Pathfinder WOTR Update 2.2.2 Patch Notes

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous update 2.2.2 is rolling out on PS4, PS5, & Xbox. According to the official Pathfinder WOTR patch notes, the latest update adds a comprehensive range of improvements and bug fixes, focusing on enhancing gameplay, fixing quests and areas, refining classes and mechanics, updating items, and improving system performance and visuals.. Apart from this, Pathfinder WOTR version 2.2.2 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major Pathfinder update 1.3.0 added numerous tweaks and fixes for the crusade, various mythic paths, and other aspects of the game.

Unfortunately, some players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Pathfinder WOTR patch 2.2.2 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Pathfinder WOTR Patch 2.2.2 Notes – December 5, 2023


  • Assassin’s Use Poison ability has been increased: now given by the formula 6 + Assassin’s level multiplied by two;
  • Assassins get the Hide In Plain Sight ability back. Due to improved applicant recruitment, it will now happen on the 5th level instead of 8th;
  • Removed all checks for Assassin’s Mark of Death ability — now the ability always triggers on the enemy;
  • Shadowcaster’s Shadowform ability now lasts longer;
  • The Dark Lurker got back the availability of a Rogue talent at level 20. Also, his Blade in the Darkness ability now has no limit on the number of uses per day. For the use of these abilities, retraining might be needed.

If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves!

Beware of possible plot spoilers below!


  • A mercenary alchemist with active cognatogen took permanent stat damage when entering or leaving Nexus, Drezen, or other safe zones — fixed;
  • Caught and brought back the sneaky doppelganger from Ineluctable Prison, who could disappear after going out of the area and back;
  • Fixed a bug in The Lord of Nothing DLC where the door-wall in the wizard tower library could be permanently closed;
  • If shadows have been killed on the Shadow Plane in The Lord of Nothing DLC before the death of Ulab’s brother, there was a duplicate dialog with the brother — fixed;
  • In the Goblin Tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC, it was impossible to loot a goblin’s corpse — fixed;
  • In the Goblin Tower, a FoW blockers have been added to the doors on the 1st and 3rd floors;
  • In the Lord of Nothing DLC, Aethylia would not come to the roof of the tower if Buus was killed in the first phase of combat — fixed;
  • It is now possible to pick up the meat in the goblin tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • In The Lord of Nothing DLC, the party could get stuck before the battle arena with the chieftain of the giants — fixed;
  • Players could not get through to the ziggurat in the Inevitable Excess DLC — fixed.


  • Added Sendri’s reaction to the number of shards collected by the player in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Flower Princess in the Lord of Nothing DLC could be killed by hostile units, which was breaking the quest — fixed;
  • Lost Soul quest in The Lord of Nothing DLC could fail if it wasn’t taken earlier – fixed;
  • Now we can actually move the dead man’s bones in the cave with weapon in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Old Moe’s Husband quest in the Lord of Nothing DLC will no longer appear in the journal and instantly fail after the dragon attack cutscene if it wasn’t picked up earlier.
  • Resolved an issue with the attack of animals, fed by the heroes during the quest at the Goblin’s Tower;
  • Sometimes the quest “Attain omnipotence” didn’t start when the player character gained the third shard of Sithhud in The Lord of Nothing DLC – fixed;
  • You can no longer poison the drink of already dead giants in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • The Treasure of the Midnight Isles: Tracking quest didn’t fail in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC even if the player refused to complete it — fixed;
  • When killing the elder Akhshan in The Lord of Nothing DLC, the associated quest was not progressing in the journal — fixed.


  • Helmet of Comradery doesn’t have a title — fixed;
  • Seal of Madness glasses now work correctly;
  • Shiny Helmet is now displayed correctly on characters;
  • The Candle of the Playful Succubus could work in the area of effect of the Dimensional Lock in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed;
  • Boots Of Free Rein now protects from the Seamantle effects;
  • Shattered Sword of Sithhud could remain in inventory after completing the Restore Sithhud’s blade quest in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed;
  • Ring Of Shadow Stealing in The Lord of Nothing DLC now works correctly.

