Roblox Error Code 288 : How to Fix?

Roblox error code 288 pops up when you’re trying to perform a “SoftShutdown”. A SoftShutdown is essentially a way to update the game without losing players. However, this error code makes that impossible. In this article, we will learn how to fix the Roblox error code 288.


Why Does Error Code 288 Occur?

The root cause of this error seems to be tied to the BindToClose() function. This function doesn’t fire when there’s only one player in the game. So, if you’re testing an update with a limited audience, you might run into this issue.

Another factor could be the presence of multiple accounts in the game, as mentioned in the forum post.

How to Fix Roblox Error Code 288

Fix 1: Ensure Multiple Players in the Game

Make sure there’s more than one player in the game. This can be your main account and an alt account. The BindToClose() function is more likely to fire under these conditions.

Fix 2: Check Your Code

Review the code related to the SoftShutdown and BindToClose() function. Make sure there are no errors or conflicts that could be triggering the issue.

Fix 3: Consult the Developer Forum

If all else fails, seek advice from the Roblox Developer Forum. You might find a solution that specifically addresses your problem.

Additional Tips for Troubleshooting: October 11, 2023

  1. Server Problems: Sometimes, server issues can trigger error codes. Check the server status.
  2. Internet Issues: A stable internet connection is crucial for smooth gameplay and updates.
  3. Technical Support: When in doubt, reach out to Roblox support for more specialized help.


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