Ready or Not March 9 Update Patch Notes

Ready or Not update released on PC (Steam). According to the official Ready or Not game patch notes, the latest update brings new changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Previously, a minor update was with tweaks and fixes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing issues with the game.

Today’s RON patch will fix a few of these issues.

Ready or Not March Update Patch Notes

ROE bug fixes and improvements:


  • Revoke penalties if AI tries to threaten someone again (by fake surrendering, for example)
  • Fixed an issue where a suspect drawing a weapon would be considered unjustified when force was used
  • Updated SWAT engagement rules
  • Fixed an issue where fake surrender exits would not count as authorized use of force
  • Fixed an issue where fake surrenders with a knife would not count as authorized use of force
  • Shortened required yell reaction time before authorizing use of force
  • Made surrender checks more lenient in the case where accidental shots were fire as soon as an AI surrenders
  • If a suspect is hesitating or fleeing with a weapon, even after hearing a yell, force is authorized


  • Civilians again avoid traps
  • ‘Bring Order to Chaos’ is only complete if all suspects are arrested or dead. Excludes civilians.
  • Added civilian response to yelling outside of line of sight(with a cooldown).
  • Any weapon can now be canted (Default: O)
  • Pepper spray now reduces morale
  • Knife damage now applied to AI
  • Lowest chunks of destroyable doors now ignore pawn collision (may resolve AI getting stuck inside doors)
  • Detonator now appears in tactical device slot once all C2 has been used/placed
  • Fixed an issue where clients could not see item scroll menu due to inventory not being replicated at start
  • Fixed bleed audio playing on death
  • Fixed new fake surrender exits not aborting when stunned
  • Fixed camera being stuck in mirror gun when dying while mirroring in full screen
  • Fixed several crashes
  • Fixed AI not always having correct health on start
  • Fix for ragdolls repeatedly playing collision sounds
  • Fix for ragdolls never sleeping
  • Fixed suspects being able to fake surrender multiple times

Download free Ready or Not update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.