Post Scriptum August 15 Update Patch Notes

Post Scriptum update 3.0.674.3124 is available to download on PC. According to the official Post Scriptum patch notes, the latest hotfix VOIP issues. Apart from this, the Post Scriptum patch also optimized and improved Foliage LOD.

Previously, a major update added QoL changes with the ability to select microphone input under the Audio tab of the game settings menu.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Post Scriptum patch 3.0.564.2306 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Post Scriptum Patch Notes – August 15, 2022

Changelog v3.0.674.3124

  • Cleaned up the VOIP Optimization.
  • Fixed an issue where local VOIP would accumulate in an area and cause it to be played back if a player entered the area again later.
  • Optimized and improved Foliage LOD to better avoid harsh pop-in behaviour.
  • Rebalanced FG-42 recoil to better fit the caliber and rate of fire.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.