Overwatch 2 Update 3.49 Patch Notes (1.000.011)

Overwatch 2 update 3.49 patch notes details released for PS4, PS5(1.000.011), PC, and Xbox One. According to the official OW2 3.49 patch notes, the latest adds a new hero, new skins, quality-of-life changes and fixes. Apart from this, Overwatch 2 patch 3.49 also includes gameplay optimizations.

Previously, a major update added Anniversary Remix: Vol 3 skins Tagged Tracer, Varsity D.Va, Genjiman Genji, and more. Unfortunately, players are facing several issues with the game. Today’s Overwatch 2 version 3.49 will fix a few of these issues.

Read the full details below.

Overwatch 2 3.49 patch notes (1.000.011)

Here are the main points about Overwatch 2 Season Four:

  • Introduction of new support hero, Lifeweaver, from Thailand, with a healing and protection kit.
  • New Battle Pass features Mythic Space Conqueror Sigma for combat in the cosmos.
  • Accessibility improvements including a setting for custom colors in health bars.
  • Updates to the stranded spawn system, allowing partial spawn rooms for 7 seconds after being shut down, with the healing field remaining active and the ability to use the interact key to teleport to an active spawn room.
  • Changes to competitive matchmaking, including a requirement to win 25 competitive matches before being eligible for the Top 500 leaderboard for a specific role, queue or region.
  • Players who leave Competitive Play will face more severe consequences for their skill tier and division.
  • Players who leave Competitive Play will also receive fewer Competitive Points.
  • Seasonal rank decay has been removed, meaning players’ skill tier and division at the beginning of Season 4 will closely match the matchmaker’s estimate of their current skill.

Hero Updates

  • Reinhardt’s overall power is being adjusted by reducing his armor health from 300 to 250, while increasing his base health from 175 to 200.
  • Sigma’s Accretion is having its impact damage reduced from 60 to 40 (80 damage total with explosion), but its knockdown duration is being increased from 0.8 to 1.1 seconds. The goal is to require an additional volley of primary fire but provide allies with more time to follow up on successful impacts.
  • Cassidy’s base health is being reduced from 225 to 200, and Magnetic Grenade’s damage is being reduced from 131 to 120.
  • Sombra’s EMP can now disable Blizzard.
  • Ana’s Sleep Dart maximum duration on Tank heroes is being reduced from 5 to 3.5 seconds.
  • Brigitte’s Rally is being reworked to gain an increased armor health pool upfront, enhancing her barrier and increasing its size and health. During Rally, Shield Bash now impacts multiple enemies and briefly stuns them. Bonus movement speed is being reduced from 30 to 15%, and Repair Pack range is being reduced from 30 to 25 meters.
  • Mercy’s healing-per-second is being increased from 45 to 55, and the healing is no longer increased for allies under half health. The cooldown for Guardian Angel is being reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 seconds, and the jump and crouch cancel active ability state duration is being increased from 1.0 to 1.5 seconds. Valkyrie’s support role passive healing is now active for the duration of Valkyrie.
  • Moira’s Fade can now be activated during Coalescence. The bonus movement speed of Coalescence is being reduced from 50 to 40%. The lingering heal duration of Biotic Grasp is being increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Map Pools have been disabled, and all maps are now in rotation. A new Arcade Map, Talantis, an underwater Talon base with jump pads, pit traps, giant fish, and waterfalls, will be playable from April 25th through May 1st. Season 4 Map Lighting updates have also been made for Push, Hybrid, and Escort modes.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug that caused rank-up animation to play when a player was actually ranking down in Competitive Modes.
  • Fixed an issue with Hero Options becoming unresponsive if modified during the respawn period.
  • Fixed missing map preview images from Game Reports and Replays.
  • Fixed Streamer Mode failing to obfuscate BattleTags in some cases.
  • Custom Game Browser now sorts by decreasing ping by default.
  • Fixed round transition screen in Competitive breaking when played on 21:9.
  • Fixed the round transition screen being significantly darker with colorblind options enabled.
  • Fixed camera displacement when using Souvenir during map loading.
  • Endorsement UI can now be navigated while on the Challenge Progress Screen.
  • Fixed controller/gamepad issue that prevented access to the While you Wait menu unless the middle card on the screen was highlighted first.


