Phasmophobia Update 1.0 Patch Notes (New Locations)

A new Phasmophobia update 1.0 released on PC(Steam). According to the official Phasmophobia patch notes, the latest update added new locations, changes for truck mechanics, possession and more. Apart from this, Phasmophobia patch 1.0 also added new equipment and more.

Note: This is the final update for Phasmophobia. The game devs are working on a new project named ‘Phasmophobia 2’.

Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Phasmophobia patch 1.0 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Phasmophobia April 1st Update Patch Notes

New Locations

  • Lighthouse
    • Small location with 8 rooms
    • A lighthouse located on a remote island in the middle of a hazardous sea
    • Players can complete maintenance on the light and tower for bonus rewards
  • Funfair
    • A medium outdoor map featuring minigames, a house of mirrors and a completely interactive haunted fun house
    • You must buy a ticket for $100 to enter this location, per player
  • Church
    • A medium location with a large open main hall, perfect for losing ghosts and items
    • Graveyard with dynamically generated gravestones for every previous death on your account
    • Enter the crypts and choose which ghost model you’d like to scare you

Ghost Identities

Some ghost identities still aren’t quite right (wow, we’re really bad at this) so we’re making some final changes to help get them where they need to be

  • Spirit

    Spirits have developed a dependency on Smudge Sticks, and will stop all activity and leave the location unless you light them nearby

Truck Mechanics

  • Added an open world area where you can drive back and forth to each location
  • Added a shop location where you will have to drive to in order to buy your equipment
  • You must now bring all equipment back to the truck or you will lose them

Possession Mode

A brand new game mode where you can play as the ghost, in a 1v4 competitive fight to the death against other players

  • The ghost player will have 1 minute to hide the bone and cursed possession before choosing a favourite room to stay in
  • During hunts players that are talking or have equipment turned on will glow red through walls
  • The ghost player will be able to talk to investigators through the spirit box
  • Ghost players will steal the money of anyone they kill, and can use it to upgrade abilities in a new 3 tier skill tree

Added Equipment

  • Ghost-e-ball

    A red and white sphere like item that can be used to capture the ghost, in exchange for additional rewards OR can be trained to“become the very best!”

  • Teddy Bear

    A fluffy toy that responds to ghost activity, but can also be placed to hug the nearest player for a 1% sanity increase

  • Buddy

    You can now ‘Use’ the bone to summon a dog that will follow you and will bark when near the ghost

  • Wrist Watch

    A watch that tells you the time


  • You can now perform an exorcism to delete the ghost, this will be permanent and you will never get that ghost type again. The game is completed when you run out of ghost types to play against
  • Added dust particles to each room to make finding ghost orbs harder
  • Added batteries hidden around each location, unique to each flashlight
  • Added an easter egg in an Asylum bedroom
  • There is now a chance for no ghost to spawn in the location, players can select ‘None’ in the journal to receive rewards
  • Added an optional objective after the contract to go back and clean the location for extra rewards
  • Added room names above all doors in Prison
  • Added an option to increase and decrease the maximum players in a server (Max 100)
  • You can now go prone by pressing the ‘Z’ key to hide under beds
  • You can now use the spray cans to draw graffiti
  • You can now change your characters clothes by taking them out of wardrobes when in a location, this only works if you are the only player in that room
  • Added raytracing support
  • Added an option to replace all textures and geometry with white cubes to improve performance for those with old computers
  • You can now play the game on mobile devices
  • You can now press ‘N’ to dance


  • The parabolic microphone will now play back all sounds at 500% volume, allowing you to hear things from further away
  • Reduced sprint duration from 3s to 1.5s
  • Reduced sprint cooldown from 5s to 2.5s
  • Sanity Pills will now only spawn inside bathrooms and are no longer buyable
  • You will now be fined by the home owners for every item that has been misplaced, dropped, broken or stolen
  • You now have to lock the exit doors and place the key under the doormat when you leave, otherwise you will be fined
  • Sinks and showers will now flood the house if you don’t turn them off
  • You can now attach all equipment to tripods
  • Replaced all Spirit Box audio with “E”
  • The main key will sometimes be hidden outside the location instead of spawning in the truck
  • Converted the entire game from Unity to Unreal Engine 5

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where equipment and lights would flicker whenever the ghost appeared
  • Fixed a bug where ghosts were flashing on and off during hunts
  • Fixed a bug where the Newbridge Beech House contract could not be selected
  • Fixed a bug where players could hide behind doors (by removing all doors in all locations)
  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Death’ tarot card didn’t instantly kill you
  • Fixed a bug where you could get EMF 5 by looking at the activity monitor
  • Fixed a bug where voice recognition breaks when tabbing out
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t jump
  • Fixed a bug where the power would turn off if you turned on too many lights
  • Fixed a bug where players could hold 3 items instead of 2
  • Fixed a bug where flashlights were staying on even when in your pocket
  • Fixed a bug where if two people grabbed an object at the same time, the item would duplicate
  • Fixed a bug where you could glitch doors off of their hinges
  • Fixed a bug where you could glitch yourself inside of walls
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t see the ghost’s relationship meter
  • Fixed a bug where the ghosts looked like they wanted to kill you, instead of give you a cuddle
  • Fixed a bug where ghosts were hugging your eye sockets instead of your body when they got to you
  • Fixed a bug where “#BlameLavender”, “#BlameDK” and “#BlameCJ” categories weren’t visible in the bug reporter
  • Fixed a bug where hackers weren’t able to hack everything
  • Fixed a bug where the letter ‘H’ was found on keyboards when it shouldn’t be
  • Fixed a bug where ghosts were being naughty

Download free Phasmophobia update 1.0 on PC(Steam)

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.