Running With Rifles Update 1.89 Patch Notes – November 9, 2021

Running With Rifles update 1.89 (Nov 9, 2021) released on PC. According to the official Running With Rifles patch notes, the latest update added new changes, fixes, and more.

Previously, a major update added balancing, gameplay changes, and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, some players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game.

Read more details below.

Running With Rifles Patch 1.89 Notes – November 9, 2021

Vanilla changelog:

  • maps: few fixes here and there
  • equipment: added a bit more kaboom to the welding torch when exploding on death
  • dominance: added the AT mine to the inventory. Friendly fire is disabled.
  • Halloween event: Elite Rippers aren’t spawning anymore
  • Halloween event: Pumpkin Boxes aren’t dropped anymore
  • Halloween event: scripted elements from items such as the werewolf frenzy, vampire blood thirsty and scream costumes are removed
  • valuables: non-Halloween typical weapons from the Pumpkin Box are now being dropped at a low score rate by other existing community/gift boxes

WW2 Changelog:

  • maps: Bougainville now showing the proper mapview in the respective campaigns
  • weapons: M1 Garand Large Mag and G 43 Large Mag have faster accuracy stance recovery (from 1.8 to 2.0)
  • soldiers: Sentry AI soldiers in Campaign (Invasion unaffected) have less armoured vest layers (from 8 to 6) and are slightly more vulnerable to Melee and Explosive attacks
  • translations: few fixes here and there

UNDEAD WW2 Changelog:

  • enemy count: reduced total soldier capacity on map by -20, reduced bonus enemy compensation per player from 4 to 3
  • calls: reduced cost of Airdropped Armoury from 350 to 175
  • difficulty modes: lowered enemy capacity percentage on Easy and Normal
  • soldiers: Axis Remnant elite enemy types all spawn less often
  • soldiers: Undead elite enemy types all spawn less often, though the reduction is not as signficant as Axis Remnant
  • soldiers: Axis Remnant Sentry, heavy Machine-Gun Sentry, and Officer are more vulnerable to Melee and Explosive attacks
  • soldiers: Axis Remnant Sentry and heavy Machine-Gun Sentry have slightly less armoured vest layers
  • dogs: Axis Remnant Kampfhund (dog) is now more vulnerable to Melee and Explosive attacks
  • dogs: Undead dog model has been adjusted so it has a more prominent skeletal spine visible, slightly highlighting the threat visually
  • summoning: Undead ‘Resurrectors’ and dog ‘Howlers’ now summon less allies. Resurrectors from 3-5 randomly to 2-3 randomly. Dogs from 3-4 randomly to a fixed amount of 2.
  • valuables: Undead Brutes and Resurrectors now have a chance to drop loot when killed
  • vests: Veteran Gear vests now resist Melee for one strike and will result in wound from it at the end
  • vests: Sniper Gear vests now result in wound from Melee
  • vests: Assault Gear vests now resist one Melee strike, but still do NOT result in wound at the end
  • briefcase crates: breaking open a Briefcase Crate now spawns randomly 1-2 Briefcases, instead of a guaranteed 2
  • briefcase unlocks: removed the Large Wrench and HE Rifle Grenade from the possible Briefcase unlocks from the Undead mode

Download free Running With Rifles update 1.89 for PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.