Rust Update 2.01 Patch Notes for PS4 and Xbox One

Rust update 2.01 is available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Rust Console 2.01 patch notes, the latest update introduces Industrial components for automation, new backpacks, and a Nightlight feature for nighttime exploration. Enhancements to the Oil Rigs include Moonpools, and the Seismic Sensor detects nearby explosions. Apart from this, Rust patch 20 also include Numerous gameplay fixes, UI updates, and performance improvements.

Patch 2.01 Highlights

  • Industrial Components: Automation tools to streamline base management.
  • Backpacks: Carry more with new small and large backpack types.
  • Moonpools at Oil Rigs: Dive into action from below.
  • Nightlight: Subtle lighting for nighttime navigation.
  • Seismic Sensor: Detect explosions within a customizable radius.

Rust 2.01 Patch Notes – August 29, 2024

New Features

Industrial Components

  • Introduces automation tools to move and craft items efficiently.


  • Carry more items with small and large backpacks.
  • Only one filled backpack can be equipped at a time, but multiple empty ones are allowed.

Seismic Sensor

  • Detects explosions within 1 to 30 meters, powered by electricity.


  • Provides subtle lighting, mimicking moonlight for better night navigation.

Moonpools in Oil Rigs

  • Both rigs now feature moonpools with vertical pipes for diving access.

Community Server Changes

  • Dynamic updates to Community Tab based on user privacy settings.
  • Admin panel recognizes usernames and authority levels.
  • Favourite Items List no longer resets on leaving a server.
  • Forest ambient sounds removed in Underwater Labs spectator mode.
  • Entities no longer deleted after server restarts.
  • Correct player count and ping display on Welcome Screen.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Elevator glitch exploit resolved.
  • Item blueprints now snap or turn red inside Tool Cupboards.
  • Teleporting to players is now more accurate.
  • Corrected Push prompt for beached Tugboats.
  • Players can no longer build inside rocks by placing foundations partially inside.
  • Ammo counter dynamically updates when using Unload Ammo.
  • Fixed rare game crash during long idle periods.
  • Watering Planter Box on the first floor no longer affects second-floor boxes.
  • Drop Boxes now have the correct number of storage slots.
  • Demolish option available for High External Walls/Gates.
  • Horses in barns and ranches are now interactable at all angles.
  • Respawning at Oil Rigs using beds or sleeping bags on Tugboats is no longer possible.
  • Players can now change rug skins with a spray can.
  • Quarry storage interaction enabled from the bottom part.
  • Players no longer kicked from the server when swapping gear at the locker.
  • Transferring stackable items between containers works correctly.
  • Fuel counts for Flamethrowers and Chainsaws update automatically if unloaded in inventory.
  • Players no longer kicked when rapidly dropping stackable items until depleted.
  • Underwater Labs doors are no longer offset or in incorrect locations.
  • Corrected the hitbox for Keycard Door Card Readers at all monuments.
  • Sleeping Bags/Beds have the correct respawn cooldown.
  • Sleeping Bag list now respects the chosen location instead of respawning at the first available bag.
  • Firearms now have the correct effective range.
  • Picking up Repair Benches on Tugboats no longer causes boxes and contents to disappear.
  • Changing rug skin to default when overlapping with other items no longer affects both.
  • Lockers’ “Take All” function works properly.
  • Players’ characters no longer disappear and reappear when jumping on elevators.
  • Saddle equipping no longer causes sudden teleportation on horses.
  • Players can now join servers on the first try.
  • Equipable items now automatically go to the Hotbar.
  • Two players can no longer drive RHIB simultaneously.
  • Repairing auto turrets no longer requires additional components other than High Quality Metal.
  • Right Stick now correctly navigates Player Corpse Loot UI.
  • Players can no longer hide behind control panels in Underwater Labs.
  • Hits register when shooting swimming players.
  • Burnt foods can no longer be made.
  • Reduced Projectile_los occurrences when shooting scientists in monuments.
  • Cycling through crafting menu tabs no longer causes a soft-lock.
  • Players can place Christmas Lights on walls.
  • Small Oil Refinery at harbours is now interactive.
  • Improved performance when looking at a turned-on ignitor.
  • Improved performance at Large Oil Rig.

Visual Fixes

  • Planters in monuments are no longer invisible.
  • Ping markers fade correctly and are adjustable via HUD settings.
  • Floating objects removed from Trainyard.
  • Large Wooden Box outline highlights when locked.
  • Various Oil Rig visual issues corrected.
  • Players’ camera angles no longer persist across death screens.
  • Items now have correct orientation between build preview and placement.
  • Players can now navigate the Locker selector horizontally.
  • Wooden Double Door Frames no longer have blue-ish shiny textures.
  • Scientist corpses no longer float in Underwater Labs.
  • Players’ models no longer float when dead in Underwater Labs or the Oil Rig.
  • Yellow Barrels now have correct textures.
  • Water Well Barrel textures are fixed.
  • Burnt Food description now shows correct info.
  • Durian Rock skin no longer clips through players’ hands.
  • Sleeping screen camera angle no longer follows players’ last alive position.
  • Tool Cupboard upkeep status is now correctly displayed.
  • Tuna Can Lamp fire source is properly attached to the model.

UI Fixes

  • Correct prompt shown beneath the feedback QR code.
  • Saddle Bag icon is no longer greyed out despite being usable on horses.
  • Clothing stats no longer briefly appear when transitioning from inventory to crafting/map pages.
  • Sleeping bags within the lockout radius are now clustered on the map.
  • Death screen list no longer snaps out of bounds when removing Sleeping Bags from a cluster.
  • Placeholder names are no longer displayed when giving Sleeping Bags/Beds to players.
  • Underwater overlay remains active when near Underwater Lab modules in Submarines.
  • Locker UI no longer persists after launching the game.
  • Thematic Levels from Map Layout now update dynamically.
  • Dead horse storage no longer takes the UI of the last interacted horse.
  • Map Marker menu no longer defaults to incorrect capitalization when closing with an empty label.
  • Edit Note Prompt Text is no longer greyed out.
  • Admin Menu no longer persists after selecting “Kill & Respawn” in the pause menu.
  • Correct prompts now shown when accessing Submarine’s Torpedo, Storage Box, and Fuel Storage.
  • Moon Pool icon is now visible on Thematic layers.
  • In-game view no longer displays over the death screen respawn panel.
  • Viewing Fuel Storage of a Small Generator now shows the correct description.

Audio Fixes

  • Voice chat delay removed when opening Console Audio settings.
  • Healing and reloading sounds are now audible to all players.
  • Gun shooting sounds no longer distort when multiple sounds play.
  • Pressing X/Square no longer auto-closes the menu.
  • Patrolling Scientists’ SFX is now correct.
  • Personal footsteps option works as intended.
  • Building Destruction SFX is now audible and no longer distorted.
  • Swinging SFX is now audible to other players.
  • Team invitation SFX and messages are now correct.
  • SFX no longer distort when hitting shiny spots on Mineral Ore Nodes.
  • Door SFX no longer duplicate when specific doors open.
  • Removed metallic sound from the ground around Sewer and Water Treatment Plant.
  • Vents SFX at monuments no longer missing when opened/closed.

Previously, a major Rust Halloween update 1.64 added a new event, changes and improvements. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Rust version 2.01 will fix a few of these issues.

Download free Rust version 2.01 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
I am passionate about Web development and networking. When i am not hacking away on my computer, i enjoys exploring new places, watching movies and biking.