Post Scriptum Update Patch Notes (The Bloody Undead)

Post Scriptum update is available to download on PC. According to the official Post Scriptum patch notes, the latest update brings back the Halloween event. In this mode featured a PVP Zombie vs Survivors game mode titled “Contagion”.

Previously, a major update added QoL changes with the ability to select microphone input under the Audio tab of the game settings menu. Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Post Scriptum patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Post Scriptum Patch Notes – October 25, 2022

CHANGELOG v3.0.33.4436
  • Added: Post Scriptum Chapter Z: The Bloody Undead time-limited event.
  • Zombies now have unlimited sprinting ability.
  • Building the bomb is no longer required.
  • New Contagion Game Mode added to the following maps:
  • Best Z
  • Carentan Z
  • St Mere Eglise Z
  • Utah Z
  • Foy Z
  • Haguenau Z
  • Stonne Z
Survivor Objective
  • Find and load 4 explosive supply crates in the M3 half-track MSP. Crates can be picked up by looking at it, press and hold ‘F’ the press grab.
  • Bring the supplies back to the truck and unload it using ‘F’
  • Once 4 crates have been loaded, you can drive the Half-track to the bomb objective.
  • Drop the supplies and build the bomb, then place the fuse by holding ‘F’ and pressing the button.
  • Protect the bomb until it goes off.

In depth explanation:

  • The goal is to collect 4 supply crates scattered across the level and load them in the construction truck and then go build a bomb at the destroy marker.
  • As you are getting closer to the supply marked area, the marker will disappear if no supplies are at that location, or become a supply marker if there is indeed a crate there.
  • In order to load the crate in the truck, you need to get to the crate and pick it up by looking at it, pressing ‘F’ and “Grab”. Then you will need to walk within 2 meters of the truck and hold F to load the supplies in the truck.
  • If done correctly, the game will prompt you with a message telling you that the crate has been loaded in and it will tell you how many more crates you need in order to go build the objective.
  • Once the 4 crates are inside the truck, you will need to drive the truck to the bridge area to build the bomb. You will see a red ghost of the bomb, as soon as the ghost turns green, the bomb can be built.
  • Get out of the truck and unload all the supplies by pressing ‘F’ while looking at the truck and click Unload Supplies.
  • You should then see a bomb object on the bridge, once placed, go up to the bomb and press ‘F’ while looking at the bomb and click Place Fuse.
  • Once the fuse is in, the bomb will explode within 30 seconds, you need to protect the bomb until it goes off. The Zombie can deactivate the bomb by attacking it. If they do deactivate the bomb, your team loses.
Zombie Objective
  • Find and stop any and all survivors from gathering crates and building the bomb. Use your supernatural abilities to get close to the survivors. Survivors will turn into zombies if killed. You can destroy the bomb by attacking it.
  • Zombies are inherently weak and will die very fast if alone, the best approach playing as zombies is working together with other zombies to get close to the survivors.
  • As a zombie, you have supernatural abilities like increase jumping height, increased speed and stamina. Use this to quickly advance into position.
  • Zombies have the ability to spawn almost anywhere on the map.
  • Fire will burn your flesh, so stay away from fire!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.