Outward Update 1.19 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox

Outward update 1.19 release notes are now available for PS4, PC and Xbox One players. According to the official Outward 1.19 patch notes, the latest update added various fixes changes, and adjustments. Apart from this, Outward patch 1.19 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, an update was released with various fixes and gameplay changes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game.

Today’s Outward version 1.19 is expected to fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Outward 1.19 Patch Notes – June 7, 2022

– Jinx effects are now properly sync.
– Instruments now apply their periodic effects properly.
– Nurturing Echo now trigger the instrument properly.
– Fixed issue where Rock Mantis life bar was displayed even when hidden.
– Fixed Torment not doing its effect when target is affected by confusion.
– Fixed Sweeping Kick not doing its effect when target is affected by confusion.
– Fixed opportunist stab effects.
– Fixed issue where Client’s stash would spawn initial loot more than once.
– Reverberate effects now properly sync.
– Item rotting in the stash won’t display the notification anymore.
– Assassin’s enchantment can now be properly applied.
– Fixed an issue where enemy would spawn a few km in the air in the open areas.
– Fixed various instances where multiple version of Crock would be present at the same time.
– Attempt to fix an issue where known recipe would be lost when playing in coop (This won’t bring back lost recipe unfortunately).
– Enchantment on legacied item will now properly apply when retrieving them from the legacy chest.
– Fixed issue where cooldown skills would be stuck after a loading.
– Fixed issue where some inn doors would not close one they have been open.
– Fixed issue where attempting to stop split would fail to do so when using a third party controller manager such as DS4.
– Fixed issue where cursor would be visible when opening a menu even when using a gamepad.

Download free Outward patch 1.19 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.