Paladins Update 2.38 Patch Notes for PS4 and Xbox One – July 21, 2021

Paladins update 2.38 is now available for players on PlayStation 4. According to the official Paladins 2.38 patch notes, the latest update added a new Champion (Rei), quality of life changes and fixes. In addition, Paladins version 2.38 also includes stability and performance improvements.

The last major update was released with a big list of bug fixes and improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game.

Today’s Paladins patch 2.38 will fix all these issues. Check out full details below.

Paladins Update 2.38 for PS4 Patch Notes


When Rei left her warren in The Burrows, she pointed her ears towards the pursuit of a mastery of magic beyond any living being’s. Her quest led her to the seat of the Ruby Throne, where she found the means to achieve her ambitions.

She became fast allies and faster friends with the Scion of House Aico, Lian, gaining access to the resources of a powerful noble house in exchange for her services and advice. She strives to harness with even greater control and power the chaotic arcane forces that run throughout the Realm and bind it together. A rare magical prodigy, her tale has just begun.

The Scholar of House Aico pursues perfection, and she will throw the book at anyone who gets in her way.



  • Support


  • 2200
Unleash magical energy from your hands, dealing 450 damage every 0.7s.
Manifest arcane forces and send it forth, bouncing between allies and healing them. Spirit Linked allies are healed for 30% more.
Envelop yourself with Arcane energy, reducing the maximum amount of damage you can take to 275 per instance of damage and increasing your Movement Speed by 40% for 3s. Spirit Linked allies are also Enveloped.
Tether your spirit to an ally or enemy player. While Linked to an ally, you Heal them for 200 and grant them 1% Ultimate charge every 1s. While Linked to an enemy, reduce their Movement Speed by 10% and deal 50 damage every 0.75s.
Target an ally and infuse them with life, granting damage immunity for 2s and healing them to full after a brief delay. If Spirit Linked to the targeted player, Rei will also be healed to full.


[Default] Extension
Increase the range at which Chain Heal bounces by 40%

[Level 2] Restraint
Linking to an enemy with Spirit Link progressively Slows the player over 3s. After 3s, the enemy is Rooted for 1s.

[Level 8] Focus
Spirit Link’s Cooldown is increased to 6 seconds and it only lasts for 2s, but the effects are tripled.



  • Magic in the Blood
    • Reduce the cooldown of Chain Heal by 0.1-0.5s after hitting an enemy with Sigil.
  • Mystic Mastery
    • Increase your maximum Health by 50-250.
  • Rest and Relaxation
    • Increase your maximum Ammo by 2-10.
  • Threat and Subject
    • Increase your Movement Speed by 8-40% for 2s after earning a Killing Blow or Elimination.


  • Aico Forces
    • Reduce the damage you take by 1-5% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.
  • Future Generations
    • After taking 2000-1500 damage, your next use of Chain Heal does not cause it to go on Cooldown.
  • Leipori Prayer
    • Grant 50% Reload Speed for 0.5-2.5s to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.
  • Refreshing Break
    • Grant 0.4-2% Ultimate Charge to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.


  • Spring to Action
    • Increase the Healing Spirit Links provides every 1s to your linked friendly target by 20-100 Health.
  • Arcane Focus
    • Transfer 25% of the damage your Spirit Linked target takes to you while Spirit Linked to an ally player. You take 90-65% of that damage. This breaks at the health threshold.
  • Deft Magics
    • Linking to a new target reduces all your cooldowns by 0.1-0.5s.
  • Midnight Stroll
    • Reduce the damage done by any enemy you are linked to with Spirit Link by 5-25%.


  • Arcane Maelstrom
    • Using Envelop reduces your linked friendly target’s Cooldowns by 0.1-0.5s.
  • Arcane Manipulation
    • Reduce the Cooldown of Envelop by 0.3-1.5s.
  • Desperate Defense
    • Heal for 50-250 when you use Envelop.
  • Enveloping Magic
    • Increase the maximum amount of damage mitigated by Envelop by 7-35%.



