Rust Update 2.09 Patch Notes for PS4 and Xbox One – January 30, 2025

Rust update 2.09 is available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Rust Console 2.09 patch notes, the latest update enhances boat controls, improves combat logs, adds better teammate visibility, and introduces key quality-of-life changes. Workbenches can now access lower-tier tech trees, and death markers are now visible on the compass. In addition, Rust patch 2.09 also includes UI and visual updates.

Rust 2.09 Patch Notes – January 30, 2025


  • New Control for Boats – Improved controls for Rowboat, RHIB, Solo/Duo Submarine and Tugboat.

  • Combat Log 2.0 – Improvements to the Combat Log look and navigation.

  • Teammate marker outlines – Teammates will now have a black outline around them to help them stand out more against the environment.

  • Death Marker Improvements – Death Markers are now visible on the compass, allowing players to quickly and easily find their lost loot.

  • Landmine model changes – Homemade Landmines now have an updated look, as well as updated descriptions in the inventory.

  • High External Wall changes – High External Walls (Stone & Wood) now take 0.5 seconds to place, and movement will be cancelled while doing so.

  • Fishing update – Players can now put worms/grubs in their hand slot, updated bait stack size display to match Steam version and updated various bait values and stack sizes for various items.

  • Workbench Update – Higher tier Workbench can now access lower tier tech tree, and Workbench Tech Tree UI now accepts DPAD inputs

  • Hiding Text in ADS – Players now have the option to hide text while aiming down the sights of weapons. This setting can be found in OPTIONS > HUD.

  • Metal Shop Front update – players will no longer be able to remove attachments whilst the weapon is in the “Loot” section, and updates to the Metal Shop Front icon.

  • Scientist Chinook fire rate has been improved. This should make it more balanced for players outside the Chinook’s field of vision.

  • Crafting menu tab icons have been updated.

  • The Attack Helicopter icon has been updated.

  • Scrolling on the Mixing Table UI has been improved, and no longer drifts when input is stopped.

  • Players can now store loot on dead bodies.

  • Players can now swap attachments between guns.


  • Server list search function now works as intended, players can now search with full or half keywords.

  • Banned list will no longer be cleared upon server restart.

  • After copying inventory in Kit Creation, the kit now gives out a complete kit including emptied weapon.

  • Give Kit to Auth Level Group now works correctly.

  • Owners/Admins using hide admin status no longer lose their authorisation tiers.

  • Puzzle reset command no longer allows Oil Rig Chinooks to be spammed.

  • Improved kit names loading time when setting kits for the first time on PS4.

  • Restarting servers no longer show up in the Main server list.

  • Users with lower authorisation access are no longer able to kick and ban users with higher authorisation access on CMS servers.

  • Each list under “Players In Game” menu now shows the right number of players.


  • The Stack Size for Worms and Grubs is now 20.

  • Raw Human Meat, raw fish, anchovies, sardines and herring now has a bait value of 3.

  • Raw Bear and Raw Wolf meat now have a value of 10.

  • Added improvements to terrains around rivers and roads.

  • Reduced instances of invalids and missing ammos after reloading automatic weapons.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when taking fuel out of the Miner Hat and equipping it at the same time.

  • Reduced instances of invalids when shooting players on cargoship.

  • Reduced instances of invalids when damaging a sleeping player’s leg or foot.

  • Underwater Dwellers can no longer shoot through the glass windows in Underwater Labs.

  • Fixed a bug where free scraps are dropped when players purchase items on the drone marketplace while having a full inventory.

  • Reduced instances of horses clipping through the ground and get stuck on rocks.

  • The Drone Delivery Fee Scrap cost now gets consumed correctly when players have scrap put in their backpacks.

  • Horses are able to be led out from being stuck at tight corners in terrains or structures.

  • Failing to dismount the submarines no longer imprisons the player.

  • Materials to build Roof and Roof upgrades now matches Steam

  • Items in the Inventory section can no longer be sorted when pressing sort in Gear or Belt Selection.

  • Interactable deployables no longer get stuck at “Occupied” if operating it while opening another menu.

  • Bota Bag no longer has 10ml of water when crafted.

  • Improved performance when toggling in-game menu tabs.

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to be able to purchase items when required materials are placed inside the backpack.

  • Players are now able to demolish structures in Builders Paradise servers.

  • The storage monitor now has a passthrough slot.

  • Attack Helicopter no longer gets stuck above Fishing Village.

  • “Give All” no longer causes the last item in the inventory slot to be shifted to the front of the storage slot.

  • Pressing the take button to transfer items from any backpack will now stack on the same stackable items when inventory & hotbar are full.


  • The Fuel Tank now has the correct collision.

  • Fertilizer no longer clips inside the composter when it is placed in an enclosed area and its inventory is full.

  • Locks placed on High External Wood Gate and High External Stone Gate are now in the correct position.

  • Sheet Metal Steps collision matches Steam.

  • The Staircase at Launch Site now has proper collision.

  • Stairs at Launch Site now have the correct transparency.

  • The Acoustic guitar no longer looks corroded.

  • The Small Oil Rig Chinook landing smoke particle effects now appear below the Scientist Chinook when landing.

  • Furnace lighting now works correctly when it is set to ON.

  • Players can now toggle lights when facing an interactable object.

  • Rock formations now have correct collisions.

  • There is no longer floating grass foliage on the Launch Site.

  • The screen is no longer blurry when waking up.

  • Upgrade preview from Metal Steps to Armoured Steps is no longer misaligned with the model.


  • Players will now open Tech Tree directly after interacting with any workbench.

  • Removed “Rotate” prompt when using the Building Plan radial menu.

  • Icon of purchased skin in the Skin Store is no longer missing after players switch between Locker and Skin Store alternately.

  • Horse HP no longer displays a negative value in the “Examine” menu after being hit by a melee weapon.

  • Radiation Stat is no longer missing from some medical items.

  • Disabled player display name after exiting the Rust Coin purchase page

  • After picking up a placed Water Purifier, the prompt to open the Purifier no longer persists.

  • Added warning label when trying to upgrade recently damaged construction.

  • Take, Take All and Give All are greyed out when storage is full.

  • Drone Shop Marketplace now shows correct Monument names.

  • Players are now able to add new markers instead of snapping to nearby Map Markers when the map is zoomed in.

  • Tuna Can Lamp and Lantern Fuel now show the correct duration.

  • Server tags are no longer misaligned on loading screens in several languages.

  • Added “Give All” prompt for food items in the player’s inventory.

  • Button prompts from Combat log no longer persists after exiting to the pause menu.


  • Updated SFX for Stone Fireplace and Barbeque UI.

  • The Water-transition-in Audio no longer plays underwater when swimming near the side of a Duo Submarine.

  • Water Wells now have consistent VFX of water flowing into the barrel after pumping.

  • Objects placed on tugboats now display correct VFX while the tugboat is moving.

  • Player footsteps when walking at Outpost now matches Steam.

Previously, a major Rust update 2.01 added Industrial components for automation, new backpacks, and a Nightlight feature for nighttime exploration. Enhancements to the Oil Rigs include Moonpools, and the Seismic Sensor detects nearby explosions. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Rust version 2.09 will fix a few of these issues.

Download free Rust version 2.09 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.