Police Simulator – Patrol Officers Update Patch Notes – December 14, 2021

Police Simulator – Patrol Officers update is now rolling out on PC (Steam). According to the official Police Simulator – Patrol Officers patch notes, the latest update added quality of life improvements and gameplay optimizations.

Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Police Simulator – Patrol Officers patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Police Simulator – Patrol Officers Patch Notes – December 14, 2021

New Features

  • New Feature: Open Patrol
  • New Feature: Conduct Point Explanation System
  • New Feature: Helping NPCs asking for directions
  • New Feature: Greeting NPCs
  • New Violation: Wallet Theft
  • New Violation: Drinking in Public


  • Added 4 new haircuts for female NPCs & 2 new haircuts for male NPCs
  • Added 3 new face models for female NPCs & 3 new face models for male NPCs
  • Added more than 700 new first names for male NPCs & more than 650 new first names for female NPCs
  • Added more than 700 new last names for NPCs
  • Added some new animations to the police officers in the precinct reception

Police Car & Traffic Cars

  • Improved NPVs reaction when blipped over: Blipped vehicles now do not stop abruptly
  • Improved NPVs reaction when blipped over: NPVs now stop on the right lane if they can not find a parking spot nearby
  • Improved spotlights on Panther Z
  • Car patrols are now available in high crime areas


  • Added more lights in darker areas (especially useful in Night Shifts)


  • Modified handbook entry for Parking Regulations, to include explanation about cars with “Shift” sticker on them


  • Decreased chance for ‘Smoking Exhaust’ to be more realistic
  • Decreased chance for ‘Engine Too Loud’ to be more realistic

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a lot of cases where the action was unjustified in report, even though it was a justified action by the player
  • Fixed an edge case where sometimes players were losing SP instead of CP
  • Fixed an issue where player was able to hold two tools at the same time
  • Fixed an issue where restarting shift was placing players into the running shift again


  • Fixed an issue where some NPVs were invisible for client
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s position from the previous shift was also displayed in the new shift when leaving the area of jurisdiction
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Asking for ID’ was blocking the client


  • Fixed many issues concerning NPC behaviors (e.g.: Drug dealer did not walk away after being let go)
  • Fixed issue where graffiti sprayers were spraying on advertisement boards and windows of buildings that were invisible
  • Fixed an issue where graffiti sprayers had no spray can in hand
  • Fixed an issue where graffiti sprayers were spawning on top of buildings
  • Fixed an issue where drug dealers were spawning in unreachable places
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the buyer does not walk away after a drug deal
  • Fixed an issue in crime scenes where the criminal was still on the scene due to broken navmesh
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs did not walk on sidewalk due to broken navmesh
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs were floating in bus stops
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs were sitting on invisible benches
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs are sitting behind the bench
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs were clipping through tables
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs were clipping in Kiosk
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC faces LOD were incorrect
  • Fixed an issue where NPC feet were inside the ground
  • Fixed an issue where some NPCs were showing skin through dress
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes NPC fingers were all weird
  • Fixed an issue where you could not interact with NPC when aiming with a tool


  • Fixed an issue where Patrol Cars were accelerating after returning from a tutorial popup
  • Fixed an issue where Patrol Cars were accelerating on their own after closing the Board Computer
  • Fixed an issue where Patrol Cars were disappearing from game session if the previous session was failed
  • Fixed an issue where player could interact with NPCs while asking for NPC ID
  • Fixed an issue where some parked NPC were submerged in the sidewalk


  • Fixed a lot of places where sometimes you could see spaces in between two buildings
  • Fixed a level design issue with misplaced scaffolding on a building
  • Fixed an issue where a small part of a building in Chester did not have a texture
  • Fixed an issue where some walls were missing collision
  • Fixed an issue where some walls in game were missing collision so that players could walk through them and fall into the never-ending abyss of Brighton
  • Fixed some issues where cables were clipping through buildings
  • Fixed some issues with coffee shops
  • Fixed an issue where bookshelves in precinct were changing textures (are they chameleons?)
  • Fixed issues where some decorative plants did not have collision
  • Fixed an issue in parks where the grass textures looked really wrong
  • Fixed an issue where graffiti cans were submerged into the sidewalk
  • Fixed an issue where bicycles were submerged into the sidewalk


  • Fixed the developer debug string displayed in the intuition messages (no more #hackerman)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Aim mode: Field of View’ settings have no effect
  • Fixed an issue where the displayed intuition was sometimes incorrect and misleading
  • Fixed an issue with the tool tip for ‘Parking in Front of Bus Stop’ that did not mention towing as justified
  • Fixed an issue where the color of the game suddenly turned to black and white (thanks, Marcobarg!)


  • Fixed issues with tutorials not triggering correctly
  • Fixed an issue with cannabis tutorial which had broken gender text
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Expired Parking Meter’ tutorials were triggering on handicapped cars
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Underglow Lights’ tutorial was not triggered correctly
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Using Turn Signal’ tutorial
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Wanted Person’ tutorial
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Photographing’ tutorial
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Broken Lights’ tutorial


  • Fixed an audio loading crash when entering Patrol Car
  • Fixed an issue where the sound of damaged patrol car engine was still audible after restarting the shift
  • Fixed an issue where continuing a career from main menu after leaving a career mutes many sound effects


  • Fixed an issue where player character ragdolled after opening the patrol car trunk (do a barrel roll!)
  • Fixed hands clipping through blazer
  • Fixed an issue where the graffiti was visible when NPC is painting
  • Fixed an issue where some hairstyles were missing in game


  • Fixed a game crash when performing background check

Known Issues

Asking for directions

  • Handcuffed NPC can ask for directions, leading to some weird graphical issues

Open Patrol

  • The level progress bar does not reflect the progress correctly in shift report and also in map view
  • Sometimes it might now be possible to join Multiplayer when hosted through public session
  • Client compass displays all cars in Open Patrol


  • Ending the shift might sometimes now work immediately for the client. However, after 30 seconds the shift will end anyway.
  • Sometimes the minimap is missing while driving the patrol car
  • Host sometimes not fined correctly for illegal actions when casual mode is on

Other things

  • Sometimes when starting a second shift, the game might show a ‘Game Over’ screen
  • Sometimes new shift can not be started with getting critically injured in the previous shift
  • After pulling over an NPV, the player is sometimes able to interact with both NPC and NPV
  • In first-person view while driving, the board computer might get enlarged on the screen
  • Already discovered POIs reset after loading a savegame

Renu specializes in Japanese games, from cult-classic JRPGs to niche indie titles. A lifelong fan of Japan’s gaming culture, she combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for storytelling. Follow her for updates on Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, and hidden gems.