  • Circuit Royale: Fixed multiple lighting issues.
  • Hanamura: Fixed multiple cases of lighting and geometry issues.
  • Ilios: Fixed areas where players could become stuck.
  • New Queen Street: Fixed multiple cases of lighting and geometry in Toronto.
  • Oasis: Fixed areas that blocked players and gameplay.
  • Shambali Monastery: Fixed areas that allowed players to stand in unintended locations.



  • The Raijin skin has been adjusted so that Ashe’s Viper no longer takes up a large amount of screen space when scoped in
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Ashe to gain Ultimate while B.O.B was active


  • Fixed a bug where some abilities were able to interact with Artillery’s targeting reticle
  • Fixed a bug where Bastion’s attack animations could appear sped up (though they actually weren’t) after the effects of Kitsune Rush expired


  • Fixed in a previous update – Fixed a bug with Cassidy’s Deadeye not taking armor mitigation into account which resulted in a Killing Blow before the enemy was marked with a skull
  • Fixed in a previous update – Fixed a bug where the damage from Deadeye could be multiplied by reacquiring the same target before Deadeye completed
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Deadeye to miss its targets.


  • Fixed an issue with Seismic Slam not always registering when used on uneven surface


  • Fixed an issue with Echo’s Duplicate sometimes failing when duplicating a D.Va as she casts Self-Destruct


  • Fixed an issue where some abilities did not function correctly after being Deflected by Genji


  • Fixed an issue where in some cases Swift Step would fail to teleport the player
  • Fixed an issue with Kitsune Rush appearing orange to enemies if Kiriko had ‘Terrible Tornado’ equipped
  • Fixed invisible entities within Kiriko’s ultimate Kitsune Rush being pingable for a brief duration


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy, when using Valkyrie to clip for extended periods into the environment and prevent critical shots
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could negate the effects of Rocket Punch in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with Mercy’s footsteps being extra quiet while crouched


  • Fixed an issue with Moira’s hand animations breaking during gameplay


  • Fixed a bug with the art on Orisa’s Forest Spirit Spear


  • Fixed an issue with the Barrage play of the game not using custom rockets from the selected skin


  • Fixed an interaction with Whole Hog and Hook where the hook would clip into the camera of the hook’s target


  • Fixed a bug with Gravitic Flux picking up reviving heroes just before the Revive completes
  • Fixed a typo in Kinetic Grasp’s tooltip. It now correctly states it grants ‘extra health’


  • Fixed a bug with Sombra’s footsteps remaining silent to players who had detected her


  • Fixed a bug where Molten Core projectiles could become stuck in the air if deflected with Orisa’s spear


  • Fixed a bug where in some cases Tracer would not get all her Blink charges back upon respawn


  • Fixed a bug where Venom Mine would be missing a team color if Widowmaker was wearing an Away Overwatch League Skin


  • Fixed an issue where Zarya would not receive charge from Brigitte’s Shield Bash


  • Fixed an issue where Zenyatta’s ability prompts on target characters being reversed when using a gamepad/controller
  • Fixed an issue where Orb of Discord could appear team-colored Blue when applied to an enemy

Plant the seeds of victory with Lifeweaver

Lifeweaver is a scientist from Thailand who harnesses his biolight technology on his mission to heal the world. Despite being on the run from Viskar, he is determined to use his technology to make a difference for those around him. His charm and wit are sure to bring a smile (and maybe a blush) to the heroes who encounter him on the battlefield.

Lifeweaver wields a diverse kit that enables him to heal and rescue his teammates. Healing Blossom blasts charged bursts of recovery for injured allies. Swap to his second primary fire, Thorn Volley, and become a thorn in your opponent’s side. Raise your teammates to new heights with Petal Platform or pull them to safety with Life Grip. Lifeweaver can provide incredible sustained healing and protection with his ultimate ability, Tree of Life.

