OW2 Update 3.48 Patch Notes for PS4, PC & Xbox

OW2 update 3.48 is now available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official OW2 patch notes, the latest update adds various bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Overwatch 2 patch 3.48 also includes various stability improvements.

Previously, a big update added the Holloween event, hero changes, and much more. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing several issues while playing the game online. Today’s OW2 version 3.48 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

OW2 Patch 2.48 Notes – March 7, 2023

One-Punch Man x Overwatch 2 Event:23916447

Heroes Celebrating Heroes

When bringing the universe of One-Punch Man to Overwatch 2, we wanted to do it in a way that shows our heroes celebrating Saitama and his friends. Looking at the hero roster, Doomfist was a perfect fit for donning the iconic yellow suit and white cape, capturing the signature trademark of Saitama’s ability to defeat any enemy in a single punch!

Genji also gets a whole new look, going from cybernetic ninja to the cybernetic brawler, Genos! And, when it came to bringing the powerful psychic, Terrible Tornado to life, we knew no other Overwatch 2 hero could match her personality better than Kiriko!

Each of these three One-Punch Man skins will be offered as part of special store bundles that include other new One-Punch Man cosmetics, and all three bundles will be offered together at a discount.


New Challenges & Earnable Rewards

Players will be able to punch their way through challenges throughout this event! Queue up into any Unranked, Competitive, or Arcade game mode and earn up to six different free rewards, including the Legendary Mumen Rider-Soldier: 76 skin. Here’s the breakdown for the rewards you can earn:

  • 4 games played – Saitama’s Fist Weapon Charm
  • 8 games played – Mumen Rider Name Card
  • 12 games played – Cyclist of Justice Victory Pose for Soldier: 76
  • 16 games played – Justice Crash Highlight Intro for Soldier: 76
  • 20 games played – Boros Weapon Charm
  • 24 games played – Legendary Mumen Rider-Soldier: 76 skin
  • Added various bug fixes.
  • Added stability fixes.
  • General Performance improvements added.


One punch is all you need in this limited-time Overwatch 2 x One-Punch Man collaboration! Complete challenges through April 6 and earn free themed rewards, including the Legendary Mumen Rider – Soldier: 76 skin. Complete your hero collection with additional Legendary bundles featuring Saitama – Doomfist, Terrible Tornado – Kiriko, and Genos – Genji from the in-game shop.


New Overwatch League Team Skins

New Overwatch League Team Skins are now in-game! Celebrate your favorite teams, including the Seoul Infernal and Vegas Eternal, by equipping their team skins for your favorite heroes.

Team Bundles Now Available

Team Bundles are now on sale! Trios of hero skins will land in the Overwatch League shop throughout the season, available for all teams. These bundles will include team-branded Weapon Charms!


Adjusted Distance Attenuation on Enemy Footsteps

We missed a change in our Season 3 patch notes about some adjustments made to the distance in which you can hear enemy footsteps. We’ve continued to refine this change and have found a nice middle ground between where it was in Season 2 and where it was prior to today’s patch.



Weekly Challenges

  • Removed “To the Victors… – Win 15 games in Unranked or Competitive.”
  • Added a new challenge, “Casual Dedication – Win 15 games in any Unranked mode.”
  • Added a new challenge, “Competitive Advantage – Win 10 games in any Competitive mode.”
  • Total number of challenges needed to earn all Overwatch Coins is still 11.
  • Removed “Coin Line – Win 5 games in Arcade.”
  • Added a new challenge, “Change of Pace – Win 5 games in Mystery Heroes, Free-for-All Deathmatch, or any Arcade mode.”
  • Changed “Role Mastery” to “Win 5 games each as 2 different roles in Quick Play or Competitive Play.”

Daily Challenges

  • “Support Weapon Mastery” reduced from 12,500 to 10,000
  • “Support Ability Mastery” reduced from 10,000 to 8,000

Challenge Progress during End of Round

  • Challenges the player has made progress on during the match will be shown with a visual representation of remaining progress needed

End of Match Scoreboard Update

  • We are taking a snapshot of each player’s final stats during the match and persisting it on the tab scoreboard during post-match. Previously a player’s stats and name would disappear as soon as they left the match
  • We fixed a bug causing large parties to wait longer in queue than intended
  • The matchmaker will now prioritize putting parties together which have a similar delta between the highest and lowest rated player
  • We made improvements that should help reduce Unranked queue times and increase Competitive match quality


Competitive Mystery Heroes

  • Competitive Mystery Heroes added to Competitive Play
  • Season 1 begins on March 14!

