Sea of Thieves (SoT) Update Patch Notes

A new Sea of Thieves update is rolling out on Xbox One and PC. According to the official Sea Of Thieves patch notes, the latest SOT update focuses on the re-introduction of the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage, various gameplay and stability improvements, and several fixes to known issues. Apart from this Seas of Thieves patch also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a big SOT update 2.8 added Season 9 update added Bury Treasure, Share Map, Cannon Rowboats, Fireworks, and Flares. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s SOT game update will address a few of these issues.

Read the full details below.

Sea Of Thieves Release Notes – October 30, 2023


Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage

  • The Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyages are once again available for purchase and have been returned to their original prices. Players can purchase a single Voyage from the Pirate Lord or shipwrights for 100 Doubloons, or the Voyage Bundle from shipwrights for 500 Doubloons.

Fixed Issues

Performance and Stability

  • Improvements made to server performance, resolving an issue that caused scenarios of high ping spikes, desync and rubberbanding, impacting the core experience.
  • Resolved a vulnerability that allowed some players to affect the stability of a server and cause others to be disconnected from their session.


  • Voting on the Legendary Search for the Skull of Destiny Voyage should no longer cause it to automatically complete.
  • Players attempting to fire themselves out of a cannon while their ship is travelling at high speed should no longer find themselves dropped into the sea.
  • Players who had made progress towards the Reaper’s Riches and Fortune’s Favour Commendations prior to Season Ten will now find their Commendations correctly reflect their progress. Players who now appear to have 59/60 will need to hand in a further item to complete the Grade.
  • ‘A Pirate’s Life’– Players can once again dig up Poor Dougie at Sailor’s Grave.


  • Guilds reaching a Distinction will now be able to raise a Guild Emissary Flag straight away and not be required to wait until they reach Guild Reputation level 15 again.
  • Guilds that reach the limit of 42 pledged ships can now continue to access the Guilds tab and browse their progress.
  • Players attempting to join a Guild session after the player who created that session has left will no longer become disconnected from the session.
  • Improved stability for players receiving Guild Invites, reducing instances where they disconnect from their session.

Text and Localisation

  • Crews approaching an Ashen Lord encounter should no longer see placeholder text within the approach banners.

Download free Sea of Thieves update on Xbox One and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.