Sea Of Thieves Update 1.1.6 Patch Notes (July 11) for Xbox One and PC

Sea Of Thieves update 1.1.6 forXbox Oneand PCs is now available for download. According to the official Sea Of Thieves 1.1.6 patch notes, the latest update brings the new Bilge Rats adventure – The Sunken Curse. For this adventure, the Bilge Rats are challenging all pirates to seek out and destroy the statues. Moreover, Sea Of Thieves patch 1.1.6 has also added key performance improvements, crash fixes and fixes for known issues. Check out more details below.

Sea Of Thieves Update 1.1.6 Patch Notes (July 11)

Bilge Rat Adventures – The Sunken Curse

Rumors of artifacts beneath the waves are being whispered across the Outposts, and as usual, the Bilge Rats already know all about it! Underwater statues and dangerous curses are amongst their tavern tales, so take a deep breath before diving into this Bilge Rat Adventure!

  • Sunken Curse Event– Cursed Mermaid Statues are the latest addition toSea of Thieves. Hidden in the shallows around island shores, they radiate, cursed with ancient magic. For this adventure, the Bilge Rats are challenging all brave pirates to seek out and destroy the statues. Not all statues are bound by the same curse but they all regenerate health over time and while some will require more firepower than others to destroy, no more than four players will be required to destroy even the toughest statue.
  • Sunken Items– It’s not all malevolent curses in the shallows! Eagle-eyed pirates can also find artefacts, skulls and treasure chests hidden on the seabed ready to be plundered.
  • The Wailing Barnacle Cosmetics– The Hat, Dress and Jacket of The Wailing Barnacle have been added to the Bilge Rat shop. These items are time-limited and only purchasable with Bilge Rat Doubloons, so get them before they sink back to the depths on the 25th July.
  • Bilge Rat Titles– Earn three unique titles, introduced with The Sunken Curse event and equip them straight from the Vanity Chest!
  • Bilge Rat Doubloons– There are 100 Bilge Rat Doubloons available for the standard Commendations, and an additional 50 Bilge Rat Doubloons available for completing the Legendary Commendation and becoming a Legendary Curse Breaker. Each of The Sunken Curse Commendations in the Bilge Rat progress screen detail the amount of Bilge Rat Doubloons it rewards. You have until the 25th of July to earn Bilge Rat Doubloons by completing these Commendations.
  • Bilge Rat Flag– A new flag has been added to all pirates’ flag inventory! This new flag can be used to show other pirates that they’re on the hunt for Bilge Rat Doubloons.


  • The Wailing Barnacle Tattoo Set– Now available in the clothing shop on all Outposts, this tattoo set is purchasable with gold and here to stay!
  • Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title– We heard feedback from our community that Legendary Commendations are deserving of a Legendary Title, so we have now introduced the ‘Legendary Skeleton Exploder’ Title. Existing players who have met the criteria can grab it in the Bilge Rat shop for free. If players unlock the Legendary Commendations required for Gunpowder Skeletons in the future, they will automatically be awarded this Title.
  • Loading Screens– Now give players information about the latest goings on and what’s new inSea of Thieves.
  • Front End Animations– Pirate animations have been updated when entering the game through the front end.
  • UI Update– A small banner is shown on Commendations within the Bilge Rat progress screen when there are Bilge Rat Doubloons to be earned.

Performance Improvements

  • Sea Of Thieves update 1.1.6 added multiple server and client crash fixes.

Fixed Issues

  • The Hungering Deep rewards which were not received by a number of players who earned them will be awarded over the next few days.
  • Bilge Rat Doubloons which were earned but not rewarded correctly as part of the Skeleton Thrones Bilge Rats Adventure will be awarded.
  • Upon impact, cannonball knockback no longer causes unintended damage to fellow crew members.
  • Bear & Bird Figurehead Loading Screen is now localised in all available languages.
  • Mysterious Stranger conversation text is now correctly localised in German, French, Italian and Spanish.
  • Ghost Trousers no longer appear broken on certain body types.
  • Bilge Rat Trousers no longer appear inconsistent when equipped with a peg and mid-length boots.
  • The Bilge Rat progression UI now correctly counts Gunpowder Skeleton Titles towards the overall Title count.
  • The option to enable and disable the Player Talking Indicator has been added back into Settings.
  • Players should now see all their items once they have joined a new server.
  • Loading Screen tips should no longer be clipping on 4:3 display screens.

Known Issues

  • The ‘Gunpowder Plot’ Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
  • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
  • Some players may continue to hear muffled sounds after being fired from a cannon.

Sea Of Thieves update 1.1.6 (July 11) is now available onXbox Oneand PCs

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.