Competitive Screen Layout Update

  • We have added buttons to the Competitive Play menu that will allow players to easily access the tier legend, leaderboard, and competitive progress screens.

Top 500 Leaderboard Update

  • Players in the Top 500 will now see an animated update of their current position on the leaderboard after each match.



Terra Surge
  • Terra Surge can now be interrupted by Hack

  • Using Annihilation while in Nemesis Form refreshes your bonus armor


Developer Comment: The Chain Hook cooldown beginning when the ability started, instead of at the end, caused some confusion when discussing the cooldown since once you can see the timer, it appeared a second shorter (7 seconds) than the actual maximum cooldown. After fixing that, we’re reducing the cooldown overall by an additional second to increase the frequency of Roadhog’s team utility now that being pulled in by Chain Hook is less deadly.

Chain Hook
  • Chain Hook cooldown now starts when the ability ends instead of at the start
  • Chain Hook cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds

  • Added the hero-specific option “Relative aim sensitivity while rolling”
  • Added the hero-specific option “Relative gyro sensitivity while rolling” (Nintendo Switchâ„¢ platform only)
Grappling Claw
  • Added a timeout indicator for Grappling Claw located above the ability icon
  • Minefield arming time increased from 1 to 1.25 seconds

  • The shared cooldown for Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier reduced from 11 to 10 seconds


  • B.O.B. now prefers to shoot at enemy targets that Ashe damages with her rifle

  • Lunge cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 seconds

  • Blizzard ultimate cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 seconds

Jump Jet
  • Jump Jet movement is now influenced by directional inputs

  • Torso hit volume width increased by 20%


Immortality Field
  • Immortality Field minimum health threshold increased from 10 to 25%


  • Fixed an issue where the option to report Inappropriate player names were missing
  • Fixed a bug with Game Reports showing incomplete data
  • Fixed a bug where players on PlayStation® 5 were unable to save Highlights
  • Fixed an issue where player presence was shown as ‘Practice Range’ when in Custom Game
  • The Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle should now show as ‘Owned’ for players that purchased it (this was just a visual issue, purchases of this item were successful)
  • Fixed a bug where some players who own all name cards could get stuck loading when using the Filter’s tab in the Name Cards menu
  • Fixed a bug on Nintendo Switchâ„¢ where all friends on the Social screen had the same player icons
  • Resolved an issue where heroes performing an emote appeared as t-posed for players loading into the game

Antarctic Peninsula

  • Fixed areas where some heroes could become stuck
  • Fixed several gaps in the environment
  • Made changes to the lighting in some parts of the map
  • Fixed a bug where penguins were missing a noise when being hit with projectiles
  • General improvements


  • Fixed a bug with the physics of the cow

Circuit Royale

  • Resolved a collision issue that could cause some heroes to be stuck


  • Fixed a bug with the camera placement for some Plays of the Game


  • Fixed an issue with a tree that could cause D.Va to get stuck when entering her mech

Lijiang Tower

  • Fixed areas of the map that allowed players to escape


  • Fixed an area where players were able to unintentionally stand
  • Fixed a bug on Midtown with railing collision not being correctly removed after being destroyed in some cases
  • Midtown can now be selected as an option for Skirmish in Custom Games


  • Fixed a bug with the Raijin skin clipping into the camera when aiming and firing down the sights


  • Fixed an issue where cloning a Sombra with a Charm equipped could cause Echo to lose all textures while Cloaked
  • Fixed missing sound effects for the Sticky Bombs ability


  • Fixed a bug where shooting someone with an arrow from a Golden bow could turn their gun gold


  • Fixed an issue where in some cases players were able to walk out of being pinned by a Reinhardt
  • Fixed a bug with Fire Strike VFX remaining after being eaten by a D.Va’s Defense Matrix