Celebrate Thai New Year with B.O.B. and Weave

Our first event of Season Four, celebrating Lifeweaver and his Thai origins, starts now through April 25. Dive into the all-new arcade mode, B.O.B. and Weave, where you and two other teammates will go head-to-head in a 3v3 deathmatch. Everyone plays Lifeweaver, and each team will get a single B.O.B that call be pulled around the map using Life Grip to eliminate your enemies.

Don’t forget to complete your event challenges to earn special Lifeweaver and Thai New Year rewards before the fun ends April 25!

Introducing Talantis – You designed it, we built it!

If you joined us for our ‘Twitch Makes Overwatch’ livestream last December, then you helped Game Director Aaron Keller and Art Director Dion Rogers design a new control map from scratch, complete with death pits, jump pads, and lots of giant fish! Well, we finished Talon’s secret underwater lair, and this non-canon map will be available for play in the Arcade for a limited time from April 25 to May 1.

Rescue or conquer the galaxy

Embark on a space opera PvP event starting May 9 through May 22 where you’ll join either the Watchers or the Infinite Empire in an epic battle for galactic supremacy.

Starwatch: Galactic Rescue is 4v4 game mode that takes place on a reworked Horizon Lunar Colony where Watchers will attack against the defending Infinite Empire. Assemble your team from select heroes to represent the Watchers and Infinite Empire and battle your way through new objectives (and surprises!)

You may notice some of our heroes’ loyalties through the space opera Premium Battle Pass Cosmetics. Will you play as Space Prince Lucio or Extraterrestrial Winston from the Watchers? Or will your sympathies lie with Infinite Ace D.Va or Seer Mercy from the Infinite Empire?

Regardless of your allegiance, you can complete your Starwatch challenges to earn free event rewards starting May 9 through May 22!

The gods return to the battlefield

Zeus Junker Queen and our other powerful deities are back, as Battle for Olympus makes its return for Overwatch 2 from May 23 through May 29.

Zeus Junker Queen will take on her powerful rivals once again in this explosive Free-For-All. You’ll also now be able to gather your friends and build a near-omnipotent team, as Battle for Olympus is now available as a Team Deathmatch ruleset too!

Celebrating Life, Friendship, and Love

As part of Overwatch 2’s ongoing goal to bring hope for the future, we are happy to bring new events later this season that bring us together as a community. First, we’re introducing the Gardener Symmetra Skin Epic in the Symmetra Challenge. Complete in-game challenges to earn this skin along with other spring-tastic rewards when it goes live from May 23 to May 29.

Finally, we’re incredibly happy to bring our first-ever Pride event to Overwatch 2 starting June 1. We’ll have more to share later in the season, and we can’t wait to celebrate your friends, family, and who you are together in Overwatch 2!

Hero Updates for Season Four

This season includes additional balance updates, including a reworked ultimate ability for Brigitte. First up, we are making small changes to Sigma, Reinhardt, and Cassidy focusing on pulling back their lethality a little bit.

We listened to feedback from y’all regarding our changes to Mercy that were introduced in Season 3. While our goal was to make her healing more engaging when saving low-health allies, her sustainability shifted from her mobility to being able to stay alive through her passive and Valkyrie, making her not as fun to play or play against. We’re reverting these changes, with a slight adjustment to how guardian angel works to keep her boosted jump under control.

Next up, we’re looking to address Brigitte’s ultimate ability Rally to be more engaging and powerful when she is using the ultimate. Brigitte now gains a fixed amount of recoverable armor and powers her shield up with increased size and health, along with the ability to stun. So, when you hear her battle cry, get ready for some wild brawls.

Competitive and Matchmaking updates in Season Four

We’ve made additional updates to improve the Competitive experience in Overwatch 2. Starting this season, you’ll no longer see a dip in your displayed tier and division as we remove seasonal decay. Also, to help show how close you are to your opponents, the average skill rating of the match will now be displayed at the start of the game.

After the match, you’ll be able to see your current win and loss record as you progress to your next competitive update. When you reach competitive updates, you’ll be able to see how close you are to the next division in your skill tier.

