Mortal Online 2 Update Patch Notes – November 1, 2021

Mortal Online 2 update (November 1, 2021) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Mortal Online 2 patch notes, the latest update added a lot of AI updates, etherworld combat, and guild wars

Previously, a major update added various quality of life fixes and improvements.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues. Today’s Mortal Online 2 patch will address a few of these errors.

Mortal Online 2 Patch Notes – November 1, 2021


  • Added Skin complexion for human clade and veelas
  • Added Guild Wars
  • Spiritism and Etherworld combat.
  • Added press extraction devices to all cities.
  • Added Task NPC’s to all cities
  • Added Snapping Turtles to the Jungle Beaches.
  • Added Coralis Crabs to the Jungle Beaches.
  • Added Spirits to the Etherworld that can be drawn out with the spell transcendental seance.
  • Added the last of the Spiritism magic school spells.
  • Added a new butcher building to Meduli.
  • Added carapace materials to armor crafting.
  • AI now tries to avoid others while moving around, a.k.a. “crowd movement”. Improvements will mostly be seen in combat. This first iteration is a bit rough and we will continue to improve upon it.


  • Reduced hearing and sight of the minotaur king to make it easier to get a group into the room.
  • Improved AI target scanning to avoid AI starting attacks on targets that are outside of the leash.
  • Updated Sator animations.
  • Pets are now guild flagged.
  • Guild Enemies now show up as red.
  • Updated AI navmesh in Sewers and Minotaur dungeons.
  • Minotaur King’s Berserk animation updated.
  • Pig cooking values decreased.
  • Springbok cooking values increased.
  • Updated world distance fog.
  • Updated colors in the world.
  • Increased daylight intensity.
  • Increased contrast in the world.
  • Adjusted fog in Gaul Kor.
  • Visual updates to Morin Khur.
  • Creating a guild, starting a guild war and ending a guild war now fanfare.
  • Using Transcendental seance now always fails if you are alive when doing it.
  • All guild messages are now localizable.
  • Loot bags are now guild flagged.
  • Expanded Meduli bank building.
  • Mounts are now very cautious when riding inside dungeons and caves and won’t move faster than slowest speed.
  • The AI movement has been refactored with various improvements. See fixes for more information.
  • Players can no longer charge a bow or release arrows while standing too close to a wall. Doing so will cancel the action. The cancel will be replaced with a temporary block in the next update. Please report if the shoot-through-wall exploit can still be done.
  • Added new bank locations in Fabernum and Haven.
  • Optimized character method for finding look-at targets to save a few CPU cycles.
  • Re-enabled dynamic movement prediction based on player speed so that other players don’t get bouncy movement when they stop moving.
  • Reduced prediction amount when jumping to reduce sudden unexpected movements.
  • Optimized CPU usage for undeads by removing unused animation behavior.
  • Bandits and Risars can now feint attacks.


  • Horses no longer stop on small objects/edges.
  • Lictors now correctly spot criminals and give standing loss.
  • Guild Friends and guild friends’ pets no longer count as illegal to damage. This means that the “can become a criminal” option will not stop you from damaging these.
  • Fixed Bandit Sewer Leader not moving.
  • You no longer get login messages telling you what pets are stabled or sold.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in a wall in the Minotaur Dungeon boss room.
  • Tweaked movement for AI. This should reduce AI that are standing inside other AI while attacking you when you are attacked by more than 1 AI.
  • Pets that timeout on the broker will now go back to the stable.
  • AI now slows down and settles in place faster at their stop location.
  • AI no longer lags behind when traversing steep slopes.
  • AI no longer speeds up briefly when getting close to their enemy in combat.
  • Disabled strafing for undead. Strafing caused undead to not face their movement direction when engaging players, causing sliding and moon walking.
  • AI is now better limited in how far up and down it can spot targets.
  • Guards should no longer enter the Tindrem sewers.
  • AI movement is now less jerky due to improved calculations for speed and acceleration in path follow behavior.
  • AI look-at has been improved while moving and/or targeting opponents.
  • AI now properly settles in their heading direction when stopping during patrol. Guards could previously stop at a point and look sideways until moving on.
  • Fixed landscape hole in Tindrem.
  • Players will now be pushed away from NPCs and creatures if they end up standing inside them.
  • Bandits and Risars AI will no longer get locked up in blocking/nothing states when a player attacks them very fast.

Download free Mortal Online 2 update for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.