Railroads Online Update Patch Notes (build 220610)

Railroads Online update 220610 is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Railroads Online patch notes, the latest update added various bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Railroads Online patch 220610 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Railroads Online Patch Notes – June 10, 2022

-fixed bug where track pieces would be replaced on load game
-fixed start track around betsy at the freight depot: won’t be deleted or saved
-fixed bridge II missing catwalk collision
-fixed flatcars Bogies on wrong respective ends
-fixed flatcars Brake combination lever A end
-fixed flatcars ride height is too high
-fixed flatcars deck uses flat car planks under the bunks
-fixed flatcars ends
-fixed flatcars use Safety Appliances Act stirrups and grabs
-fixed flatcars builder ‘Virginia and Truckee’
-fixed bobber caboose hand brake
-fixed bobber caboose smoke particle effect
-fixed bobber caboose stove door
-fixed bobber caboose metal rack for firewood
-fixed bobber caboose brake pawls
-fixed bobber caboose handbrake on end with crew desk
-fixed bobber caboose capitalized letters on letterboard
-fixed boxcar model trucks
-fixed boxcar model brakes
-fixed boxcar model description
-fixed oil tank car fill level mesh
-fixed oil tank car road name text
-fixed oil tank car variations of Safety Appliances Act stirrups and grabs
-fixed oil tank car trucks
-fixed oil tank car trucks with body-hung brakes
-fixed oil tank car builder Lake Tahoe Ry
-fixed class70 sand dome
-fixed class70 max text length cab
-fixed class70 whistle bars
-fixed class70 headlight option 3 missing number boards on front
-fixed class70 throttle animation
-fixed class70 throttle shading
-fixed class70 cab lamp flame
-fixed class70 tender firewood
-fixed class70 front (spot plate) numbers brass
-fixed marker lights brightness
-fixed marker lights: hidden by default

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.