RimWorld Update 1.3.3067 Patch Notes [Official] – July 21, 2021

RimWorld update 1.3.3067 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official RimWorld patch notes, the latest update added various fixes, improvements, and technical changes. Apart from this, RimWorld patch 1.3.3067 also improves the base game, Ideology, and Royalty.

Previously, a major update added a new Pen system, animal sterilization, new floor type, egg box, and much more.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s RimWorld patch 1.3.3067 will fix a few of these issues.

RimWorld 1.3.3067 patch notes


  • Blind people no longet get the darkness mood debuff.
  • Reduced min colony wealth to 150k for firing archonexus endgame quest.
  • Adding new desired apparel no longer regenerates role apparel.
  • Ancient non-deconstructible stuff has disable deconstruct command tooltip and inpect pane information on how to remove it.
  • Avoid repeating normal memes when generating non-player factions.
  • Make arrested pawn a prisoner as soon as we start carrying them to bed instead of waiting to arrive.
  • Allow starting the bestowing ceremony via right click.
  • Added anima grass growth rate from meditiation penlaty to anima tree based on proximity to artificial buildings.
  • Pregnant animals are slaughtered after other animals in order from most recent to least recent pregnancy.
  • Building damage factors are drawn for projectile weapons in their info card.
  • Optimize ritual obligation alert to not generate unused text anymore, significantly reducing performance spikes for larger pawn counts.
  • Dying hair requires dye
  • Metallic fence and walls now use stuff-specific ui and blueprint graphics.
  • Mechanoid breach raids spawn with one breacher.
  • Improvements to the junk spawning scatterers.
  • Breach raids never have ‘drop-in’ arrival mode.
  • Prisoners now produce a mood malus if they escape.
  • Shuttle and spacedrone can now overlap zones and adjusted other impassable buildings so they cannot overlap zones.
  • Mortars don’t drop their barrels if under 50% fuel.
  • Gray out pawns that can’t take any role in ritual.
  • Biosculpter pod plays a sound when nutrition is added.

Bug Fixes in RimWorld version 1.3.3067

  • Fixed a bug where typo ‘skill’ instead of ‘skull’.
  • Addressed an issue where after a gladiator duel, the downed prisoner will be carried back to their bed but they won’t actually be put in the bed, they will remain downed on top of the bed instead
  • Fixed a bug where LordJob_LoadAndEnterTransporters blocking rituals.
  • Addressed an issue where “Parsed 34.9 as int” warning on startup.
  • Fixed a bug where pawns can end up with overlapping apparel requirements.
  • Fixed a bug where desired apparel was generated as apparel requirement but not available when manually selecting it.
  • Addressed an issue where bestowing quest can get bugged if accepting it on a different map from one it was generated on.
  • Fixed a bug where if you design an ideoligion which has two words in its pawn “noun” you will not be able to bring people to trial.
  • Addressed an issue where inverted anyMemeRequired condition in PreceptApparelRequirement.
  • Fixed a bug where blindfolds cannot be worn on pawns who have had their eyes removed.
  • Fixed a bug where the Dromedary description mentions it is not rideable, but it is.
  • Addressed an issue where portrait did not update after look change.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ideology background doesn’t display after installing Ideology.
  • Fixed a bug where pawns walking over structures causes construction to halt.
  • Addressed an issue where trees adjacent to no-cut growing zones are cut down.
  • Fixed a bug where players can edit deities outside normal+dev ideo configurations.
  • Fixed a bug where error spam when trying to add some ideo buildings.
  • Addressed an issue where essential roles can be removed.
  • Fixed a bug where rituals with no spectators can show weird numbers in the quality factors preview. Disabled ritual seat outcome effect for rituals without spectators.
  • Fixed a bug where stacking building damage factors don’t display if they have the same value.
  • Addressed an issue where preceptComp descriptions can be uncapitalized.
  • Fixed a bug where modded factions cause ideo errors.
  • Fixed a bug where gender supremacy memes have opposite agreeing traits.
  • Fixed a bug where typo on anima tree linking ritual.
  • Addressed an issue where nullReferenceException on unequipped low-shield pack.
  • Fixed a bug where ability.Activate only starts cooldown if there are any ability components.
  • Fixed a bug where ritual ambience sound preview kept playing the old one after changing style categories that affected it.
  • Addressed an issue where deep drills produce chunks over themselves and their interaction cells.
  • Fixed a bug where authors label is not truncated with ‘…’ on mod ui.
  • Fixed a bug where the animal sacrifice ritual cancelled just before it ends.
  • Addressed an issue where enter closes form caravan UI.
  • Fixed a bug where inspect pane overlap when canceling, or removing a pawn from, a caravan.
  • Addressed an issue where musical instruments don’t give recreation.
  • Fixed a bug where plant cutting toggle on growing zones causes plants to never be harvested.
  • Fixed a bug where ‘Copy CSV’ button is broken on some debug tables.
  • Addressed an issue where biosculpter pod only shows pawn label for an occupant not who it is biotuned to.
  • Fixes to anima tree linking feedback for spectator role.


  • Added explicit look mode parameter to CompSpawnImmortalSubplantsAround
  • Sanitize the mod load folder slashes.
  • Fixed a bug where Uncapitalized letter after colon.
  • Faction -> HomeFaction in JobDriver_TakeToBed.
  • Graphic_Appearance now checks things for IConstructible to determine stuff rather than the IConstructible implementations.
  • Added missing TKey’s on tips.
  • Move ShowingGizmosForRitualsTmp field.
  • GetHairMats -> CalculateHairMats
  • Removed debug code in GenStep_ScatterGroup.
  • Fixed a bug where back-compatibility not preserving prisoner status.
  • Fixed a bug where null reference exception in Need_Indoors for pawns with null ideo.
  • Fixed a bug where no-expansion ideos are shared between factions.
  • Fixed uncapitalized property.
  • Fixed a divide by zero in PawnWeaponGenerator.
  • Small fix to Command_BestowerCeremony feedback code.

Download free RimWorld update 1.3.3067 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.