Ready or Not February Update Patch Notes (Official) – February 4, 2022

Ready or Not January update is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Ready or Not game patch notes, the latest update added a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a minor update was with tweaks and fixes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing issues with the game.

Today’s RON patch will fix a few of these issues.

Ready or Not February 4 Update Patch 1



  • Hide Supporter verification code if not a Supporter
  • Lock Roll and Pitch rotation for characters (causing titled character bug)


  • Potential crash fix on host migration
  • Multiple crash fixes
  • Fixed NVG offset on helmet (fixes floating headwear)


  • Performance profiler capture from settings menu (may have contributed to overall performance loss)



  • FBI HRT ballistic shield matches regular ballistic shield hitbox dimensions


  • Fixed an issue where interaction would not work sometimes
  • Fixed an issue where evidence items would not be recoverable if an evidence bag is covering the interaction point
  • Potential fix for items not equipping if said item’s class was not loaded
  • Fixed an issue where a grenade could be released whilst in low ready
  • Fixed an issue where grenades could sometimes go geometry (walls, doors, etc)
  • Fixed an issue where trap cables would not sometimes simulate properly
  • Fixed pistol equipped with shield disappearing and reappearing on alternating frames
  • Fixed an issue where the hand could be shot while using the FBI HRT ballistic shield



  • Spawn blood effects when hitting players



  • Improved line of sight checks to reduce instances of AI seeing their enemies through walls


  • Multiple crash fixes for AI
  • Fixed an issue where AI would not use their unalerted/alerted perception logic (only triggered by noise)



  • Fixed an issue where equipped player gear would occasionally not display on paper doll.



  • Scale relevant AI tick rate based on distance



  • Replication performance (Hosts should now have a considerable performance boost, especially in full lobbies)


  • Fixed an issue where an objective status would not sync when migrating hosts
  • Various networking fixes and improvements



  • Increased SBR-300 damage
  • BCM MK1 fire rate now matches HK416’s fire rate


  • Fixed MP5 mag in and mag out using wrong sounds
  • Fixed ATACR optic not having secondary tilt for SR16


  • Physics items (shells, grenades, taser doors, projectiles) now have character interaction disabled
  • Removed pawn interaction physics off incapacitated humans


  • Slight attenuation bump to C2 and beanbag shotgun
  • Prevent certain weapons from severely blowing out mix
  • Weapon fire can now be heard from a greater distance than before


  • Updated Korean translations


  • Fixed buzzer sound playing when shooting the civilian target when timer was not running
  • Coffee Machine nasty bugs cleanout:
  • Fixed an issue where non-host players could not interact with the machine
  • Fixed an issue where the coffee machine could deadlock forever if interaction was spammed
  • Fixed an issue where interaction spam and network latency could cause multiple coffee cups to be spawned at once
  • Fixed an issue where the coffee drinker could still interact with the machine whilst drinking their beverage
  • Fixed an issue where coffee machine SFX would not play for clients
  • Fixed an issue where the coffee machine would not reset when cup is left unattended beyond its max allowed time limit (causing deadlocked coffee machine)
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with unrelated parts of the coffee machine would trigger other parts of the coffee machine (especially when interaction is spammed)

Wenderly Hills Hotel — ‘Checkin’ In’


  • Add static TV sound source to bar


  • Reduced suspects on Raid


  • Hotel briefing audio


  • Fixed multiple sound sources not playing

213 Park Homes — ‘Twisted Nerve’


  • Reduced AI unalerted sight range on meth
  • Blocking volumes to backgarden of fumigated house (fixes falling into the void)


  • Outside AI spawns on Raid

4U Gas Station — ‘Thank You, Come Again’


  • Added main room radio tune to Gas

Download free Ready or Not update on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.