Phasmophobia Update Patch Notes (Official) – Dec 24, 2021

A new Phasmophobia update is now available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Phasmophobia patch notes, the latest update added a long list of changes and gameplay improvements.

Since the last patch, players are facing a number of problems with the game. Today’s Phasmophobia patch 5.1.0 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Phasmophobia Patch Notes – December 24, 2021


  • Foggy weather has been temporarily removed while we work on a new system and will return looking better than ever with the VR rework early next year
  • All Cursed Possessions will now only haveonespawn point each, meaning only 6 spawns in total per map to learn. Finding them will be more intuitive too e.g. Summoning Circle found in basements or attics
  • In Prison, Asylum and School; Cursed Possessions will be placed only in thefirstroom to make them more useful
  • Demon’s description has been updated to better reflect its weakness
  • The Yurei ability will now only close one door, instead of all of the doors near the ghost
  • Yurei should now stay in their room more reliably when smudged
  • Hantu will now always have Freezing Temps evidence guaranteed on Nightmare
  • The Hantu breath can no longer be seen when you are dead
  • Increased the maximum wander distance range slightly so ghosts don’t get trapped in larger rooms
  • Tarot cards are now easier to use in VR
  • Prison computers now change their colour to green when lights are on, and red when off
  • Adjusted the room number in main menu for Asylum as it was showing too many rooms
  • Candle smoke particles have been adjusted
  • Updated to the latest LIV SDK to fix a VR crash


  • Fixed a consistency issue with Thermometers to make them more accurate
  • Addressed an issue where you could grab broken Ouija Board pieces in VR
  • Addressed an issue where you could attach cursed possessions to your belt in VR
  • Addressed an issue where certain sounds wouldn’t be audible on the Parabolic Microphone
  • Addressed an issue where the Demon’s early hunt was stopping instantly
  • Addressed an issue where the Yurei sanity drain ability wasn’t working consistently
  • Addressed an issue where some Cursed Possessions breaking would trigger hunts with their normal grace period
  • Addressed an issue where the Voodoo Doll could fall behind the oven on Tanglewood
  • Addressed an issue where the Voodoo Doll’s heart pin wasn’t working correctly
  • Addressed an issue where if the Haunted Mirror spawned on the wall in Grafton, you couldn’t get photo rewards from it
  • Addressed an issue where using the Haunted Mirror would sometimes show the incorrect room
  • Addressed an issue where you could get photo rewards from a smashed Ouija Board
  • Addressed an issue where you could cancel the “hide and seek” countdown by saying “goodbye”
  • Addressed an issue where you could get photo rewards from a tarot card deck with no cards left
  • Addressed an issue where drawing the Tower or Hanged Man card as your last couldn’t wouldn’t do anything
  • Addressed an issue where you couldn’t drop the tarot cards instantly after drawing one
  • Addressed an issue where the Tarot Death card wasn’t triggering a Cursed Hunt and adding duration to further hunts
  • Fixed a spelling mistake on “The High Priestess” card

Addressed an issue where using a Summoning Circle with The Twins would make the ghost teleport to the twin location when starting the hunt

  • Addressed an issue where you couldn’t light Summoning Circle candles in VR with a lighter
  • Fixed an issue where the summoning circle wasn’t draining sanity for VR players
  • Fixed an issue where the music box wasn’t draining sanity for VR players
  • Addressed an issue where ghosts could flicker lights that had smashed
  • Addressed an issue in Asylum where you couldn’t see with Night vision cameras
  • Addressed an issue in Prison where several showers didn’t have handles
  • Addressed an issue in Maple Campsite where one wood knock sound would play three sounds in a row
  • Fixed an invisible collider on the ceiling in Ridgeview dining room
  • Addressed an issue where you could hear footsteps with the master volume set to 0
  • Addressed an issue where a ghost appearing with DOTS could spawn it inside of walls, making it very hard to see
  • Addressed an issue where you could still see green reflections after a DOTS had been picked up
  • Addressed an issue where you could still see red reflections after the red-light ghost event
  • Addressed an issue where piano interactions weren’t giving photo rewards
  • Addressed an issue where objects used by the ghost weren’t always registering on the Parabolic Microphone

Addressed an issue where you could place several items on the truck ramp whilst its closed

  • Addressed an issue where you could teleport out of the truck, whilst its closed, via the ramp in VR
  • Fixed several bugs where the ghost was leaving EMF without doing anything
  • Addressed an issue where the ghost could interact with the rocking chair multiple times at once causing the sound to overlap
  • Addressed an issue where Candles would go out if another player walked outside during heavy rain
  • Addressed an issue where the ghost would give EMF 2 when attempting to flicker a light that was turned off
  • Addressed an issue where the ghost would give EMF 2 when attempting to teleport an object in your hand
  • Addressed an issue where the ghost would give EMF 2 when attempting to move a mannequin
  • Addressed an issue where the ghost would give EMF 2 when attempting to write in the ghost-writing book when it didn’t have the ghost-writing evidence
  • Addressed an issue where you could not hear the ghost footsteps on the parabolic microphone
  • Addressed an issue where Candles would blow out in heavy rain if another player walked outside
  • Addressed an issue where the ghost could interact with the rocking chair multiple times at once causing the sound to overlap

Addressed an issue where the voodoo doll would not start a hunt if you used it with no sanity after the heart pin was used

  • Addressed an issue where the haunted mirror would close when holding it if another player walked outside
  • Addressed an issue where several cursed possessions were significantly increasing the hunt duration in multiplayer when they broke or were fully used
  • Addressed an issue where the voodoo doll would force an interaction per remaining pin when used with no sanity
  • Addressed an issue where the voodoo doll pins were not pushing in the same pins for each player
  • Addressed an issue where the voodoo doll would use every pin if you had no sanity when another player with sanity used it
  • Addressed an issue where one of the ghost events did not work with the tarot cards which caused the devil card to not do anything

Addressed an issue where dropping and grabbing the voodoo doll in the truck would stop you from being able to close the truck or view the cctv monitor

  • Addressed an issue where some hunts and ghost events would have no sound if they started quickly after another one
  • Addressed an issue where the mirror effects would sometimes stay active after the mirror was broken
  • Addressed an issue where the Voodoo Doll VR holding rotation was wrong
  • Addressed an issue where the Willow living room fingerprints were on the wrong side of the window
  • Addressed an issue where there was no loading screen when exiting Maple Lodge Campsite
  • Addressed an issue where the Poltergeist ability did not work unless you moved the objects first

Download free Phasmophobia update on PC(Steam)

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.