Norland Update 9 Patch Notes for PC

Norland game update 9 is rolling out on PC. According to the official Norland patch notes, the latest update increased the number of possible titles to 6. Additionally, Norland update 9 also includes quality of life changes and fixes.

Norland Patch Notes – July 26, 2024

  • The number of possible titles has been increased to 6.
  • In “King’s View” mode, the timer until the end of building inspections will be more noticeable.
  • Fixed a bug where the population influx to the player’s city was halved.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could crash after destroying an enemy squad or losing your squad in battle.
  • Fixed a bug where AI squads attacking the player could stop receiving new orders after capturing someone.
  • Fixed a bug where characters taken prisoner in battle could remain immobilized after being freed.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could stop saving after the player’s king participated in a battle before their coronation.

Recently, the game released with positive reviews. Unfortunately, since the Norland day one patch, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Norland version will fix a few of these issues.

Content writer for games at Also, love anime and toons.