RimWorld Update 1.3.3076 Patch Notes – July 30, 2021

Yet another RimWorld update 1.3.3076 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official RimWorld patch notes, the latest update added a long list quality of life improvements and fixes.

Previously, a major update added a new Pen system, animal sterilization, new floor type, egg box, and much more. A hotfix was also released.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, some players are still facing a number of issues with the game. Today’s RimWorld patch 1.3.3074 will fix a few of these issues.

RimWorld Patch 1.3.3076 Notes


– Added temperature tough issue and precept. This makes some believers mind extreme temperatures less.
– Added Alert for likely slave rebellion.
– Mining yield now caps at 125%.
– Clarified in description that the medical specialist won’t do violence.
– Clarified spacedrone self-destruct delay info in quest description.

Gauranlen tree pruning is dictated by a new stat, affected slightly by plants skill. Tree connection pawns have a 25% boost to pruning speed.

Increase berrymaker dryad production from 32 to 40 berries per batch. Increase medicinemaker dryad production from 3 to 4 herbal meds per batch.

Archonexus quest now warns players beforehand that research will reset
– Tuned down apostate memory thoughts and adjusted labels.
– Rebalance tree connector thoughts.


– Inspect pane now automatically resizes when tabs are added or removed.
– Changed JobGiver_DeliverPawnToBed to check for reservation before issuing job.
– Changed GenColor.InstinguishableFrom difference threshold to 0.005 and removed optional parameter.Removed the custom value from call sites.
– Error mitigation for districts not having their map index decremented correctly until problem is found.

Added difference threshold parameter to method signator on GenColor.IndistinguishableFrom and replaced uses of GenColor.ApproximatelyEqual with calls to IndistinguishableFrom with custom threshold.


– Fix: Dryads are affected by disease incidents.
– Fix: Gauranlen pod seed yield is affected by difficulty.
– Fix: ArgumentOutOfRange exception on Precept_Role.
– Fix: Ancient junk remains can wipe important quest structures.
– Fix: Apostasy from any ideo triggers knowsmemorythoughts in ideos with apostasy.
– Fix: A case where bad mods can easily make a savefile unloadable (Building_TurretGun).
– Fix: Check order in ThoughtWorker_Precept_TreeDensity.
– Fix: In desert areas, Gaumaker dryads never form a gaumaker pod.
– Fix: Gauranlen seeds can be assigned to plant under a roof.
– Fix: Fungus darktorch description says it is refueled with wood. It is actually refueled with raw fungus.
– Fix: TreeDensityReduced thought stages are incorrectly calculated.
– Fix: IdeoRelic issue no longer has an iconPath assigned in XML.
– Fix: Prisoners lost during farskip.
– Fix: Ideoligion UI overlap.
– Fix: Drum circle is ignored by pawns if only Ideology is installed.
– Fix: Doctors administring drugs to a pawn that has just died of an OD throws exception.
– Fix: ‘Scarification’ is not translated.
– Fix: Weird ancient barrel shadow.
– Fix: Some ancient junk is rotatable but should not be.
– Fix: Portrait cache not dirtied on changing style item in styling station dialog.
– Fix: Default parameter added to GenColor.IndistinguishableFrom() instead of overload, causing mod errors.
– Fix: Tree connection meme doesn’t require Gauranlen connection: Strong.
– Fix: Animals being lead by ropes can be stopped to have their wool/chemfuel/milk gathered.
– Fix: Gauranlen moss can spawn over anima grass and Gauranlen pods.
– Fix: High life meme ideos generate with a warning about conflicting apparel.
– Fix: Cancelling a biosculpter cycle before a pawn has started it will still consume nutrition.
– Fix: Ideo is left in broken state if player escapes without having selected any memes.

Download free RimWorld update 1.3.3074 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.

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