Remnant 2 Update Patch Notes (Day 1 Patch)

Remnant 2 day one patch update details released for PS5, XSX, and PC players. According to the official Remnant 2 day 1 patch notes, the latest update adds a new FOV slider, native fullscreen, new option to turn off upscalling an more.

Recently, the game was released with positive reviews. Unfortunetly, since the release, players are experiencing various bug fixes and errors. Today’s Remnant 2 update will fix a few of these issues.

Read Remnant 2 day 1 patch details below.

Remnant 2 Day One Patch Notes – July 25, 2023

Performance Enhancements:

  • Optimized graphics settings to boost overall performance. You should now experience a more stable frame rate across all supported PC specifications.
  • Resolved issues related to random frame rate drops.
  • Fixed a bug that caused excessive CPU usage. This bug was causing subpar performance, particularly for users with low-to-mid-end hardware configurations.
  • Improved overall load times, which should reduce the waiting time during transitions.

Gameplay and Balance Fixes:

  • Rectified several game balancing issues that were causing an uneven difficulty curve. The game should now offer a fair, yet challenging, experience for players of all skill levels.
  • Fixed several issues causing characters to get stuck or fall through the map.
  • Addressed numerous bugs that were causing incorrect item or skill functionality.

Remnant 2 Update Patch Notes – July 26, 2023


  • Reduced the frequency of player VO comments.
  • Included an option in the menu to enable or disable motion blur.


  • Resolved an issue where the Labyrinth cinematic would crash, and the key would not be awarded, preventing progression.
  • Fixed a progression blocker that occurred when exiting the first lab cinematic without receiving the zone door keys.
  • Addressed a problem with the Water Harp lever not functioning correctly, causing a progression block.
  • Fixed an issue with the Nightweaver Web consuming items required for quest puzzles; the consumed items should now be restored to the player’s inventory.
  • Provided a solution for Ultimate Edition players who were not receiving the Gunslinger Engram in-game if they didn’t start with Gunslinger.
  • Restored consumed items back to the player’s inventory.
  • Corrected a bug where players could potentially become invisible when using the Labyrinth portal.
  • Implemented a fix to prevent the host’s save from being altered if they quit the game while dead and then joined someone else’s game.

Download the free Remnant 2 patch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.