  • Addressed a bug where some Champion’s footsteps were unusually quiet or loud.
  • Addressed a bug where the Lobby Chat in the End of Match Lobby would continuously scroll back down to newly sent messages if the player scrolled up in the Lobby Chat for any reason.
  • Fixed various issues where projectiles could get stuck or fall through certain cracks in the ground on Splitstone Quarry.
  • Fixed various issues where projectiles could be accidentally thrown in areas that were not in the traditional game space on Splitstone Quarry.
  • Addressed a bug where some of the fish on the walls near the Capture Point were blocking movement on Fish Market.
  • Addressed a bug where the Spawn Doors displayed incorrectly for the first team on the second team’s side of the map on Timber Mill.
  • Addressed a bug where some individual pieces of Jaguar Falls that should have had projectile collision did not.
  • Fixed some issues with players getting into annoying “permanently falling” states when colliding with certain areas of the map on Frog Isle.
  • Fixed various issues with collision on Marauder’s Port.
  • Addressed a bug where players could stand on the metal chimneys on top of buildings on Fish Market.
  • Addressed a bug where projectiles could get stuck in the rafters above the Capture Point on Primal Court.



  • Addressed a bug where Androxus’ Quick Draw card would heal him when he hit Shields and Deployables with his Revolver weapon.


  • Addressed a bug where Corvus’ Projection ability could allow him to get above the normal play space of Primal Court, Jaguar Falls, and a few other maps.


  • Addressed a bug where Imani’s Frost Bomb ability and Frost Bolt weapon displayed incorrectly on the Death Recap UI.


  • Addressed a bug where Io’s Ultimate, Begone, could push players out of bounds near the Capture Point on Ice Mines.


  • Addressed a bug where Jenos’s Ultimate, Through Time and Space, would sometimes fail to do damage even when the visual effects indicated that it would.


  • Addressed a bug where Lex could gain more ammo than intended when he had the Death Hastens talent equipped.


  • Addressed a bug where Lian’s Presence ability was too quiet when she had the Merrymaker skin equipped.


  • Addressed a bug where Moji could get stuck in the Timber Mill spawn room until the start of the following round.


  • Addressed a bug where Seris’ Ultimate, Convergence, could pull players through the map at a specific location on Ice Mines.


  • Addressed a bug where Vora’s Ultimate, Harbinger’s Wrath, was granting more Damage Resistance than intended.
  • Addressed a bug where Vora’s Dark Siphon ability would not consume Darkness stacks if it dissipated at its maximum range rather than hitting a target or other collision.
  • Addressed a bug where Vora would not gain Darkness stacks when hitting damage-immune targets with her Deadly Scythe weapon.


  • Addressed a bug where Willo’s Lobby Idle animation was too loud in the Match Lobby.


  • Addressed a bug where the effects provided by Yagorath to her teammates from the Sight Begets Strength talent incorrectly affected non-player allies.


PTS Bug Fixes: Champions


  • Addressed a bug where one of Barik’s Loadouts was referencing the Architectonics talent.


  • Addressed a bug where Evie’s Toothache skin was not properly in the Just Desserts chest.


  • Addressed a bug where Dredge’s base Ammo count was incorrect when using the Scuttle talent.


  • Fixed various audio issues with the Yasamin gen:LOCK skin.


  • Fixed various audio issues with the Cammie gen:LOCK skin.


  • Addressed a bug where Raum’s Soul Armor UI Bar would not display if he had any ranks of the Veteran item equipped.


