Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11) Update Version 1.07 Patch Details

Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11) update 1.07 is now rolling out for PS4 and Xbox One players. According to the official Mortal Kombat 11 version 1.07 changelog, the new update comes with a long list of bug fixes as well as contains fixes for framerate drop, matchmaking, stuttering/lag, freezing, game crashing, and more. In addition, the MK11 update 1.07 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a minor update was released with bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Mortal Kombat 11 version 1.07 update is expected to fix these issues. Check out more details below.

Mortal Kombat 11 update 1.07 changelog

General Gameplay Adjustments

• Move list corrections

• Improvements to AI logic

• Added Color Blindness mode (Protanope, Deuteranope, & Tritanope) to Video Options

• Added HDR TV Quality settings (Standard, High End, Professional) to Video Options

• Added Variation info to the Pause Menu in Practice Mode

• Added a 4 Star Ranking and replaced Damage Ratio with additional matchup information to the Kombat Breakdown after an Online Match or Kombat Kard Kareer Stats

• Updated the visuals for the Real Time Frame Data Display in Practice Mode & Kombat Kard Match Replays

• Added an additional Brutality victory pose for every character

• Improved performance on many brutalities that were causing slowdown to occur

• Fixes to visual issues with many brutalities

• Added several new Brutalities for players to discover

• Added “Dimitri Vegas as Sub-Zero” Skins and Mask to Sub-Zero Kustomizations available free to everyone

• Front Punch + Front Kick button macro is now working correctly for all Krushing Blows in Practice Mode when the Easy Krushing Blows option is enabled

• When a move that would have triggered a Krushing Blow trades with an invulnerable move on the same frame it will no longer result in neither move colliding

• Fixed a rare visual issue with hitsparks during “Finish Him” dizzy state after winning the round with Fatal Blow

• Mercy can now be performed using Front Kick + Back Kick button macro input if Button Shortcuts is enabled

• Fixed a rare issue where a player could cause a high projectile to visually appear to pass through their character after a knockdown if they pressed and released the down direction at a precise timing and made no further inputs

• Adjustment to victim regions after a character has missed a throw attempt

• Adjustment to victim regions during many hit reactions

• Adjustment to crouching victim regions for all characters except Baraka, Kabal, Kollector, Kotal Kahn, Liu Kang

• Fixed an issues that could cause Up + Back Punch Wakeup Attacks & Flawless Block Attacks to sometimes not be invulnerable to a jumping attack that collides just before landing

Kombat League / Online

• Minor online stability improvements

• Fixed several rare online desync causes

• Improved server Match Results arbitration when disconnects have happened in Ranked and Kombat League matches

• Kombat League Point Decay now takes 72+ hours to trigger (up from 48+ hours)

• Added a pop up message after Point Decay happens to the Online menu

• Quitting from the rematch screen in online matches now requires a confirmation

• Shang Tsung’s health will no longer sometimes be adjusted when morphing back after a Soul Steal in a Survivor KOTH match


• Added more detailed “where to get” information to many items

Towers of Time

• Johnny Cage Announcer added as a reward for getting into the top 10% of any week of Race Against Time

• Added a new reward type (Bonus Character Reward) for Tower completion that awards a random skin, piece of gear, or augment for the character you use to defeat it

• The cooldown on some modifiers will now start when it goes away instead of when triggered

Stage Specific Adjustments

• Shaolin Trap Dungeon – Statue Slam is now +9 on hit (down from +38)

Character Specific AdjustmentsBaraka

• Baraka – Low Stab (Down + Front Punch) recovery increased by 1 frame

• Baraka – Baraka-Serker’s Amplified Krushing Blow Held Check input is now the correct button

Cassie Cage

• Cassie Cage – Now has 950 health (down from 1000)

• Cassie Cage – Air Fatal Blow can now be performed with Block + Front Kick + Back Kick button macro while Button Shortcuts Controller Option is enabled

• Cassie Cage – Ball Buster has an increased victim region during its active frames

