Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 Patch Notes for Operation Grim Sky Update

Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 is now rolling out on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 patch notes, the new Operation Grim Sky brings two new operators – Clash and Maverick. The new operators are expert in mob behavior and high-precision strikes respectively, they’ll also assess the new training facilities at the reworked Hereford Base. Apart from this, Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 update also address weapon sights misalignment, an adjustment with the Operator Idle Pick, and improvements to dynamic resolution scaling on consoles. Finally, hatches are also getting a rework which will improve their destruction.

Previously, a major update was released with gameplay as well as operators changes. Unfortunately, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 is expected to fix all these issues. Check out more details below.

Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 Patch Notes





  • Maverick’s D.I.Y. blowtorch can breach any surface, including reinforced walls and hatches. It requires a steady hand and knowledge of the environment to create small holes and lines of sight. Maverick must be in close range to use his gadget on the chosen surface. This torch makes almost no sound but it runs out of fuel quickly. Nevertheless, the high precision of this gadget makes it a very creative tool to use hands-on without relying on digital technology. Using the Exothermic-S Torch can be risky but the team can reap high rewards with efficient use and skill.
Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 Patch Notes for Operation Grim Sky Update
Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 Patch Notes for Operation Grim Sky Update




  • Clash is the first defender with a shield. The CCE Shield is her primary weapon; she can swap to her secondary at any time, but to do so, she needs to put her shield away first. Her bulletproof extendable shield has the ability to slow down opponents by using a high voltage Charged Field Generator (CFG) that emanates directly in front of the shield in a cylindrical shape. Opponents caught in the CFG also sustain low damage over time. Effective use of the shield allows Clash to block entry points, and to prevent or delay a push by the Attackers.

Other Changes in Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56


The aim of this Hereford Base Map Rework is to address issues pertaining to the map’s flow, balancing, and visual thematic to make the new Hereford Base viable for competitive play. This is the first map rework for the Development Team, starting with Operation Grim Sky. This map makeover contains many twists and should be treated as a new map: the iconic and recently renovated Hereford Base.

Each floor of the new Hereford Base will have a larger surface area, which also means more destructible floors and walls. New stairs and hatches will be available, allowing for more movement between each floor and increasing the viability of rotations. Players will notice a dramatic change to the room structures, but the map will still feel familiar despite the entirely new layout.

The map’s visual identity and color palette are also getting an update, giving each floor more personality. Players will find a mix of old-school and modern influences, and thematically distinct rooms. However, the map will still retain its “soul,” making multiple nods to the old Hereford Base.


  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 improves the map, taking into account both the Attackers’ and Defenders’ perspectives. The Police Line spawn point will be extended, offering a safer path to the fortified building. As for the Gas Station spawn point, a wall will be moved to prevent spawn peeking and early kills. Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 also added a fourth bomb site in Tellers and Archives. Time to revise those strats.


  • A 2-Step Verification is now required for any PC player to join a Ranked match. This will start with an awareness campaign, followed by the activation of the lock. The awareness campaign will begin on Day 1 of Year 3 Season 3 and run for approximately 1 month. For those who have not yet activated 2SV, you will receive a notification in game, with steps for how to activate it. Once activated, you will receive an exclusive Thermite bundle. If you already have 2SV activated on your account, you will also receive the exclusive Thermite bundle.

Operators Balancing in Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56


  • According to the official Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 patch notes, EMP Grenades will now temporarily disable cameras instead of destroying them.


  • Shock Drone will emit slightly more noise.


  • Hatch Reinforcements will now allow for partial destruction. Rainbow Six Siege version made improvements to how Hatch Reinforcements are handled within the game and are able to work around some of the blockers that prevented partial destruction from being possible.