  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Spring to Action card would not function properly.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Arcane Focus card would not function properly.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Spring to Action card would not function with the Focus talent equipped.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Envelop ability would activate her Future Generations card without taking the correct amount of damage.
  • Fixed various audio issues with all Rei skins.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Ultimate, Vivify, was being affected by various anti-healing effects.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei could link to several members of her team at one time in the Spawn Room in various circumstances.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Envelop ability could prevent her from being executed by Drogoz’s Ultimate, Dragon Punch.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Midnight Stroll card could prevent her from being executed by Drogoz’s Ultimate, Dragon Punch.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei could lose Ult Charge if using her Ultimate, Vivify, on a target that died as she cast the ability.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s cards displayed incorrectly when viewed on the scoreboard in the End of Match Lobby.
  • Addressed a bug where Beach Bunny Rei’s hands looked broken when performing various actions when the World Detail setting was set to Low or Medium.
  • Addressed a bug where certain walls would break line of sight for Rei’s Spirit Link ability when her back was against the wall.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Spirit Link ability would stay connected to enemies after they went into an ethereal state.
  • Addressed a bug where Rei’s Ultimate UI would hide player names.


  • Addressed a bug where Vatu’s Shadow Gaze card activated twice when he used his Shadow Bombs ability.


  • Addressed a bug where Viktor would T-Pose in the Match Lobby in the background when a teammate would select him with various MVP Poses equipped.
  • Addressed a bug where Viktor’s Hunter’s Bane, Draconic Fighter, and Full Moon skins would display incorrectly with the Guardian MVP equipped.


  • Addressed a bug where Yagorath’s base health would scale after each instance of using her Ultimate when she had any rank of the Veteran item equipped.
  • [Live] Addressed a bug where Yagorath’s Triumphant Return card would not function.


  • Addressed a bug where the effect of Ying’s Pursuit card would not stack with the movement speed effect her Illusions gained from her Resonance talent.


  • Fixed various audio issues with the Kazu gen:LOCK skin.

PTS Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed a number of Trials that were unable to progress.
  • Addressed a bug where the Brewing Mischief Death Stamp would not properly display.
  • Addressed a bug where the Mastery Rewards windows for several champions displayed with extra text in the background.
  • Addressed a bug where Cauterize’s text was not respecting its new values.
  • Fixed various issues with the “Earn Free Rewards!” ad-watching system.
  • [Live] Addressed a bug where players could receive the full-screen popup for a level above the maximum level on the Event / Crossover Pass if they received levels from Trials rewards.
  • [Live] Fixed a UI issue with the Trials map being off-center.
  • Fixed more issues with more Trials challenges being unable to progress.
  • Fixed various messages that were broken in PTS.
  • Addressed a bug where Mastery Skins in Match Lobby displayed with a purchase button if the Player did not have the proper Mastery level to obtain them.
  • Updated the message displayed on the Dr Weller Death Card to better fit within the UI.

PTS Balance Changes


  • Light Forge
    • Changed duration 0.6s -> 1s


  • Last Efforts
    • Old: Increased the duration of the Damage Amplification of her Quill and Acid Combo
    • New: Hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills grants 20% Lifesteal for {0.6|0.6}s.


  • Arcane Focus
    • Old: Transfer 25% of the damage your spirit linked target takes to you while Spirit Linked. Transfer 100% of the damage done to your target while they are below 100 Health. You take (scale=90|-5}% of that damage. Spirit Link will break if you would fall under 500 Health.
    • New: Heal for {scale=20|20} every 1s while Spirit Linked to an ally.
  • Envelop
    • Now also increases your jump height by 50% while Envelop is active.
  • Spirit Link
    • Reduced scaling of per-second Ultimate charge gain 1%/s -> 0.5%/s
    • Range increased 80 -> 95
  • Chain Heal
    • Increased Cooldown 3s -> 4s
    • Healing increased 500 -> 530
    • Range increased 80 -> 95
  • Focus
    • Increased the Duration 2s -> 4s
    • Increased the Cooldown 6s -> 7s
  • Vivify
    • Time until target is granted damage Immunity
      0.4s -> 0s
    • Can now be used even without a friendly linked target


  • Aegis
    • Slightly increased time after Shield is brought down before it starts to Regenerate
    • The Shield will Regenerate at a low percentage of its maximum while it is active
    • Increased the Shield Regeneration while it is not being used

Download free Paladins update 2.38 on PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.