungern Rush adds one pip of fullness on successful landing, and it applies the wet dripping effects like her other eating grab moves.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.