Myth of Empires Update Patch Notes – November 29, 2021

Myth of Empires update (Nov. 29, 2021) is now rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Myth of Empires patch notes, the latest update added various quality of life changes and improvements.

Currently, Myth of Empires servers are down. Check Myth of Empires server status here.

Previously, a big update was released with various quality of life improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last update, players are facing various issues with the game. Read more details below.

Myth of Empires Patch Notes – November 29, 2021

You can now skip the queue and enter the big world within the 10 minutes after the battles
2. Fixed the situation where players cannot enter the Prefecture Battle, or the imbalanced participation from either side during the battle
3. Fixed the abnormal state when searching the Fair
4 Fixed the situation where the horse inventory is full, items purchased from the Fair cannot be received on mount.
5. Added a tick option in the delete character interface to confirm the deletion
6. Added the tips of the protective mechanism for newly-opened commandery
7. Adjusted the storage time of items during cross server teleport from 10 hours to 48 hours
8. Changed the weekly quest for prestige to the weekly quest for activity points. To finish the quest will need 800,000 activity points each week
9. Fixed the situation where the data of daily and weekly quest fail to refresh when the player is kicked out of the guild
10. Fixed the situation where the Giant Animal Cage Door could not be opened to a fixed direction
11. After adjustment, animals in baby phase can no longer be taken out of their area
12. After adjustment, the wolves in the Patrolling Wolf House will no longer attack the animal or warrior already stunned during taming or training
13. Optimized display of horse corpse retention time
14. Modified the format of the following messages in intelligence center: death, damage to structures, when territory banner is about to expire, when warriors and horses are about to starve to death, and when guild boundary marker protection time for the next week is not set
15. Added a guild skill that can increase the base number of structures that boundary marker is able to protect
16. Optimized the way of paying for boundary mark with resource. Paying in batches is now allowed
17. Added a guild skill that can increase the base number of structures. Once increased, the multiplier to project the structures will be decreased
18. Time to claim rewards from rank list is revised to once a week, and the settlement time is the fourth hour after the county battle
19. After adjustment, medicines that restore HP, such as Golden Wound Medicine, will increase the toxicity as the medicine talent increases
20. Adjusted the recovery effect of skewered locusts on the Meridian Toxicity
21. Fixed the situation where the medicine talent “Increases Chance of Getting Extra Medicine” would exceed 100%
22. Fixed the situation where the warrior’s loyalty decreases due to hunger

Download free Myth of Empires patch on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.