MultiVersus Season 2 Update 1.13 Patch Notes (Ver 2.00)

MultiVersus Season 2 update 2.00 details released for PS4, PS5, Xbox One and PC(Steam) players. According to the official MultiVersus 1.13 patch notes, the latest Season 2 update brings new content, battle pass, rewards and much more. Apart from this, MultiVersus patch 2.00 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major MultiVersus update 1.07 added new features, fixes, and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues when trying to play the game. Todayโ€™s MultiVersus version 1.12 will fix a few of these issues.

MultiVersus codes will be available later. Read more details below.

MultiVersus Version 1.13 Patch Notes โ€“ November 15, 2022

Season 2 Begins!
  • Season 2 starts with a new Battle Pass packed with content. We heard your feedback and made sure that there are no tiers without rewards. We also tuned the number of points required to complete each tier so that the Battle Pass feels both engaging and rewarding.
  • You can now equip up to 3 badges and show them off to the MultiVerse!
The Store is Open!
  • Check out the new MultiVersus in-game store! All cosmetics and characters are all in one place now! Browse away!
Multi-Path Traffic Acceleration!
  • Weโ€™ve put in place some network traffic optimizations and Multi-Path Traffic Acceleration. This is just the beginning and weโ€™re seeing promising results, but we will continue to improve our online experience for everyone!

Scoobyโ€™s Mansion (No Roof)

  • Increased blastbox size by 10%.
  • Ringouts were coming a bit too fast on the map so we increased the size by a bit.

Space Jam Map Updates!

  • Weโ€™re now keeping score of baskets made!
  • Scoring a basket now awards points based on the distance thrown. Try for some difficult 3 pointers!
  • Basket scores will now be broadcasted on the BIG screen!
  • Attacking a player holding a basketball item will cause that player to drop the item. Try fighting for control of The Court!
  • The Courtโ€™s walls can no longer be attacked and will only break on a player wall bounce.
  • Space Jam is still only available in Custom matches or in the Lab.
  • Any feedback would be appreciated as we continue to hone in a version of the map for queue!
  • Intro tutorial has been simplified, removing a number of steps
  • VO clips have been added to the intro tutorial.
  • Players are now given the option to go into arcade or their first match after finishing the intro tutorial.
Silly Queue

Jump into Silly Queue to try our BIG new ideas!

  • Our new game type is Big Head Mode! Characters will have large heads, and even larger cooldown reductions! Use your newfound knowledge to take home the win!

New items added to the game.

  • โ€˜Bounce Padโ€™: Place a spring pad that will launch anyone that steps on it upward.
  • โ€˜Proximity Mineโ€™: A placeable mine that will detonate when enemies get close
  • โ€˜Drumstickโ€™: Cooked chicken leg that will when thrown will turn hit enemies into Chickens for a short time


Evil Morty (Unlockable with: 1500 Gleamium)

Samurai Batman (Unlockable with: 2000 Gleamium)

Fern (Unlockable with: 2,000 Gleamium)

Uncle Shagworthy (Unlockable with: 2,000 Gleamium)

Baker Street Tom and Jerry (Unlockable on tier 50 of the Free Battle Pass)

Astronaut Velma (Unlockable on Tier 1 of the Premium Battle Pass)

Tea Time Reindog (Unlockable on Tier 42 of the Premium Battle Pass)

Maestro Bugs Bunny (Unlockable on Tier 50 of the Premium Battle Pass)

Signature Perk

Betrayal perk enrages allies/Arya but they will deal 3x weakened on hit down from 5x.

  • We were finding that weakened influenced the gameplay of Arya and their opponents too greatly at higher level play.


Hurtbox z-axis issue was causing attacks to unintendedly miss Batman, while he glided.

Grounded Down Attack

Delayed branching into dodge and jump on hit to prevent endless chaining back into itself.

Aerial Down Special

Removed the ability for this move to combo back into itself in order to prevent endless chaining.

Signature Perk

Bouncerang Weakened stacks applied reduced to 3 from 5.

  • The power level this gave for very little effort made this perk feel unfair to opponents of Batman so we reduced it a little.
Aerial Side Attack

Able to cancel into wall slide 5 frames earlier

Download free MultiVersus update 1.13 on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.