Overcooked All You Can Eat Update 1.08 Patch Notes – March 2, 2022

Overcooked All You Can Eat update 1.08 (1.011.000) released on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Overcooked 1.08 patch notes, the latest update addressed some of the concerns regarding unstable matchmaking and online play. Additionally, Overcooked version 1.08 also contains fixes for issues across all platforms including general, stability and specific bug fixes for Xbox and PlayStation consoles.

Previously, a major update was released that added the birthday-themed kitchens, a new chef, and a new recipe.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, some players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Overcooked update 1.08 has addressed a few of these errors.

Overcooked All You Can Eat Patch 1.08 Notes – Official


  • Fixed a crash occurring when entering the Overcooked 1 Intro Apocalypse in a 4-player online session.
  • Fix for empty slot names appearing as Slot 1, even in spaces Slot 2 & 3 for clients in an online session.
  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements.


  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to join an online game as the fourth player when their T17 ID was over a certain character limit.
  • Fixes for players receiving multiple errors when accessing Arcade areas of the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is left in a blank lobby if they choose to retry matchmaking after all clients leave an arcade lobby, if they had selected a theme beforehand.
  • Fixed an issue where the last remaining player in an online campaign session was left with a single chef – players are now given a second chef to continue playing on.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was left in an empty arcade lobby if all clients left when matchmaking was completed.

Xbox 1/Xbox Consoles

  • Fix for platform invites sometimes not sending.
  • Fix for an occasional crash on the world map when travelling to Overcooked 1 Level 4-1
  • Fix for a crash when accepting an invite on the save slot selection screen when entering the campaign.
  • Fixed users not being able to accept invites from a suspended state.
  • Fixed the T17 Friends list becoming Empty due to a Username Change.

PS4/PS5 Consoles

  • Fixed an issue where the use of Versus mode would not transition both players into a lobby together.
  • Fixed an issue where a network disconnection would cause a soft lock on the “Change T17 ID Screen”
  • Fixed an issue where players can experience consistent lag with online play when playing on PS4.

Download free Overcooked update 1.08 (1.011) on for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.