Pathfinder WOTR Update 2.10 Patch Notes (2.5.0y) on Nov. 18, 2024

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous update 2.10 (2.5.0) is rolling out on PS4, PS5(1.000.010), & Xbox. According to the official Pathfinder WOTR patch notes, the latest update adds multiple mechanical improvements, visual updates, 2 new dragon-themed religions – Apsu and Dahak, the ability to turn some characters’ lives towards redemption and more!. Apart from this, Pathfinder WOTR version 2.10 also includes stability fixes.

Pathfinder WOTR Patch 2.10 Notes – November 18, 2024

Beware of possible plot spoilers below!
  • A party from The Lord of Nothing DLC appeared in Drezen’s Tavern even if the player followed the Swarm Mythic Path — fixed;
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the rest on Azata Island to break;
  • Fixed incorrect completion of the Dance of Masks DLC for Swarm-that-Walks. Previously, players after visiting Razmir could get to the Kenabres square and get stuck. Now, players will be transported to the global map as they should have been;
  • Players that were left in the square without being able to leave it will be transferred to the global map as soon as they load the save. Also, player characters that mistakenly entered the arena through the square will be transferred to the global map;
  • Fixed the gathering of Crusader supplies for a full rest during the siege of Drezen;
  • In Areelu’s Laboratory in the Chapter 5, attempting the stairs (accessed with the Crystal Key item) will now carry the entire party to its beginning, rather than one participant at a time;
  • Miammir did not come to Drezen in chapter 5 — fixed;
  • Ramien did not come to Drezen in chapter 5 — fixed;
  • Ramien could stand in the camp in the Threshold even for the Swarm that Walks mythic path — fixed;
  • The crusaders appeared in the Threshold even if the player have chosen the Swarm That Walked Mythic Path — fixed;
  • The dialogues in Drezen with Chun Dawei, Hulrun, Nystra, Ciar and Klaem in Chapter 5 were not showing correctly — fixed;
  • The Inheritor’ Hand is no longer located in the Ivory Sanctum after being encountered in Drezen;
  • The passage to the secret room on one of the islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC did not appear — fixed;
  • When killing the boss Drimo in the arena in A Dance of Masks DLC by a character under the effect of Phoenix Gift, the character does not die from the curse and further passage of the arena is blocked — fixed;
  • You can now attempt to leave the dialogue with two oreads troubled with picking flags for the festival in A Dance of Masks DLC;
  • After talking to Greybor in Drezen’s Tavern in the Chapter 3 and hiring him into the team, the wrong dialogue was playing — fixed.
  • Anevia disappeared after leaving the basement in Drezen, where the commander was called by Kamelia, and it was impossible to complete the quest — fixed;
  • Fixed the opportunity to take a quest from Gverm if the player kicked out Kamelia, who was needed for the quest;
  • Fye the Tavern Keeper would show up at the tavern even if he had previously been sent to jail — fixed;
  • Nocticula no longer interrupts dialog during the quest with Sosiel’s brother.
  • Gloves of Neophyte didn’t work with Ignition spell – fixed;
  • Ring of sharp strike didn’t work correctly – fixed.
  • Ash Giants become more dangerous.
Classes & Mechanics
  • There have been some changes to the Faceless Sphinx encounter:
    1) We’ve made Areshkagal stop disguising herself as a super-powered sphinx, and now her primary class is an outsider;
    2) By sacrificing to cosmic entities, we’ve also managed to weaken the Faceless Sphinx’s body somewhat (however, many of us paid for this with our lives and sanity);
    3) Despite all our efforts (or because of them), Areshkagal now correctly creates copies of herself in the first phase of the encounter with her;
    4) The abilities and behavior of elemental Areshkagal in the third encounter phase have been significantly improved;
    5) Now you only need to use Midnight Bolt to drop a Nahyndrian Crystal for the secret ending on the last surviving Areshkagal in the third encounter phase;
  • Arcane bond now works correctly;
  • Bloodseeker’s Enervation spell now works correctly and imposes negative levels;