  • If you are not able to select an Operator before the end of the selection phase, you will no longer be a Recruit. You will be a random Operator from the list of Operators you have unlocked, barring any already selected by your teammates. For those 11 Recruit mains out there, your reign of terror is not over. You will still be able to select a Recruit manually.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 implements additional muting functions to allow our players to take more control of their Rainbow Six Siege experience. Players will now be able to mute each player in the game individually. For example, you can mute the text chat of Emilien, the voice chat of Grabriel, text and voice for Craig, and neither for Amelie.
  • Our recoil system had a flaw affecting automatic weapons that cause bullets to diverge from where the reticle was pointing. This change removes your weapon’s interaction with your Field of View (FOV) and ensures the reticle will always be in the center of your screen.


  • Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 brings the dynamic resolution on PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox One X consoles. The goal is to improve image quality when the GPU load is lighter, and render better framerate in GPU-heavy scenes. As a result, you will experience more consistent performance during gameplay, especially in situations where there is a lot of stress on the GPU, such as with a lot of explosions like Fuze charges.

Here are further details on dynamic resolution on consoles:

• Xbox One outputs at 900p with a render scaling between 40% (1012×572) and 80% (1432×804).
• PS4 outputs at 1080p with a render scaling between 40% (1216×684) and 80% (1720×968).
• Xbox One X outputs at 1728p with a render scaling between 40% (1944×1092) and 100% (3072×1728).
• PS4 Pro outputs at 1440p with a render scaling between 40% (1620×912) and 100% (2560×1440).


  • With the addition of the reworked Hereford Base map, Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 updating the Ranked and Casual playlists. Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 have 12 maps in the Ranked rotation, and 18 in the Casual playlist. All maps will be available in Custom Games.

Bug Fixes in Rainbow Six Siege Patch 1.56


  • Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 addressed a bug where players who join in a game in progress during the action phase will negatively impact the key bindings for the observation tools of teammates.
  • Fixed an issue where players can sometimes pass through reinforced walls using a deployable shield.
  • Fixed an issue where The framerate drops when going to the tactical map in prep phase.
  • Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 addressed an issue where Receiving damage while crouching with a shield will result in the weapon wielding hand to clip through the shield.
  • Fixed a bug where operators clip through barricades. Enabling them to be seen and shot in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where It is possible to place a barricade or reinforcement while standing far away from the door/wall.
  • Rainbow Six Siege patch 1.56 fixed an issue where Longer delay than intended when switching from BOSG 12.2 to secondary weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the color filter of an observation tool goes away if you are brought to low health while watching in it.
  • Fixed an issue where If the walk option is set to toggle, the player will walk after alt-tabbing.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 fixed an issue where it is possible to prone and melee simultaneously with a shield.
  • Fixed an issue where Weapons can clip through the floor if a player goes prone and leans.
  • Fixed a bug where corrupted animations happen while switching weapons or throwing gadgets in prone.
  • Fixed an issue where Players receive no damage if they rappel into Smoke’s Gas Grenade cloud.
  • Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 fixed an issue where Kill info is not displayed if the player dies from the gadget of a dead enemy.
  • Addressed an issue where Defuser animation resets when switching views.
  • Fixed a bug where Textures between reinforceable and indestructible walls allow bullets to pass through.


  • Fixed a bug where players are able to use Shock Batteries on Castle’s Armored Panels using a deployable shield.
  • Fixed an issue where Ice textures cover the Logic Bomb interrupt screen when one is performed while a defender is looking at cameras.
  • Fixed an issue where Tachanka’s LMG shield is inconsistent and players can be shot through it.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 fixed a bug where after rapidly switching between his gadgets and weapons, Tachanka will look broken on 3rd person when mounting his Mounted LMG.
  • Fixed an issue where Shock Drone is unable to pass over some props that have a climbable height.
  • Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 fixed a bug where the reload animation of the BOSG 12.2 is incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where GU mines will get triggered if they are placed beneath a reinforced hatch.
  • Fixed an issue where A gap between 2 reinforcements can be created by Mira’s Black Mirror
  • Fixed – Shield extending animation resets when switching views.
  • Fixed a bug where players are able to vault over Montagne’s shield.
  • According to the official Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 patch notes, the new Operation Grim Sky update has fixed an issue where in some instances, reinforced wall debris will remain floating when the reinforced wall is being destroyed by Hibana’s X-KAIROS Launcher.
  • Fixed – Right hand becomes offset on the weapon when Finka activates her Adrenal Surge.
  • Addressed – The fire rate for the Spear .308 is listed in menus as 780 RPM, but it is only 700.
  • Addressed – Blitz’s shield’s hitboxes do not match the curves of his shield.
  • Rainbow Six Siege patch 1.56 for PS4 has addressed an issue where the head hitbox clips through the Rifle Shield when standing against some surfaces.


