Scale Mail Mould BG3 Guide – Baldur’s Gate 3 WiKi

Scale Mail Mould is an important crafting component in Baldur’s Gate 3. With the Scale Mail Mould, players can craft the powerful Adamantine Scale Mail armor in BG3. This guide will cover everything you need to know about acquiring and using the Scale Mail Mould in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Key Takeaways

  • The Scale Mail Mould is found in the Grymforge area.
  • You’ll need Adamantine Ingots and the Scale Mail Mould to craft Adamantine Scale Mail.
  • Adamantine Scale Mail provides 18 AC and advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • The Scale Mail Mould cannot be sold or upgraded. It’s only used for crafting Scale Mail.
  • Scale Mail Mould can help you acquire high-level armor without relying on loot drops.

The Scale Mail Mould is a unique crafting component that players can find in the Grymforge region of Baldur’s Gate 3. With this mould, you can create the powerful Adamantine Scale Mail armor if you also have 2 Adamantine Ingots.

This light armor provides a base AC of 14, with an additional +2 from the Adamantine material, totalling 18 AC. One of the biggest benefits is granting advantage on Dexterity saving throws, which is excellent for dodging area of effect spells and dragon breath weapons.

Overall, the Scale Mail Mould allows crafting very strong medium armor in BG3 without relying solely on loot drops. Let’s look at how to acquire it and use it effectively.

Where to Find the Scale Mail Mould in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Scale Mail Mould is found inside The Lady of the Lake quest in Grymforge. This is located in the Underdark region below the ruins.

Specifically, the Scale Mail Mould is located inside a chest after defeating [INSERT ENEMY NAME]. The chest is in the boss room to the left. Be sure to loot this before leaving the dungeon.

With the Scale Mail Mould in your inventory, you can then craft Adamantine Scale Mail if you have 2 Adamantine Ingots. These ingots can sometimes be looted from certain bosses and quests. Alternatively, they can be purchased from merchants in major towns.

Crafting Adamantine Scale Mail with the Scale Mail Mould

To craft Adamantine Scale Mail, you’ll need:

  • Scale Mail Mould (1)
  • Adamantine Ingot (2)

With these two crafting components, go to your inventory and select the crafting menu. Under the Armor tab, you’ll see the Adamantine Scale Mail recipe unlocked.

Simply select it and craft your new armor! Equip it for 18 AC and advantage on Dex saves.

Stats and Benefits of Adamantine Scale Mail

The Adamantine Scale Mail crafted with the mould has the following stats:

  • AC: 18(14 base + 2 from Adamantine)
  • Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws– Great for avoiding AoE effects
  • Stealth Disadvantage– Scale Mail is loud

Compared to other medium armors like Breastplate, Adamantine Scale Mail trades 1 less AC for better Dex saves. It also weighs just 20 lbs compared to the breastplate’s 30 lbs.

Overall, it’s excellent medium armor that’s easy to craft yourself in BG3. And you can acquire it much earlier since you don’t have wait for a loot drop.

Drawbacks of Adamantine Scale Mail

The main drawbacks of the Adamantine Scale Mail are:

  • Lower AC Than Heavy Armor– It maxes out at 18 AC, compared to heavy armor reaching 20.
  • Disadvantage on Stealth– The scales rattle loudly, making stealth very difficult.

So while it’s very strong for Medium Armor, Heavy Armors like Full Plate will eventually outclass it in late game for raw AC. Keep that in mind as you progress.

What to Do With the Scale Mail Mould

The Scale Mail Mould has no purpose other than crafting Adamantine Scale Mail armor. Here are some tips on using it effectively:

  • The mouldcannot be soldto merchants. Don’t bother lugging it around for gold.
  • The mouldcannot be upgraded. It simply allows crafting of Scale Mail.
  • Once you’ve crafted your Adamantine Scale Mail, you no longer need the mould. Feel free to drop it to save inventory space.
  • After crafting your armor, share the mould with companions so they can craft their own. You’ll only need one mould total.

So in summary, the Scale Mail Mould serves the singular purpose of unlocking Scale Mail crafting. Use it, then move on.

Alternatives to Scale Mail in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you aren’t keen on hunting for Adamantine Ingots for the Scale Mail, here are some alternative medium armors in BG3:

  • Breastplate– Higher AC but no bonus to Dex saves. Found on certain loot drops.
  • Half Plate– Excellent well-rounded choice. Also mostly found on loot drops.
  • Hide Armor– Lower AC but solid for Druids. Craftable earlier than other medium armors.
  • Ring Mail– Very low weight and stealth penalty, but just 14 AC. Sold by merchants.

So while the mould lets you guarantee yourself medium armor, don’t forget loot and merchants for alternatives. Mix and match to suit your party’s needs.

FAQ – August 25, 2023

What are the best armor types for each class in BG3?

  • Fighters and Rangers do well with Heavy Armor like Plate for max AC.
  • Rogues and Monks need Light Armor like Leather to retain mobility and stealth.
  • Clerics, Druids, and Wizards often prefer Medium Armor like Scale Mail to balance protection and casting.

Should I replace my starting equipment with crafted armor?

Yes, crafted armor like Adamantine Scale is often better than starting equipment. But don’t scrap your starting gear too fast – wait until you have ingredients for good crafted gear.

Where can I buy Adamantine Ingots for Scale Mail crafting?

Adamentite Ingots can be purchased from blacksmiths in major towns like Baldur’s Gate. However, they are expensive. Best to keep an eye out for Ingot drops from bosses first.

Is it better to find armor, or craft it yourself in BG3?

Crafting your own armor ensures you get exactly the stats you want. But finding armor spreads the effort across your party. Mix of both crafting and finding loot works best.

What improves armor class (AC) in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Higher quality armor, magical enchantments, shields, spells like Shield of Faith, and abilities like a Forge Cleric’s Blessing of the Forge all boost AC.


The Scale Mail Mould is a useful crafting component for making strong medium Adamantine Scale Mail in Baldur’s Gate 3. With an AC of 18 and advantage on Dex saves, it’s excellent armor accessible fairly early.

Find the mould in Grymforge, craft your new armor, and enjoy increased survivability. Just beware the noise disadvantage and lower AC than heavy armors in the end game. Otherwise, make good use of the Scale Mail Mould to start yourself off with great armor.

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