The Resonance Stone is a powerful but dangerous artifact that can be found in the Mind Flayer Colony of Baldur’s Gate 3. This guide will provide everything you need to know about obtaining, using, and handling the Resonance Stone in BG3.
Key Takeaways
- The Resonance Stone is a random drop from Mind Flayers in the Mind Flayer Colony.
- It applies a powerful but risky debuff making you more vulnerable to being stunned.
- Use with caution in situations where you can handle the debuff.
- Sell for gold if unsure how to use it safely.
- Provides advantage on mental saving throws when equipped.
What is the Resonance Stone in BG3?
The Resonance Stone is a unique magical artifact found exclusively as a random drop from Mind Flayers in the Mind Flayer Colony located in the Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3.
Visually, it appears as a small, smooth stone humming with psionic energy. Despite its unassuming appearance, the Resonance Stone holds great power in its ability to influence minds.
Resonance Stone Stats
- Item Level: 5
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 1 lb
- Effects: You and your party gain advantage on mental saving throws but are more susceptible to being stunned.
This seemingly beneficial buff comes at a great cost, making the Resonance Stone a true double-edged sword requiring proper care and strategy to use safely.
Where to Find the Resonance Stone in Baldur’s Gate 3
As mentioned, the Resonance Stone can only be obtained as a random drop from defeating Mind Flayers in the Mind Flayer Colony area.
It is not a guaranteed drop, so you may have to clear the colony of Mind Flayers multiple times before obtaining one. The exact drop rate is unknown.
To reach the Mind Flayer Colony and begin farming for the Resonance Stone, you must progress the main story until gaining access to the Underdark region. The Mind Flayer Colony location will then become available for exploration.
Inside the colony, engage in combat with any Mind Flayers you encounter. With some luck, one of them may drop the Resonance Stone upon defeat. But again, it is not a sure drop so be prepared to spend some time farming Mind Flayers.
Getting it Early
If attempting to obtain the Resonance Stone as early as possible, beeline for the Underdark and Mind Flayer Colony after completing the tutorial section and gaining freedom to explore.
The Mind Flayer Colony is available to access not long after reaching the Underdark. So it is possible to farm the Resonance Stone early, though still with no guarantees due to the random drop rate.
How to Use the BG3 Resonance Stone
Using the Resonance Stone is straightforward. Simply open your inventory and equip it to activate its effects.
Upon equipping, you will immediately gain advantage on all mental saving throws. This can be extremely beneficial when fighting Mind Flayers or other psionic enemies trying to overtake your mind.
However, also upon equipping you and your entire party will become more susceptible to being stunned. This is the major drawback of the Resonance Stone that must be weighed carefully.
- The effects last for 1 hour real-time and cannot be dispelled early.
- You must wait for the duration to expire before safely removing the Resonance Stone.
So in summary, to use the Resonance Stone:
- Equip it in your inventory
- Gain advantage on mental saves
- Become vulnerable to stuns for 1 hour
- Wait 1 hour before unequipping

Baldur’s Gate 3 Resonance Stone Effects
When equipped, the Resonance Stone provides the following effects both positive and negative:
- Advantage on All Mental Saving Throws – You and your party gain advantage when making Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving throws for the duration. This improves your odds of resisting mind-influencing spells and psionics.
- Susceptible to Being Stunned – You and your party become much more vulnerable to being stunned, making combat extremely high risk. Any enemy with stunning attacks becomes far more dangerous.
The stunning vulnerability is extremely risky, outweighing the mental save advantage in most situations. Thus, the Resonance Stone should be used carefully ONLY when you are prepared to handle the debuff. Otherwise, it is safer to sell it or keep it stored away.
Using the Resonance Stone Safely
Despite the risks, the Resonance Stone can provide an edge in certain encounters if used properly. Here are some tips to equip it safely:
- Only use when you can handle the stun vulnerability – Equip only when you are confident you can overcome attacks trying to stun you.
- Avoid areas with lots of Mind Flayers – More Mind Flayers means more chances to be stunned. Exercise caution.
- Use protection from stuns – Cast protective spells like Mind Blank or use gear / feats to boost saving throws.
- Sell it if unsure – If you cannot find ways to mitigate the stun chance, sell the stone for gold. Not worth the risk otherwise.
Proper timing and preparation is key to leveraging the Resonance Stone safely. Otherwise, it is too unpredictable and dangerous to equip haphazardly.
Resonance Stone for Gold & Crafting
If you find the Resonance Stone too risky to equip, do not simply toss it away! It still holds value for:
Selling – The stone can be sold to merchants for a small amount of gold. Every bit helps early in your adventure.
Crafting – It serves as a crafting component for certain recipes like the Mind Flayer Crown.
So if you do not plan on using the stone, cash it in for some gold or crafting components rather than letting it go to waste.
FAQ – August 23, 2023
Have more questions about finding and using the Resonance Stone effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Where can I find the Resonance Stone in Baldur’s Gate 3?
The Resonance Stone is a random drop from Mind Flayers in the Mind Flayer Colony located in the Underdark region. It is not guaranteed, so be prepared to farm Mind Flayers until it drops.
What does the BG3 Resonance Stone do?
The Resonance Stone provides advantage on mental saving throws but also causes you and your party to become more susceptible to being stunned.
How do I use the Resonance Stone in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Equip the Resonance Stone in your inventory to activate its effects for 1 hour real-time. You cannot remove it early, so use carefully.
What are the effects of the Resonance Stone?
You gain advantage on mental saving throws but you and your party will also become more prone to being stunned by enemies while the Resonance Stone is equipped.
What is the best way to use the Resonance Stone?
Only equip it when you are well prepared to handle the increased stun vulnerability it causes. Use protections like Mind Blank before equipping.
What are some tips for using the Resonance Stone?
Avoid equipping it around Mind Flayers, use spells/gear to offset stuns, and unequip immediately after its mental save boost is no longer needed in a particular encounter.
How to get Resonance Stone BG3?
Farm Mind Flayers in the Mind Flayer Colony of the Underdark. The Resonance Stone is a random drop from Mind Flayers there.
How to use Resonance Stone in BG3?
Equip the Resonance Stone in your inventory to activate its effects for 1 hour. Wait for its duration to expire before unequipping.
What is Resonance Stone for in BG3?
It provides advantage on mental saves, but makes you more vulnerable to stuns in exchange. Use carefully only when you can handle the stun susceptibility.
What are the stats of Resonance Stone in BG3?
The Resonance Stone is a level 5 uncommon magic item weighing 1 lb. See the Resonance Stone Stats section for full details.
Where to find Resonance Stone in BG3 early?
Get to the Underdark and Mind Flayer Colony as quickly as possible in Act 1. It can drop from Mind Flayers there even early on.
Can you sell Resonance Stone in BG3?
Yes, you can sell the Resonance Stone to merchants for a small amount of gold if you have no plans to use it.
In Summary
The Resonance Stone in Baldur’s Gate 3 is an uncommon but powerful artifact providing advantage on mental saving throws when equipped, at the cost of greatly increasing vulnerability to being stunned.
It is a random drop from Mind Flayers in the Mind Flayer Colony that must be farmed repeatedly to obtain. Use the Resonance Stone cautiously only in situations you are prepared for its risky stun debuff.
Equip protective spells and gear before using the Resonance Stone to mitigate its drawbacks. Sell it for gold or crafting if unsure how to leverage its powers safely and effectively.
With proper care, tactics, and timing, the Resonance Stone can provide a useful but volatile edge. Use this guide to obtain it and harness its potential without falling victim to its dangers in Baldur’s Gate 3.
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