PUBG Xbox One Update Patch Notes (August 7) Released

PUBGXbox Oneupdate (August 7) is now rolling out for players. According to the official PUBG Xbox One patch notes, the new contains balance changes, performance improvements and more. In addition, there are various bug fixes and other improvements. Recently, a major update was released with optimization and stabilization. The matchmaking logical was also improved, to reduce instances of players being stuck in queues for a very long time.

The game devs have repackaged the files to improve load times, the patch size will be quite large, despite this being a hotfix. The team will continue to work on desync, sound issues and of course continue fixing bugs as well.

PUBG Xbox One Update Patch Notes (August 7)

Analog Character Movement –With the previous hotfix which introduced analog movement, sprinting diagonally using L-stick became much more difficult. To address this, we’ve widened the angle of movement for sprinting diagonally. Now the character will be able to sprint at a wider angle before having their speed reduced. Sudden hard changes in direction will still slow the player down (as it will break your tendons in real life).

Loading –Files have been repackaged to load more efficiently. Now, the time it takes to load into a game will be quicker. After our previous hotfix, players had reported experiencing a number of issues while trying to load into matches and this hotfix addresses those issues.

PUBG Xbox One update (August 7) is now available for download Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.