Classes & Mechanics

  • Assassin’s Use Poison ability has been increased: now given by the formula 6 + Assassin’s level multiplied by two;
  • Assassins get the Hide In Plain Sight ability back. Due to improved applicant recruitment, it will now happen on the 5th level instead of 8th;
  • Removed all checks for Assassin’s Mark of Death ability — now the ability always triggers on the enemy;
  • Shadowcaster’s Shadowform ability now lasts longer;
  • The Dark Lurker got back the availability of a Rogue talent at level 20. Also, his Blade in the Darkness ability now has no limit on the number of uses per day. For the use of these abilities, respec might be needed;
  • Alone in the Dark ability was getting incorrect bonuses from the death of summoned units — fixed;
  • Changed the default position of the camera for better visibility on the entrance to the goblin tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Cold Supremacy effect could grant a character extra buff — fixed;
  • Death’s Realm spell now works correctly;
  • Fixed a bug with the assassin’s poison dealing 0 damage;
  • Fixed a bug with the mythic feat Boundless Healing that caused casting with this feat to trigger an attack of opportunity;
  • Fixed all armor-related skills and feats not working correctly with the Mithril Armor. Also fixed all armor-related skills and feats that continued to work if the unit was under a polymorph spell;
  • Fixed the dialogue after Storasta in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed the incorrect work of some summoning abilities in the area of Dimensional Lock effect in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • If an Eon commander skipped the cutscene of arrival to the Abyss in Act IV, instead of the dialogue with the Hand of the Inheritor the dialogue with the mirror could start instead — fixed;
  • In The Lord of Nothing DLC, the Shards’ passive ability Cursed Might did not allow you to inspect a unit with this ability — fixed;
  • Incite Rage ability was affecting even allies who don’t take rage — fixed;
  • It is now possible to climb the ladder to the stage in the goblin tower of the Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Stalwart Defender’s damage reduction now stacks with damage reduction from other sources, including armor;
  • The ability to enchant weapons with the Fire Burst, Ice Burst and Lightning Burst properties has been added to Magi at level 5.
  • The ability to enchant weapons with the Speed property has been moved to level 5;
  • The Bloodrager ability with Fey Bloodline Confusing Critical counted the difficulty of a Charisma-based saving throw instead of Constitution — fixed;
  • The Dispelling Bomb can now dispel the Summoned Horse spell;
  • While resting, buffs were removed from characters only after finishing the rest, and not during the process — fixed;
  • Warpriest’s Blessing Copycat has been fixed: removed an unnecessary sentence from the description, added a visual effect, and the duration is now calculated correctly;
  • Combining the Winter Witch and Winter Child spellbooks now works correctly;
  • The levels of the Winter Witch are now added together with the levels of the Winter Child to determine the level of the Blizzard Servant;
  • Winter Witch’s Unearthly Cold ability also applies to the cold damage from Blizzard Servant’s Whirlwind of Hail ability;
  • The Winter Witch’s Cold Specialization ability also increases the difficulty of the Blizzard Servant’s Whirlwind of Hail saving throw.


  • Fixed Dual Sense hint Icons;
  • Fixed the display of one of the quest lines when talking to the Healer;
  • Mythic Armor Focus — Avoidance effect is now correctly shown in the UI;
  • Now when retraining a character in The Lord of Nothing DLC, the mythic path selection window does not appear when selecting shards development;
  • Under some circumstances the game would not offer the Trickster player to change their portrait to Mythic Trickster — fixed.


  • Fixed sound bugs in the cutscene with Kyton in The Lord of Nothing DLC.


  • Added visual effects on frozen goblins in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed a visual bug with blood in the Verdant Caves in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed the ax in the Verdant Caves in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed the cutscene near the portal mirror in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed the cutscene with Norte before the boss fight in the Goblin’s Tower in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed the problem with characters hovering over a bench after skipping a cutscene in the underground floor of the goblin tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC.
  • Lighting on the Wardstone in the Gray Garrison could disappear — fixed;
  • Mythic appearance visuals were breaking in the late game — fixed;
  • Objects in the Frozen Fane will no longer turn pink in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • On the roof of the Goblin’s Tower in The Lord of Nothing DLC the camera view was twitching — fixed;
  • Reyna could twitch during the cutscene with the Giants in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed;
  • Stahlmar’s grave might not appear in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed.


  • Improved FPS in the Shadow World location;
  • The frame rate could drop during cutscene in the Shadow World in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed.


  • Added the voiced lines for Sendri and Rekarth to the first dialogue with Penta in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Even with a successful check, the letter was hiding from players in the Goblin’s Tower in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed;
  • Fixed a bug with replicas of Aethylia statues in the ritual room in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Fixed interaction with the bench in the Goblin’s Tower basement;
  • Fixed the dialogue of clearing the rubble in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • Improved optimization in the cutscene with Kyton;
  • In The Lord of Nothing DLC the dialogue lines about Norte and Aethylia won’t appear if you haven’t met them previously;
  • In The Lord of Nothing DLC when interacting with some objects, incorrect sound effects were used — fixed;
  • In The Lord of Nothing DLC, character collision has been fixed — they will no longer sink into a gold pile;
  • In The Lord of Nothing DLC, your pet could be stolen in the tavern — fixed;
  • It is no longer possible to talk to the burnt druid again and burn them on the altar a second time in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
  • The Hill Giant in The Lord of Nothing DLC might not start the fight after jumping from a cliff if the player is sneaking — fixed;
  • The timing of the heroes’ voice lines in different situations at the Goblin’s Tower has been changed;
  • Undead Subdomain now has the correct description;
  • Fixed a bug in the dialogue with Sister Kerismei in The Lord of Nothing DLC.

Download free Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous update 2.2.2 on PS4, PS5 and Xbox.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.