Sailwind Update 0.1.0 Patch Notes- November 3, 2021

Sailwind game update 0.1.0 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Sailwind patch notes, the latest update added new features, changes, and fixes.

Recently, a big game update was released which added various bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Unfortunately, players are experiencing various issues with the game. Today’s Sailwind patch 0.1.0 will fix a few of these issues. Read full details below.

Sailwind 0.1.0 Patch Notes – Nov 3, 2021

New features

  • boats will now be pushed by wind slightly even with the sails furled
  • you can now lock the steering wheel in place with right click
  • you can now release winches quickly by holding left shift
  • some food is now included in your boat when starting a new game
  • added an option for inverted mouse control
  • compasses in the inventory now appear larger
  • north direction is now marked more clearly on the Aestrin compass
  • chronocompasses are now held slightly closer to the camera to make them easier to read
  • you can now push the large Aestrin ship
  • the large Aestrin ship now has flags on the masts

Balance changes

  • major adjustments to wind and waves; generally, wind speed and wave height will now be more varied, and waves in storms will be higher
  • prevailing winds should be more consistent now
  • waves near islands and within regions should generally be smaller now
  • increased the cost of boat recovery
  • increased rate of water intake when heeled over too far
  • increased the price of most paintings
  • reduced the screen grain effect when hungry or thirsty

Bug fixes

  • you can no longer sell mission cargo to vendors
  • wind from a previously saved game should now load correctly
  • sunk boats will now properly go underwater
  • fixed sell price for some trade goods
  • fixed some tables and chairs in Happy Bay
  • gold crates now have the correct collider
  • various improvements to boat and item physics and overall stability

Download free To The Rescue patch 0.1.0 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.