Finally, we’ll be improving the matchmaking experience for when players are backfilled into an Unranked match, prioritizing that players that enter a match in progress are as close to the skill rating as other players in those matches. This should help make sure that each match feels fairer for everyone.

  • Added gameplay changes.
  • Added stability fixes.
  • Added performance improvements.

The following changes were added previously.


Drop into season three to explore the depths of the coolest new control map, Antarctic Peninsula. Compete in limited-time in-game events, such as Ultimate Valentine. Customize your heroes with new skins and cosmetics from the Battle Pass and weekly Shop drops. Now earn Credits in the Battle Pass that can be redeemed for over 250 cosmetics from the original Overwatch , and go premium to get exclusive rewards, such as Mythic Amaterasu Kiriko.


Journey across the frozen Antarctic Peninsula. Discover the abandoned station where the Overwatch Ecopoint team once searched for the source of a dangerous anomaly threatening the world and explore the wreckage of the icebreaker ship that failed to rescue Mei-Ling Zhou and her friends.


Players can now activate Streamer Protect options in-game settings. These options will provide players with ways to hide identifying information when livestreaming matches.


Accessibility Improvements

  • Improved Subtitles Options: text scalability, character portrait icons, speaker name, text color, background color, and subtitle preview in the options menu
  • Added mouse cursor size setting for PC
  • Added setting to select custom colors for Group and Alert colors in the UI. Preview feature added to preview custom colors in the accessibility options


  • Added challenges to unlock “Silhouette” player icons for all heroes
  • Added tracking for each of the roles for the Weekly “Role Mastery” challenge
  • Added Ramattra unlock challenges
  • Partial progress through the season three Battle Pass is now carried over to the “Wins for Ramattra” challenge


  • Players can now endorse the opposing team
  • All players can now be endorsed in Free-For-All game modes

Game Report

  • Players can view scoreboards from previous matches within the View Game Reports menu found in the History tab of the Career Profile

Mystery Heroes Changes

  • Mystery heroes now limits each team to a maximum of three of each role.
    Example: You are Reinhardt in Mystery Heroes. Your team also includes Mercy, Ana, and Lucio. When you die, you cannot respawn as a Support hero because there are already three Support heroes on your team. You will either be respawned as a Damage or a Tank hero
  • This new maximum role limit can be changed in Custom Games under Settings > Modes > All > Random Hero Role Limit Per Team,
    This setting only functions when the Respawn as Random Hero setting is enabled

Overwatch Credits are back

  • Overwatch Credits, which were previously labeled “Legacy Credits” and were not earnable in Overwatch 2, can now once again be earned through progressing in the Season 3 Battle Pass
  • All players can earn up to 1500 credits as free rewards, and another 500 credits are available as premium rewards in the Season 3 Battle Pass
  • Credits can be spent in the Hero Gallery, which now contains nearly all seasonal Epic and Legendary-tier skins released prior to the launch of Overwatch 2. This includes many skins that were previously only available for purchase with Coins in the “Just for You” section of our Shop

Ping System Update

  • Pressing Ability 1 or Ability 2 when the ping wheel is open and when these abilities are on cooldown now prints these cooldowns in chat
    Example: If Baptiste’s Immortality Field is on cooldown and you press the key/button to activate the ability while the Ping Wheel is open, the cooldown for the ability will be printed in chat


Season 3 competitive play begins now! Here are some of the latest updates aimed at improving the competitive experience in Overwatch 2:

  • Skill tiers and divisions will adjust after every 5 wins or 15 losses and ties (formally 7 wins or 20 losses and ties)
  • Players can select the “View Competitive Progress” button from the Competitive menu to view their progress toward receiving a rank update


  • Workshop Editor is back!

Workshop Moderation Tools

We added new menu options when reporting a player. Our goal is to give players more ways to report inappropriate behavior so that we can take action in a timely manner. As a result, you can select the category and sub-category that best explain why you are reporting the player or their custom content. The major categories include:

  • Inappropriate Communication
  • Inappropriate Name
  • Cheating
  • Gameplay Sabotage
  • Inappropriate Custom Content



  • Maximum ultimate charge retained when swapping heroes reduced from 30 to 25%


  • The health totals for all tank heroes will be lower when playing any game mode that does not have a role queue. Health totals will remain the same for tanks when playing any Role Queue enabled game.