• Cassie Cage – Up Glow Kick has 5 less frames of blockstun and can no longer be amplified after being Flawless Blocked

• Cassie Cage – Up Glow Kick Amplified when Flawless Blocked has 10 less frames of block Advantage and less pushback

• Cassie Cage – Flick Kick (Towards + Back Kick) recovery increased by 3 frames

• Cassie Cage – Fixed visual effect issue when Amplified BLB-118 Energy Burst is interrupted

• Cassie Cage – Fixed a rare visual effect issue when Dual Wielding is interrupted while it is charged with green energy at specific timing

• Cassie Cage – Fixed a rare visual issue with BLB-118 Drone when starting a fatality


• Cetrion – Blaze (Back Punch, Front Punch) had its hit region adjusted

• Cetrion – Rising Volcano (Away + Back Kick) recovery decreased by 3 frames

• Cetrion – Added ability “Conflux of Elements”. This ability will cause a random elemental circle to be summoned when it is activated

• Cetrion – Earthquake 2nd attack can now be cancelled by holding up

• Cetrion – Shattering Boulder now has a Krushing Blow

• Cetrion – Geyser damage has been slightly lowered and now damage occurs timed correctly with the animation’s impacts

• Cetrion – Bouncing Boulder now recovers 5 frames faster, has 5 frames less blockstun when normally blocked, and 10 frames less blockstun when Flawless Blocked with significantly reduced pushback

• Cetrion – Far H2 P0rt & (Air) Far H2 P0rt now has 48 recovery frames (up from 37)


• D’Vorah – Forward Throw now has a Krushing Blow that triggers when the opponent is infected by Fireflies

• D’Vorah – When an opponent throw escapes D’Vorah, any Fireflies attached to the opponent will return to D’Vorah

• D’Vorah – Swarm blockstun increased by 10 frames and has significantly increased pushback

• D’Vorah – Widow’s Kiss can now be slightly delayed, had its amplify input window adjusted, damage increased by 50, and its startup is now 28 frames (was 34),

• D’Vorah – Fixed issue with Infested Krushing Blow damage over time potentially lingering into next round if the first hit is the killing blow

• D’Vorah – Infested Krushing blow now uses the correct combo damage scaling

• D’Vorah – Adjusted hit region of Yellow Jacket (Front Punch, Back Punch)

• D’Vorah – Black Widow (Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch) has 3 less hit, block, & miss recovery frames

• D’Vorah – Bug Bash (Towards + Front Punch) now has 12 startup frames (down from 15)

• D’Vorah – Assassin Bug (Back Punch, Front Punch) hitstun increased by 7 frames

• D’Vorah – Killer Strike (Towards + Back Punch) startup is now 19 frames (was 20), hit advantage increased by 6 frames

• D’Vorah – Siafu (Towards + Back Punch, Back Punch) startup is now 16 frames (was 15), cancel frame occurs 2 frames later, recovers 3 frames faster, and had its hit region adjusted

• D’Vorah – Recluse (Towards + Back Punch, Back Punch, Up + Front Punch + Front Kick) startup is now 18 frames (was 21), recovery increased on block/miss by 2 frames, hit region adjusted

• D’Vorah – Tsetse (Towards + Back Punch, Back Punch, Down + Front Punch + Front Kick) recovers 4 frames faster on block/miss, pushback increased, hit region adjusted

• D’Vorah – Bugging Out (Towards + Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick) startup is now 24 frames (was 12), blockstun increased by 10 frames with increased pushback, range adjusted

• D’Vorah – Recluse, Tsetse, and Bugging Out can be performed after Siafu misses

• D’Vorah – Fixed a bug allowing Recluse and Tsetse to be able to be cancelled into special moves when blocked

• D’Vorah – Larva Tarsus (Front Kick) damage increased to 70 (was 50), recovery decreased by 2 frames, blockstun increased by 5 frames with increased pushback, and had its hit region adjusted

