
Sea Of Thieves Update Patch Notes – July 13, 2021

Sea Of Thieves update is now available to download on Xbox One and PC players. According to the official Sea Of Thieves patch notes, the latest hotfix added various tweaks, fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a big update added Captain Jack Sparrow, new enemies, new Trials and Deeds, new Events, and much more. Recently, a hotfix was also released

Unfortunately, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play. Today’s update will address a few of these issues. Read full details below.

What is new in Sea Of Thieves Update (July 13, 2021)?

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life

As a result of feedback from the community, this release makes some improvements to the ‘Captains of the Damned’ Tall Tale to enhance comprehension and provide a smoother journey for crews early in the experience.

‘Captains of the Damned’ – The Whispering Bayou Improvements

Upon entering the Bayou, a newly extended straight area has been added with the aim of encouraging players to feel safe while sailing their ship through the entire length of the Bayou.

Some rocks have been added to the outcrop at the end of the first T-junction to encourage players to stay on their ship while sailing through the Bayou.

Crews uncovering a Rowboat in the Bayou will no longer be able to use the Rowboat to leave the area and reach the next location.

When the ghostly barrier dissipates, Jack’s Compass will direct players back to their ship, encouraging players to use it to sail to the next location.

Fixed Issues


  • A fully unloaded weapon will no longer instantly reload when collecting ammo from an Ammo Chest.

Tall Tales

  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – When navigating through Dead Man’s Grotto, swimming into the deep water should no longer result in players having visibility through solid surfaces.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Within Dead Man’s Grotto, climbing down the smugglers’ dock ladder will now drop players into the water below.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players can no longer walk into and through chests nestled around Dead Man’s Grotto.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Players should no longer be safe teleported when navigating over rocks within Sailor’s Grave.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Upon reaching Sailor’s Grave, players should no longer be able to get across the lowered bridge or under the ravine to access the mysterious wreck before it is opened.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – While exploring Sailor’s Grave, players should no longer be able to navigate around the rocks to access the treasure-laden ship before it is opened.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’ – Upon locating the Cursed Captain’s Ship, players should no longer be able to make their way up the rocks to access the ship before it has been opened.
  • ‘The Sunken Pearl’ – Crews ascending the Shrine should no longer be able to lower the water level, leaving them unable to proceed.
  • ‘Captains of the Damned’ – The textures underneath the hut within the Bayou will now show the correct material.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – Water reflections and ripples in deep water will now appear correctly when swimming through the Coral Fortress.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – While progressing through the tunnel to the shipwrecked room, players will no longer slip into the wall.
  • ‘Dark Brethren’ – After the final battle, players will no longer be able to access areas within the room intended to be unreachable.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Ghost Ships appearing and disappearing through portals will now have audio effects.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – Defeating an enemy Ghost Ship will now play an audio effect.
  • ‘Lords of the Sea’ – During the encounter with the Flying Dutchman, appropriate audio effects will now be heard when performing the anchor drop.
Jack Johnson

Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.