Sheltered 2 Update 1.0.14 Patch Notes (Official) – Nov 2, 2021

Sheltered 2 update 1.0.14 is now available to download for PC players. According to the official Sheltered 2 patch notes, the latest update brings a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Sheltered 2 patch 1.0.14 also includes weapon balancing.

Previously, a big update added Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3 with new Weapon Charms, Weapon Colors, and more. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game.

Today’s Sheltered 2 patch 1.0.14 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Sheltered 2 Patch Notes (November 2, 2021)

1.0.14 Patch Notes
  • Fixed another issue which caused quest markers to disappear after loading a save
  • Fixed issues with solar panel dirtiness levels going into negative values
  • Fixed issue with blueprints spawning at HQs – Any that have spawned at HQs on current saves will be repositioned to another location on the map
  • Addressed a bug with the camera going out of bounds
1.0.13 Patch Notes
  • Addressed a bug where the APR ammo would not unlock when the weapon is unlocked (will now also apply to saves with the APR already unlocked)
  • Addressed a bug with not being able to add blueprints to the Drafting Table
  • Addressed a bug where active quests would disappear from the map upon loading a save
1.0.12 Patch Notes
  • Addressed a bug with automatically assigned travel rations going missing
  • Fixed a weapon duplication bug
  • Addressed a bug where Green Beans would be referenced instead of Peas for desires
  • Addressed a bug with the “ransom” quest which stopped the reward being given
  • Addressed a bug with the “pause in background” option not updating correctly in different languages
  • Addressed a bug with the stats of the bear in the CTK Mob’s quest line
  • Addressed a bug which resulted in huge reputation losses after multiple encounters
  • Addressed a bug where the shelter storage capacity could become incorrect
  • Addressed a bug where new storage objects could be used before they are constructed
  • Addressed a bug where the room overlay information could go missing
  • Addressed a bug where the main menu would appear on top of the save slots
  • Addressed a bug where the lab could become damaged by fire and become irreparable
  • Fixed issues with floppy disks disappearing and/or not being useable on the computer
  • Addressed a bug with planters not informing the player when plants were fully grown
  • Rage attack can no longer target the head
  • Addressed a bug where the APR ammo would not unlock when the weapon is unlocked
  • Increased the chances that the Wind Turbines will reach maximum power output
  • Addressed a bug with internal planters losing integrity when not in use
  • Addressed a bug where Rescue jobs could spawn on water
  • Addressed a bug where the upgrade options on objects would become inaccessible
  • Duplicate blueprints will no longer spawn on the map
  • Can now rename characters using the locker
  • Will no longer lose reputation with a faction when backing out of a trade. Can still lose reputation if the trade fails (all offers are refused by the trader)
  • Automatically assigned travel rations now take into account the return trip
  • Character info panel positions now saved so they remain in the same position when loading the save
  • Rain now cleans solar panels
  • Reduced the amount of rubber in the Inflatable Raft recipe
  • Can now recycle equipment (bags, body armours, binoculars etc.)
  • End-game damage scaling implemented
1.0.11 Patch Notes
  • Fixed issue with faction members using sinks when their dirtiness was less than 50%
  • Fixed issue with ration crafting where it would not use the food the player selected to convert to rations
  • Can no longer queue multiple upgrades for a single object
  • Addressed a bug with the incinerator panel displaying the incorrect burn times
  • Fixed issue with incinerator panel displaying “$efficiency$%” on the efficiency label
  • Updated the incinerator object description to state is generates “power” not “fuel”
  • Faction jobs that require a target faction will no longer spawn if there are no other factions left
  • Fixed issue where members would not use any tables past the first one built
  • Addressed a bug with rescue jobs which could result in you fighting the same faction who gave you the job
  • The Russian translation of the Pistol now displays correctly
  • Addressed a bug with items being lost when transferring to the shelter (if the shelter’s inventory capacity was close to max).
  • Addressed a bug where the dialogue in rescue missions would not display correctly
  • Can now deconstruct the starting water butts
  • Added a notice to item transfers to state when items will be transferred to the junk pile
  • When working at a workable location the party will now finish working when they have generated ten items
  • Added a drop shadow to the integrity bar on items to make it more visible to people who are colourblind
  • Added item sorting options to item panels (sort by weight, quality, name, fuel value, or trade value)
  • Tweaked rates of temperature change in rooms to help balance heating/cooling systems
  • Updated the temperature rate of change label to display an increasing and decreasing value

Download free Sheltered 2 update 1.0.14 is now available for download on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.