• D’Vorah – Killer Bee (Away + Front Kick, Back Kick) has 1 more active frame, recovers 1 slower on block, recovers 11 frames faster on hit

• D’Vorah – Killer Bee can now be performed after Ovi Posi Poke (Away + Front Kick) misses

• D’Vorah – Spinning Web (Away + Back Kick) recovery decreased by 3 frames, blockstun increased by 5 frames

• D’Vorah – Low Tarsus Strike (Down + Front Kick) recovery decreased by 3 frames, hitstun increased by 9 frames and hit reaction changed

• D’Vorah – Slight Sting (Down + Back Kick) recovery decreased by 2 frames

• D’Vorah – Fixed issue with (Air) Time Ticking Bug lingering after cinematics

Erron Black

• Erron Black – Fatal Blow startup is now 18 frames (was 10)

• Erron Black – Scud Shot recovery increased by 5 frames

• Erron Black – Scud Shot Amplified blockstun decreased by 5 frames and projectile travel speed has been slightly reduced

• Erron Black – Rattle Snake Slide Amplified now has 3 more frames of recovery

• Erron Black – Slightly reduced hit region size of the acid pool created by Zatarrean Spit / Rattle Snake Slide Amplified

• Erron Black – Boot Drop Amplified now cannot hit airborne opponents

• Erron Black – Exiting Locked and Loaded stance directly after an attack now requires the player to hold up

• Erron Black – “Rising Stock” attack while in Locked and Loaded stance is now a default move. Cancelling the recovery of “Rising Stock” by leaving Locked and Loaded stance still requires “Enhanced Locked and Loaded” ability.

• Erron Black – Locked and Loaded Unload will no longer face the opponent after the first shot

• Erron Black – Dusty Knuckles (Down + Front Punch) recovery on hit increased by 5 frames, recovery on block/miss increased by 1 frame, hitstun increased by 6 frames

• Erron Black – Low Boot (Down + Front kick) recovery increased by 1 frame, hitstun increased by 4 frames


• Frost – Headbutt (Away + Front Punch) startup is now 11 frames (was 16), recovers 8 frames faster

• Frost – Freezer Burn (Away + Front Punch, Back Punch) recovers 13 frames faster

• Frost – Blizzard (Away + Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch) is now a high, has 5 less frames of blockstun, reduced pushback, and had its hit region adjusted

• Frost – Frigid Palm (Down + Front Punch) startup is now 8 frames (was 9), recovery on hit increased by 1 frame, recovery on block/miss reduced by 2 frames, and hitstun increased by 5 frames

• Frost – Chest Cold (Down + Front Kick) recovery on block reduced by 2 frames, recovery on miss increased by 1 frame, hitstun increased by 1 frame, and had its hit region adjusted

• Frost – Microburst recovers 2 frames faster, and recovers significantly faster if the 2nd attack misses

• Frost – Cryogenic Crown’s explosion had its hit region increased

• Frost – Glacier Calving recovers 5 frames faster, and shield duration is 2 seconds (from 1.5 seconds)

• Frost – Glacier Calving amplified recovers 1 frame faster and shield duration is 3 seconds (from 2 seconds)

• Frost – Fixed issue that allowed Frosted Uppercut (Down + Back Punch) to be cancelled into Fatal Blow on the first active frame


• Geras – Xuid & Guid (Towards + Front Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick, Back Kick) Krushing Blow requirement has been changed to: “Triggers if the opponent is NEAR the wall when hit.”

• Geras – Quick Sand Krushing Blow requirement has been changed to: “Triggers if this ATTACK has missed TWICE in a row.”