  • Fixed – Clipping occurs for players hiding under a desk in 2F Offices and they can receive damage.
  • Fixed – Frost traps clip through the cable protectors located in 1F Server Room making them partially invisible.
  • Fixed a bug where operators can clip through the desk in 2F Archives, 1F Server Room and 1F Ventilation Room.
  • Fixed – Frost’s Welcome Mat clips through the table in 1F Dining Room and becoming invisible.
  • Fixed a bug where Dynamic Clipping is not present with some indestructible objects or walls.
  • Addressed – Drone can be placed inside the ceiling from 2F Elevator.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 addressed a bug where Drone can be placed inside the ceiling from B Cafeteria, giving drone view over multiple objective sites.
  • Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 fixed Clipping issues in multiple spots.
  • Fixed – Multiple floating debris are present after destroying the wall between the 2F Work Office and the 2F Lounge locations.
  • Fixed – Fuze’s cluster charges remain stuck and explode inside the ceiling if placed close to the middle of the 4th wooden tile.
  • Fixed a bug where defenders can hide on top of cabinet in B Old Office.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 addressed an issue where the character model become invisible if standing under the staircase in B Laundry Room.
  • Fixed a bug where shield operators can melee defenders through metal blinds.
  • Addressed an issue where it is possible to hide inside the panel in Electric Room on Kanal.
  • In some spots, Fuze’s Cluster Charge backfire killing the player that placed it. This issue is now fixed.
  • Addressed a bug where an attacker can place a drone into the ceiling at 2F Engine Utility.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 addressed a bug where a wall from the 2F Hallway disappears when looking at it with a Valkyrie camera from the other side of the hallway is now fixed with Rainbow Six Siege 1.56.
  • Fixed where players are able to reach the purple tarp in EXT Pool.
  • Fixed an issue where drones can clip through 1F Kitchen Entrance rooftop.
  • Fixed a bug where attackers can throw a drone inside the wall of Clubhouse from EXT Eastern sub-roof.
  • Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 addressed an issue where the Operator is clipping through the floor when prone on the toilet.
  • Fixed an issue where Operator model can clip through stair fence from 2F Central Stairs 1F Central Stairs and B Central Stairs.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 fixed an issue where players can go outside through the wall during the preparation phase.
  • Fixed an issue where players can shoot enemies through the stairs in 1F Great Room.
  • Addressed a bug where Valkyrie can place a cameras inside the wall between 1F Cold room and 1F Kitchen.
  • Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 addressed an issue where Drone can fall out of the map from multiple locations.
  • Fixed clipping issues in multiple spots.
  • Fixed a bug where there is space between the window frame and wall at EXT Junkyard and the player can see inside the building.


  • Fixed a bug where infinite loading time when using the name sorting option in the charms menu.
  • Rainbow Six Siege patch 1.56 addressed an issue where Pack collection Icon flags are present on Operator cards with non-elite uniforms.
  • Fixed an issue where Gold Vigil Chibi charm position makes it clip through shields.
  • Fixed an issue where smoke effect is no longer coloured from the second opened Alpha pack onwards.
  • Fixed a bug where some black collection icons are attached to random weapon skins.
  • Rainbow Six Siege version 1.56 fixed an issue where graphic options are not applied when accepting the apply changes on popup.
  • Rainbow Six Siege 1.56 fixed an issue where slight delay can be seen when scrolling through uniforms.
  • Fixed an issue where players cannot hear voice chat from his teammates.
  • Fixed a bug where players is returned to main menu instead of next situation after completing the previous one.

Rainbow Six Siege update 1.56 is now available on PS4 and XBox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.