  • Fixed a bug where Lúcio’s Amp it Up animation would continue to play after being stunned


  • Resolved a bug with Terra Surge that resulted in the VFX ring not drawing for parts of the environment higher than Orisa when used


  • Fixed a bug where you could be sent to the wrong location if taking Symmetra’s Teleporter as it is destroyed


  • Fixed a bug where your turret would target the same targets as other allied Torbjörn players
  • Resolved an issue where the ‘Is Firing Secondary’ condition would not be triggered by certain heroes
  • Resolved an issue where the ‘Is Firing Primary’ condition was not being triggered by certain heroes
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a large number of rules
  • Fixed an issue where it was hard to tell where the UI focus was when using a controller

The following changes were added previously.


In this free-for-all Deathmatch mode, battle for the throne of Olympus as seven powerful gods and monsters from Greek Mythology, each with a unique Divine Power that kicks in when they use their ultimate ability. The most valiant contenders in the Battle for Olympus will have the chance to earn limited-time voice lines and player titles, to brag about their accomplishments for all eternity.

At the end of the event, the hero whose powers were used to secure the most eliminations across all matches will be crowned the new ruler of Olympus!


  • The 2023 season of Competitive Capture the Flag begins on January 10 and can be found in the Competitive Play menu
  • The Competitive Play loading screen has been updated



Adrenaline Rush
  • Now heals for the remaining wound damage when an enemy dies with wounds on them
  • Cooldown is now reduced by 2 seconds for each enemy it impacts
Jagged Blade
  • Thrown impact damage reduced from 80 to 50
  • Thrown direct impacts now add a 30 damage wound to the stuck target. Stacks with wounds caused by Quick Melee or returning Jagged Blade hits.
  • Energy degeneration reduced from 2.2 to 2 per second
  • Delay before energy degeneration begins after gaining energy increased from 1 to 2 seconds


Barrier Shield
  • Health increased from 250 to 300
Biotic Orb
  • Dealing damage with Biotic Orb now restores a small amount of Biotic Energy


  • Fixed a bug with Souvenirs being incorrectly placed on Ramattra
  • Fixed an issue with Kiriko’s Ofuda displaying black textures during her Whirlwind emote
  • Fixed an issue with Reaper’s animations when ending his ‘Take a knee’ emote
  • Resolved an issue with placeable abilities (turrets, mines) floating after the destructible environment they were placed on was destroyed
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some users seeing a black screen as their Main Menu background
  • Fixed a bug that caused “Group Up” to say “I’m on my way” in unintended circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue on some consoles that resulted in blurry graphics
  • Fixed an issue where some players were not able to invite across certain consoles
  • Fixed some performance issues in the Hero Gallery on Console platforms
  • Resolved an issue where Daily Challenges were not rolling over for some users
  • Fixed an issue where the end-of-game ‘DRAW’ text would not appear for players if a colorblind setting was active
  • Resolved an issue with ‘Invite to Custom Game’ not appearing as an option in the Social Menu

Watchpoint Gibraltar

  • Fixed some areas that allowed players to escape the map boundaries

Shambali Monastery

  • Fixed some areas where players could become stuck
  • Fixed some areas where some abilities could be ‘eaten’ by the environment
  • Fixed lighting and geometry in several areas across the map


  • Fixed an issue where Bastion’s sound effects could loop at the location of death
  • Fixed an issue where Bastion’s whole screen would turn yellow when healed by a Brigitte Repair Pack


  • Fixed a bug with Swift Step in Capture the Flag that would send the Flag to the destination instead of dropping it where the ability was activated


  • Fixed Mercy’s Guardian Angel sometimes allowing her to escape Ramattra’s Ravenous Vortex


  • Fixed an issue with missing assets on Ramattra’s Hero Information page
  • Fixed an issue with Ramattra’s Primary Fire effects not displaying the correct amount of projectiles for other players
  • Ramattra should now play rumble effects on gamepads/controllers
  • Ramattra can no longer have more than one barrier active at a time. Note: This could not happen in standard modes, only Custom Game or modes with low cooldowns


  • Fixed an issue where Pulse Bomb would not damage Tracer if it was ‘Stuck’ to an enemy

Download free OW2 update 3.48 for PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.