• Geras – Quick Sand can no longer be performed while opponent is stunned by Temporal Advantage

• Geras – Gauntlet of the Ages Krushing Blow now has 4 more frames of recovery

• Geras – Without End (Front Punch, Front Punch, Front Punch) startup is now 21 frames (was 17)

• Geras – Knee Bash (Down + Front Punch) recovers 3 frames slower on hit, 1 frame slower on block/miss, and has 1 more frame of hitstun

• Geras – Fixed rare issue with Shoulder Charge (Towards + Front Punch) collision being offset after hitting a cross up body splash

• Geras – Fixed a bug that when winning a round with the first hit of Quick Sand, there could be a few frames of projectile immunity in the next round

• Geras – Fixed issue with Sand Trap which allowed players with Krushing Blow Held Check ON to store the Krushing Blow for future use if they hit an opponent blocking high

• Geras – Added FX to one of his idle animations

Jacqui Briggs

• Jacqui Briggs – Now has 950 health points (down from 1000)

• Jacqui Briggs – Grease Kick damage decreased by 10

• Jacqui Briggs – Grease Kick Amplified damage decreased by 10

• Jacqui Briggs – Lethal Clinch – Spear Elbow Drop does 10 less damage

• Jacqui Briggs – Lethal Clinch – Double Spear Knee hit advantage is now 13 (down from was 50)

• Jacqui Briggs – Mix Up (Away + Back Kick) second hit blockstun increased by 5 frames

• Jacqui Briggs – Mix Up first hit can now be cancelled on miss if “Cybernetic Override” is equipped

• Jacqui Briggs – All For One (Towards + Front Kick, Front Punch, Back Kick) now has airborne frames that match the animation

• Jacqui Briggs – Bionic Dash has 1 more active frame and recovers 3 frames faster on miss

• Jacqui Briggs – Up Prototype Rocket and Amplified Up Prototype Rocket had their hit regions adjusted

• Jacqui Briggs – Up Grenade Launcher Amplified had its hit region adjusted, starts 1 frame faster, recovers 1 frame faster, has increased combo damage scaling and when hitting an opponent out of the air will cause a lower gravity reaction

• Jacqui Briggs – Tech-Dome now lasts 7 seconds (down from 10), activates 1 frame faster and recovers 4 frames faster

• Jacqui Briggs – Fixed bug that causes Tech-Dome to not provide the benefit to Jacqui for the full duration of the dome if she never leaves it

• Jacqui Briggs – “Arm Break” and “Leg Break” damage is lowered to 100 (down from 140)

• Jacqui Briggs – Fixed a bug allowing Snake Eater (Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick) to be cancelled out of at a late recovery frame


• Jade – While performing Pole Vault run, Jade can now perform a special version of Blazing Nitro Kick or activate Fatal Blow

• Jade – Pole Vault damage slightly increased, recovers 1 frame faster and had its hit region adjusted

• Jade – Pole Vault Amplified damage increased by 10, starts up 1 frame faster, recovers 1 frame faster, and has 1 more active frame

• Jade – “Amplify Blazing Nitro Kick” ability has 5 more blockstun with more pushback

• Jade – Edenian Spark is now correctly considered a low projectile

• Jade – Fixed issue with “Divine Forces” ability causing it to briefly ignore physical attacks when Amplified

• Jade – Fixed issue with Hop Attacks and Temptation not being counted in the Blazing Nitro Kick Krushing Blow requirement


• Jax – reduced the maximum time allowed between hits during Gotcha Grab

Johnny Cage

• Johnny Cage – Throwing Shade Krushing Blow now does 90 damage (from 170) and causes a true stun

• Johnny Cage – Almost Famous (Front Kick, Back Kick) has 4 more frames of hit advantage


• Kano – Black Dragon Ball powered up by Vege-Mighty starts up in 10 frames (was 12), has 1 more active frame, has 20 more frames of blockstun and 1 more frame of recovery

• Kano – Black Dragon Ball powered up by Vege-Mighty when directed upward does 20 more damage and the input has more leniency

• Kano – Molotov Cocktail starts up 2 frames faster, and recovers 5 frames faster

