SCUM Halloween 2022 Update Patch Notes – Oct. 28, 2022

A new SCUM Halloween 2022 update is available on PC(Steam). According to the official SCUM patch notes, the latest update brings Halloween event fixes to the game.

Today’s SCUM patch 0.7.511.54633 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

SCUM Patch Notes – October 28, 2022


  • Fixed the bug where it was able to use the context menu for items that were already removed from hands.
  • Fixed the bug where it was possible to craft .44 and .38 bullets with basic engineering.
  • Fixed the bug where you would get stuck in animation loop when crafting .44 or .338 bullets.
  • Fixed the bug where the #listflag command would crash the game if there were no flags placed.
  • Fixed the bug where the #listflag command would not work if there were too many flags placed.
  • Fixed the bug where the door sliding audio would play after the interaction is done.
  • Fixed the issue where weapons being dropped from containers if they can’t be holstered yet still attempted to be holstered.

Fixed the issue where locks would drop underneath the wardrobe if no inventory space was available when removing them.


  • Adjusted the loudness of Quad vehicles.
  • Adjusted occlusion modifier for footstep audio.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.