Norland Update 4 Patch Notes for PC

Norland game update 4 is rolling out on PC. According to the official Norland patch notes, the latest update resolves bugs related to fleshwolves. Additionally, Norland update 4 also addresses a crash when loading social thoughts if they were corrupted during saving.

Norland Patch Notes – July 21, 2024

  • Fixed a bug where the fleshwolves in the prophecy of the fleshwolf attack would attack individually instead of in groups, making it difficult to fight them, and the player’s squads would not react to them until the moment of collision.
  • Fixed a bug where fleshwolves could start bandaging their wounds, causing their AI to freeze.
  • Fixed a crash when loading social thoughts if they were corrupted during saving.

Recently, the game released with positive reviews. Unfortunately, since the Norland day one patch, players are still experiencing several issues since the release. Today’s Norland version will fix a few of these issues.

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