• Kano – Chemical Burn damage increased by 20, startup is now 12 frames (was 14), recovers 1 frame faster, hitstun increased by 13 frames, blockstun increased by 5 frames, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kano – Chemical Burn Amplified damage increased by 20, startup reduced by 8 frames, recovery reduced by 7 frames, blockstun increased by 10 frames, pushback increased, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kano – Chemical Burn Amplified can now be done as a close version, which will cause a Molotov Cocktail flame DOT

• Kano – Low Hinge (Down + Front Kick) startup is now 9 frames (was 10) and recovers 2 frames faster on block

• Kano – Fixed issue with Fatal Blow switching side when it hits airborne opponents at certain heights


• Kitana – Edenian Razors now has 2 different ranges, is now a mid, has decreased pushback, has increased hitstun, had its hit region adjusted, and slightly adjusted startup, active and recovery frames depending on when the button is released

• Kitana – Royal Protection startup is now 5 frames (was 10), has 5 more active frames, and recovery has been reduced by 3 frames

• Kitana – Royal Protection buff duration is now 6 seconds (was 3 seconds), the damage buff on successful parry was reduced to 33% (was 50%)

• Kitana – Half-Blood Stance Gutted Krushing Blow recovery has been reduced

• Kitana – Half-Blood Stance Dive Kick now enters a ducking state on the 5th frame of the attack while lowering to the ground

• Kitana – Square Wave and (Air) Square Wave now do 80 damage (was 60)

• Kitana – Fixed issue with (Air) Square Wave that could allow for an OTG attack to occur


• Kollector – Vial of Sorrow now does 15 damage per tick (was 20), duration is now 4 seconds (was 2 seconds), and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Bag Bomb explosion when connecting with Vial of Sorrow flames has increased combo damage scaling and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Demonic Mace startup is now 29 frames (was 34), now has 3 levels of charge that causes increased blockstun the longer it is held

• Kollector – Up Demonic Mace now has 3 levels of charge that causes increased blockstun the longer it is held

• Kollector – Damned Bola hit region reduced outside of a combo and while opponent is in a combo the hit region is increased

• Kollector – Blood Money (Front Punch, Front Kick) has 1 more active frame, 1 less frame of recovery on miss, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Mine Mine Mine (Back Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick) has more combo damage scaling and can now be cancelled into Fatal Blow

• Kollector – Greed (Away + Back Punch, Front Kick, Front Kick) and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Take It All (Front Kick, Back Punch) Krushing Blow recovery adjusted

• Kollector – Death Spin (Away + Front Kick) had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Korrupted Kick (Towards + Front Kick) can now be cancelled on normal block/miss

• Kollector – Paid In Full (Towards + Front Kick, Front Punch) startup is now 13 frames (was 12), recovers 3 frames slower on miss, hit reaction when connecting with an airborne opponent changed, 10 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – With Interest (Towards + Front Kick, Front Punch, Back Punch) hit reaction when connecting with an airborne opponent changed, and has 10 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback

• Kollector – Take and Deny (Towards + Front Kick, Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Kick) has 2 more active frames, 10 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback, recovers 2 frames slower on miss, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Tax Burden (Back Kick) cancel frame is 1 frame later, recovery reduced by 6 frames on hit/block, blockstun decreased by 5 frames, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – No Collateral (Back Kick, Back Kick) startup is now 23 frames (was 26), hit reaction when connecting with an airborne opponent changed, recovery on hit/block reduced by 1 frames, recovery on miss reduced by 6 frames, and had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Ravages Of Time (Back Kick, Back Kick, Front Kick) startup is now 19 frames (was 20), damage scaling increased, hit reaction changed, can no longer be cancelled, recovers 15 frames slower on block, 10 frames slower on miss, and has 10 less frames of blockstun with less pushback

• Kollector – Rising Claws (Down + Back Punch) has 2 more active frames and 2 less frames of recovery on miss

• Kollector – Kura Slam (Jump + Back Punch) had its hit region adjusted

• Kollector – Adjusted hit region on Getup Attack/Flawless Block Attack “Flailing Mace”