  • Defeating ghosts in the Visitors from Morta DLC granted the wrong amount of experience – fixed;
  • Edge of Force and Explosive Runes now work correctly;
  • Enveloping Winds prerequisite for Aerial Evasion didn’t work correctly — fixed;
  • Expose Vulnerability ability now works correctly;
  • Fixed lava damage on low health on low difficulty levels;
  • Fixed the difficulty display for saving throws from a flock of dead crows in the Carrion Storm ability;
  • Fixed the logic of applying the “Commander’s Banner” effect; now it is applied correctly, and also does not apply if the banner was lost;
  • Hellknight Signifer now removes armor speed penalty on 3-rd level instead of 8-th;
  • Oracle Flame Curse now removes armor speed penalty on 10-th level instead of 1-th;
  • Warpriest Aspect of War now correctly removes armor and encumbrance speed penalties;
  • Inciter’s (Skald archetype) “Hit a Nerve” ability now correctly removes the armor penalty if the character has the “Mythic Inspiration” mythic ability;
  • Kitsune in a human form could bite — fixed;
  • Mythic Armor Focus (Light Armor) — Endurance now correctly shows the spell resistance;
  • Mythic Armor Focus (Medium Armor) — Assault feat now deals piercing damage instead of slashing;
  • Now the Divine Hunter who chose the Animal domain at level 1 can correctly choose bonuses to the characteristics of his animal companion;
  • Sense Vitals spell was displayed twice in the Wizard spellbook;
  • Spindle infusion had wrong costs which resulted in inability to use it with advanced blasts in some cases — fixed;
  • The Bound of Possibility cloak now doesn’t give a penalty to the Trickster;
  • The entire party will now receive the “Commander’s Banner” effect when leaving the Areelu’s Lab, not just the player character;
  • The Greedy Mystic Spell Eater (a little dragon summoned by the Arcane Undertow of the Midnight Islands) ate too little, causing its stats to drop. We fixed it, and little fellow is now functioning correctly;
  • The Prophet of Pestilence’s Thousand Diseases ability now has the correct saving throw DC;
  • The Spirit Naga form granted by the Sorcerer’s Serpentine Bloodline now has the correct venom saving throw DC and bite damage;
  • Tortured crusader could keep Alone in the Dark ability after respec — fixed;
  • Tortured Crusader’s bonus attack from the Unbroken Paragon ability was giving the wrong attack bonus — fixed;
  • Magic Nullification mythic ability now correctly makes the character immune to magic.
  • Added prerequisite for Spell Specialization Feat;
  • It was impossible to spend a skillpoint into Intelligence for the Animal Companion — fixed;
  • Nahyndrian crystal was displayed in the interface without the important item frame – fixed;
  • Now you can choose the Vordakai portrait for the Lich path.
  • Characters from The Lord of Nothing DLC appeared with a delay in the tavern cutscene in A Dance of the Masks DLC — fixed;
  • Mythical weather in Drezen was being replaced with common weather after skipping time — fixed;
  • The dwarf lady in Storasta in The Lord of Nothing DLC now has a correct modeling instead of a human.
  • The game crashed when moving to another location if there was a character in the party who died with an active “Disintegrate” effect — fixed;
  • The game was freezing when trying to load Drezen after completing A Dance of Masks DLC — fixed.
  • Valestry, Master of Steps in Razmir’s Palace has remembered his own name;
  • Yaker could visit the Commander for a conversation involving Regill, even though Regill is excluded from the companion roster — fixed;
  • Dialogue with the tentacles-hating aasimar’s squires broke when repeatedly refusing to help them, but then changing your mind. We fixed everything, tentacles be praised.

Previously, a major Pathfinder update 1.3.0 added numerous tweaks and fixes for the crusade, various mythic paths, and other aspects of the game. Unfortunately, some players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Pathfinder WOTR patch 2.10 will fix a few of these issues.

Download free Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous update 2.10 (version 1.000.010) on PS4, PS5 and Xbox.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.