Palworld Patch Notes (New Feature Update)

The latest Palworld update is now available for PS5, Xbox Series X/S. According to the official Palworld patch notes, the latest update brings a formidable Raid Boss, new items like Training Manuals and Recovery Meds, and enhancements to base management. Furthermore, the Palworld patch also includes balance adjustments, bug fixes, and server improvements.


Since the released, players encountered several glitches, including a black screen, sprint bug, high temperature, and audio issues. Today’s Palworld update 2.0.6 aims to fix some of these problems.

Here are more details about the update:

Palworld Update Patch Notes – April 4, 2024

New Content

  • First Raid Boss: Introducing the initial Raid Boss.
    • Summoning Altar: Use slabs to summon Raid Boss Pals, powerful allies that can’t be captured. Team up with your base Pals to tackle these formidable foes.
    • Pal Eggs: Obtain Pal Eggs after defeating Raid Boss Pals.
    • Extreme Challenge: Prepare for the incredibly tough “extreme” version of the Raid Boss.
  • New Items:
    • Training Manuals: Grant experience points to Pals.
    • Ancient Technical Manual: Discover ancient technology points randomly in dungeon chests.
    • Recovery Meds: Slowly recover HP over time.
    • Homeward Thundercloud: Instantly return to your base.
    • Ability Glasses: Equip to view Pal stats.
    • Stat Boosting Items: Enhance Pal stats with Power Fruit, Life Fruit, and Stout Fruit.
    • Mercy Hit: Introducing a passive that prevents reducing enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
    • Ring of Mercy: Wear this ring to limit enemy HP reduction.
    • Multiclimate Undershirt: New armor protects against heat and cold in a single slot.
    • Electric Egg Incubator: Automatically adjusts egg temperature with electricity.
    • Ore Mining Site: Produce ores at your base with this new building.


  • Kelpsea and Dumud: These Pals now produce fluids and high-quality oil at the ranch.
  • Surfent Terra and Astegon: Ride these Pals for increased ore collection.
  • Pal Essence Condenser: Elevate Pal rank instantly with a single synthesis.
  • Pal Status: Negative statuses resolve over time in the Pal Box.


  • Captured Pal Count: See how many of a specific Pal you’ve captured while aiming a sphere.
  • Partner Skill Cooldowns: Monitor cooldowns for all partner skills on the main screen.
  • Equipment and Item Stats: View stats on the technology screen, even for locked items.
  • Tutorial Enhancement: Improved tutorial now named “Journey”.
  • Damage Number Display: Adjust size for better visibility, especially in Raid Boss battles.


  • Dropped Items: Items dropped by players on dedicated servers are available for pickup after 24 hours.
  • New Emote: Introducing a new “sleeping” player emote.

Base Related

  • Monitoring Stand: Customize work for base Pals.
  • Chest Filters: Manage item types allowed or disallowed in chests.
  • Crafted Item Transport: Pals transport crafted items to chests upon completion.
  • Character Appearance: Edit appearance anytime with the “Antique Dresser”.
  • Building Placement: Rules relaxed for easier construction.

Balance Adjustment

  • Armor Resistance: Minimum heat and cold resistance added to various armors.
  • Egg Incubator: Reduced button press time for quicker results.
  • Partner Skill Multiplier: Decreased from 2.0 to 1.2 for balanced gameplay.
  • Alpha Pals: Eggs now have a chance to produce Alpha Pals.
  • Immunity: Flying and floating Pals now immune to falling damage.

Bug Fixes

  • Treasure Chests: Fixed issue where chests became empty in certain situations.
  • Attack Power Effect: Resolved duplication and accumulation under specific conditions.
  • Pal Capture: Players now receive loot when capturing Pals while mounted.
  • Legendary Pal HP: Adjusted HP for consistency between captured and bred Legendary Pals.
  • Pal Behavior: Fixed issues with eating while riding and spheres not hitting wild Pals.


  • Model and Texture Improvements: Enhanced various Pal models and textures.
  • Sound Adjustments: Added and refined sound effects.
  • Minor Bug Fixes: Addressed various minor bugs.

Dedicated Server

  • Sorting Fix: Resolved issue with sorting in the server list.
  • Server List Improvement: Enhanced navigation with page transitions.
  • Log Outputs: Dedicated servers now support various log outputs.
  • REST API Implementation: See tech guide for details.
