Rubber Bandits Update 1.12 Patch Notes (1.2)

Rubber Bandits update 1.12 is rolling out on on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. Accroding to the official Rubber Bandits 1.12 patch notes, the latest patch added new changes, fixes and tweaks.

Rubber Bandits is now available to download. unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game.

Today’s Rubber Bandits patch 1.12 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Rubber Bandits Patch 1.12 Notes – June 16, 2022


Build-a-Bandit Update

The Hideout has been located, and is open for business!
Never show up to a heist in the same outfit as your friends again!
Here you can plan your Daily & Weekly missions, visit the shop or hang out with your friends!

Check out your new control panel, or finally or just take a long overdue shower!
Try out the two new game modes: Bomb Panic, where every Bandit has their own bomb, or Team Brawl where you can team up with your friends, to beat your other friends. The category is “Crime, but make it Fashion” – It’s time to spend some of your hard-earned loot on something that matters – you!


We combined the main menu and the lobby into a new Hideout.
Added a new Breakout tutorial scene for first time users.
Added a new in-game shop, with bandit customization with unlockable player Titles.
Added five new tasty food-themed Bandit Skins
Added a new level-up system
Added Daily and Weekly missions that can be accessed from the new Hideout.
Added two new game modes, Team Brawl and Bomb Panic.
Changed the Voting Screen to include the new game modes and a Random option.
Added a new weapon: the Molotov Cocktail.


Balanced weapon spawns

Bug fixes

Lots of general performance improvements
General network improvements
General bug fixes
Localization fixes

Download free Rubber Bandits patch 1.12 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.