  • Mech base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 350
  • Mech base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 350 to 200


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 450
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 450 to 300


  • Base health in Role Queue modes increased to 450
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 425 to 300

Developer Comment: The overall base health for Junkerqueen is increased by 25 HP.


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 275
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 275 to 125

Augmented Fusion Driver

  • Damage falloff range reduced from 25 to 15 meters


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 450
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 450 to 300


  • Damaging enemies with the ultimate now slows the duration timer down instead of pausing it entirely. Lasts up to 20 seconds
  • Ultimate cost increased 12%


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 325
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 325 to 175


  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds

Fire Strike

  • Damage increased from 90 to 100


  • Direct hit damage reduced from 250 to 170
  • Knockdown duration increased from 2.5 to 2.75 seconds
  • Ultimate cost increased 7%

Rocket Hammer

  • Knockback impulse reduced from 10 to 6


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 700
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 700 to 550

Whole Hog

  • Maximum duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds
  • Ultimate cost increased 8%


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 350
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 350 to 200

Gravitic Flux

  • Ultimate cost increased 7%


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 350
  • Base health in none non-Role Queue modes reduced from 350 to 200

Barrier Projector

  • Health reduced from 700 to 650

Wrecking Ball

  • Base health in Role Queue modes reduced from 600 to 450
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 600 to 300
  • Shield health increased from 0 to 150

Pile Driver

  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds


  • Ultimate cost increased 9%
  • Arming time reduced from 1.5 to 1 second


  • Base health in Role Queue modes remains the same at 250
  • Base health in non-Role Queue modes reduced from 250 to 100

Graviton Surge

Ultimate cost increased 8%



Combat Roll

  • Movement is no longer blocked by enemy player collision


  • Primary fire falloff range increased from 20 to 25 meters


Concussion Mine

  • Maximum damage reduced from 120 to 100



  • Ultimate cost reduced 5%



  • Ultimate cost reduced 5%


Death Blossom

  • Ultimate cost reduced 8%


Heavy Pulse Rifle

  • Number of shots to reach maximum recoil increased from 4 to 6
  • Recoil reduced 12%


Machine Pistol

  • Damage per projectile increased from 7 to 7.5


  • Health pack hacked duration increased from 30 to 45 seconds


Photon Barrier

  • Ultimate cost increased 10%


Deploy Turret

  • Turret base health reduced from 250 to 225


  • Base health reduced from 200 to 175



Biotic Grenade

  • Effect duration reduced from 4 to 3.5 seconds


Repair Pack

  • Healing over time reduced from 55 to 50 per second
  • Applying a Repair Pack now instantly heals for 25 health on impact


  • Ultimate cost reduced 10%


Sound Barrier

  • Ultimate cost reduced 7%


Guardian Angel

  • Cooldown increased from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds
  • Holding the backwards directional input and canceling the ability with Jump now moves 20% slower

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing-per-second reduced from 55 to 45
  • Healing is increased by 50% for allies under half health

Regeneration Passive

  • Regeneration Passive removed

New Passive: “Sympathetic Recovery”

  • Mercy heals herself for 25% of healing done with the Caduceus Staff



  • Ultimate cost reduced 5%


Orb of Destruction

  • Ammo increased from 20 to 25



  • New Queen Street – Morning
  • Colosseo – Morning (NEW)
  • Esperança – Morning


  • Blizzard World – Morning
  • King’s Row – Evening
  • Midtown – Morning
  • Numbani – Morning
  • Paraíso – Morning


  • Dorado – Night
  • Havana – Night (NEW)
  • Junkertown – Morning
  • Circuit royal – Morning (NEW)
  • Rialto – Morning
  • Shambali Monastery – Night


  • Antarctic Peninsula – Night (NEW MAP)
  • Ilios – Morning
  • Lijiang Tower – Night
  • Nepal – Evening
  • Oasis – Evening



