PUBG Update 2.30 Patch Notes (Ver. 21.2) for PS4 & Xbox

A new PUBG update 2.30 (Update 21.2) is rolling out for PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official PUBG 2.30 patch notes, the latest update adds all new weather effect, Blizzard Zone, Secret Rooms, Repair Kits, Multidrops and more. Apart from this, PUBG console version 2.30 also includes various tweaks and fixes.

Previously, a major PUBG update 2.18 added a brand new vehicle – the Food Truck, Changing Weather, various map improvements on Deston, and more. Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s PUBG patch 2.30 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

PUBG 2.30 Patch Notes (Update 21.2) – January 26, 2023

PUBG Server Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where you receive damage and die after parachuting on to a building roof on every map.
  • Fixed the issue where the Secret Room Key was unable to open Secret Rooms in Taego and Paramo. Secret Room Keys are now available again on every mode.
  • Fixed the untranslated Contraband Crate names for Colored Smoke Grenades in French.
  • (PC) Fixed the typo in Simplified Chinese for Taego’s map selection description.
  • (Console) Fixed the issue where you could not hear the engine sounds from vehicles.



At some point within the howling devastation of snow, a severe snowstorm accompanied by whistling winds begin to ravage the silent ground. Dare to step into the whipping storm and you shall face pure numbness to your senses – welcome to theBLIZZARD ZONE.

  • Once you enter the Blizzard Zone…
    • You will move slower.
    • You will receive consistent damage per second.
    • Your sight and soundplay will be hindered.
    • Vehicle control will be harder.
  • A Blizzard Zone warning message along with its activated area UI on the world map will show up on your screen during the match.
  • Kill messages for the Blizzard Zone have been added.
  • Available in Normal Matches and Custom Matches.
    • Available in Vikendi only.



A few improvements to the Screen Ping Marker.

  • Screen Ping Markers will be automatically deleted after 120 seconds (previously 30).
  • A player’s Screen Ping Marker will be instantly removed if they leave the match or lose connection.


  • Improved physics engine performance to enhance game loading speeds.
  • Optimized memory using animation to enhance memory usage.
  • (Console) Increased file reading speed on Xbox to improve in-game loading speeds such as parachute use, starting spectate, etc.



  • General in-game bugs have been fixed.
  • Fixed the issue where you’re unable to use the Free Look feature while using an emote when you board the plane or when the plane is descending.
  • Fixed the issue where you get knocked out from falling when a crash occurs while you’re Following a player.
  • Fixed the issue where you are able to use Carry while using specific Emotes.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue where you are able to use primary weapons other than SMGs in the back seat of two-wheeled vehicles.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue where you are unable to revive the teammate you were carrying after you get knocked out and revived.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue where you and your teammates can jump abnormally high after pressing the Jump button continuously near a wall.


  • Fixed collision, texture, performance, and more general issues in Vikendi and Sanhok.
    • Re-added an item spawn spot that was missing from a certain building in Vikendi, Winery.
    • Fixed the issue where you teleport to a specific location after vaulting and withdrawing the Folded Shield inside a Cable Car.
    • Fixed the issue where the sound of footsteps in a certain bathroom in Vikendi sounded like footsteps on dirt.
    • Fixed the issue where throwables and ammo passed through one side of the flag in Vikendi, Cosmodrome.
    • Fixed the air vents’ animation error in Vikendi, Train Station.
    • Fixed the incorrectly used texture of a certain staircase in Vikendi.
    • Fixed the issue where you receive damage when landing on a signboard in Vikendi, Train Station.
    • Fixed the issue where throwables can not pass through windows in Vikendi.
    • Fixed the issue where you receive damage and die after parachuting on to a building roof in Sanhok.
  • Fixed the issue where the last Safe Zones are being set in the outer, unavailable areas of the map in Paramo.


  • Fixed the issue where the Daily Mission count increases when you complete the Daily Mission Contender mission.
  • Fixed the issue where a certain design was not shown on the map selection page.
  • Fixed the spacing issue in the Daily Supply Mission page.
  • Fixed the Japanese error in Training Mode – ESC – ‘Exit Training Mode’.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue of hearing the Store item sound effect when you hover your mouse over a specific location on the screen when another window is covering the game in Windowed mode.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue where a sound effect is heard when you hover or click the bottom UI of Survival Level/Last Weapon Kill/Last Medal Earned in the Career – Overview page.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue where your character still has the Backpack equipped even when you remove the equipment previews for Preset slots 1~3 in Customize.
  • (Console) Fixed the issue of the swapped Pickup Item/Replace Attachment keybindings.


※ Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.

  • Fixed the issue where your wrists turn transparent after equipping the Tormented Knight Gloves with the Miramar Biker Jacket/Erangel Biker Jacket.
  • Fixed the clipping issue on a female character’s lower body when equipping PGC 2022 Pants with the Vigilante Jacket.
  • Fixed the issue where a male character’s ankles turn transparent after equipping the Lipovka Slacks with the Battle-hardened Legacy Boots.
  • Fixed the issue where a female character’s arms turn transparent in FPP when equipping the PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Trenchcoat.
  • Fixed the issue where a female character’s wrists turn transparent when equipping the Twitch Rivals Bomber Jac
  • Fixed the issue where the fur of the Snowbelle Boots turns transparent when looking at them in FPP.

Download free PUBG version 2.30 for PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.