Ping System

  • Unified the range for most targeted ally pings to 35 meters
  • Fixed D.Va hearing the “Behind You” VO in unintended circumstances when enemies are pinged
  • Fixed a bug where pings could be fired by the Communication Wheel if the Ping Wheel had been canceled (by not moving the mouse or with a manual cancel)
  • Fixed free camera spectators hearing “Need Healing/Need Help” sound effects (not voice-over) if the hero requesting healing was injured and within 30 meters of the spectator’s free cam
  • Fixed Mercy’s Soul Pings not displaying her Resurrect cooldown time remaining in some circumstances
  • Made all pings available to be placed in the Communication Wheel
  • Fixed the issue where OW1 players with pings in the Communication Wheel couldn’t change their options in the Communications menu
  • Fixed self-pings being able to fire Hero-specific pings (Example: Group Up could cause Mercy to say she’d like to Resurrect a teammate)

Other Fixes

  • Addressed a bug where some players were unable to receive or send invites
  • Addressed a bug with Junkerqueen’s Mythic skin ‘Zeus’ not having glowing hair on console
  • Resolved a bug where all maps were toggled off by default when starting a new Custom Game
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes Health Packs were displaying the cooldown circle while the health pack was available
  • Fixed a bug where the Social Screen would not display friends correctly on some consoles
  • Improved the performance when viewing the friend’s section of the Competitive leaderboard
  • Addressed a bug with Cyber Genji displaying broken animations when using emotes or souvenirs
  • Healing VFX on players being healed should no longer clip through the environment
  • Resolved an issue with the level of bloom on several maps


Blizzard World

  • Fixed lighting in several areas around the map


  • Meka Base: Fixed areas near forklifts that players could become stuck on


  • Fixed lighting in some areas of the map


  • OW2 update 3.46 fixed some areas that should have been slippery for players but were not
  • Fixed some areas where players could become stuck
  • Added a missing flag to the loading screen of Esperança


  • City Center: Fixed several reflection issues
  • Gardens: Fixed multiple lighting issues


  • Fixed ambient lighting across the map

Shambali Monastery

  • OW2 update 3.46 fixed areas of the map that should have been slippery but were not
  • Fixed areas of the map that allowed players to leave the playable space
  • Fixed areas players could become stuck
  • General bug fixes across the map



  • OW2 patch 3.46 fixed a bug with Ana’s OWL skins missing their eyepatch


  • Addressed a bug where Doomfist would spawn with an empowered punch if killed by the environment while blocking
  • Fixed a bug where Environmental eliminations from Rocket Punch were not credited if the target slammed into a wall before dying
  • Fixed a bug where Seismic Slam would sometimes fail to break breakables
  • Resolved an issue with Seismic Slam not animating correctly when used to cancel Rocket Punch
  • Fixed an instance where Doomfist could use Primary Fire during the Meteor Strike outro animation


  • Fixed a bug to make Genji’s attack animations smoother


  • (Fixed in a previous update) Addressed a bug where Carnage could activate the cooldown reduction on non-player objects


  • Addressed a bug with Steel Trap sometimes failing to place


  • Addressed a bug where using Swift Step would sometimes cause Kiriko to fall through the map
  • Addressed a bug where Swift Step was missing effects when arriving at the target
  • Hero Melee animations should animate more consistently when under the effect of Kitsune Rush


  • Fixed a bug where Mercy’s heal target would heal to full if the Mercy player disconnects from the game if they were actively healing


  • Addressed a bug where Coalescence was not benefiting from Kitsune Rush


  • Fixed a bug with Ravenous Vortex not spawning if it gets stuck between the Push bot and the barrier it pushes
  • Fixed a bug where damage from some abilities was not counting toward the ‘Incomparable Pain’ achievement
  • Addressed a bug with the Heroic Highlight Intro being blurry in the Hero Gallery


  • Addressed a bug where Sigma’s Hyperspheres were sometimes missing


  • Fixed a bug with Sombra’s Passive tooltip displaying the incorrect value


  • Symmetra can no longer fire her Photon Projector while casting Photon Barrier

Download free Overwatch 2 update 3.49 for PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.