• Kollector – Fixed issue that could cause Shotel Fury to not correctly facing opponent for the first hit

• Kollector – Fixed visual issue with Kollector’s Chained Ball when he is put into a “Finish Him” dizzy state

• Kollector – Fixed issue that allowed Rising Claws (Down + Back Punch) to be cancelled into Fatal after the first active frame

• Kollector – Far Fade Out now has 42 recovery frames (up from 39)

Kotal Kahn

• Kotal Kahn – Now has 1100 health points (up from 1000)

• Kotal Kahn – Coatl Parry now starts up in 10 frames (was 14), recovers 1 frame faster

• Kotal Kahn – Attacks that connect with Coatl Parry now recover as if they have been Flawless Blocked

• Kotal Kahn – Tecuani Maul startup is 17 frames (was 19), recovers 16 frames faster on block, recovers 33 frames faster on miss, recovers 13 frames faster on hit, hit region adjusted

• Kotal Kahn – Tecuani Maul amplified recovers 20 frames faster on block, recovers 33 frames faster on miss, recovers 13 frames faster on hit, and has a new visual effect

• Kotal Kahn – (Air) Tecuani Pounce startup is 14 frames (was 13), recovers 3 frames faster on block/miss, and has 5 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback

• Kotal Kahn – (Air) Tecuani Pounce Amplified startup is 1 frame slower, recovers 8 frames faster on block/miss, and has 5 more frames of blockstun with increased pushback

• Kotal Kahn – Mehtizquia (Away + Back Punch, Back Punch, Front Kick) now has airborne frames that match the animation

• Kotal Kahn – Hammer Slam (Jump + Back Punch) and Straight Kick (Jump + Front Kick) had their cancel frames adjusted

• Kotal Kahn – Side Strike (Down + Front Kick) startup is now 8 frames (was 9), recovers 3 frames faster, and has 4 more frames of hitstun

• Kotal Kahn – Warrior Spin (Down + Back Kick) has 1 more frame of hitstun

• Kotal Kahn – Fixed issue with Tonatiuh Beam sometimes not working correctly after a krushing blow occurs

Kung Lao

• Kung Lao – Order Of Light (Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch) hitstun increased by 6 frames

• Kung Lao – Sweeping Razor (Away + Back Kick) recovery decreased by 6 frames

• Kung Lao – Orbiting Hat now has 13 startup frames (down from 14), 5 more frames of blockstun, 5 more frames of hitstun, and 2 less recovery frames

• Kung Lao – Orbiting Hat Amplified now has 10 more frames of blockstun, 16 more frames of hitstun, and 5 more recovery frames

• Kung Lao – Omega Hat starts up 1 frame faster and recovers 6 frames faster

Liu Kang

• Liu Kang – Double Dragon Kick (Towards + Front Kick) has reduced pushback on the second hit

• Liu Kang – Dragon’s Breath (Towards + Front Kick, Front Kick, Front Kick) has 10 less frames of blockstun on the first hit with reduced pushback

• Liu Kang – Low Fireball recovers 3 frames slower and has more frames of hitstun

• Liu Kang – The projectile created from a successful Energy Parry while Dragon Fire is active will now cause a true stun

• Liu Kang – All Dragon’s Gift attacks each do 20 more damage

• Liu Kang – Dragon’s Gift High Attack now causes increased pushback

• Liu Kang – Dragon’s Gift Overhead Attack had its hit region adjusted

Noob Saibot

• Noob – Shadow Tackle Amplified damage increased by 40

• Noob – Shadow Slide now has 1 more recovery frame, travel speed slightly reduced, and can now be amplified

• Noob – Ghostball recovery reduced by 14 frames

• Noob – adjusted stamina regeneration after Ghostball debuff expires

• Noob – “Shadow Strike” ability can now correctly be parried by low parry moves

• Noob – Boot Slide (Down + Front Kick) has 2 more frames of recovery on hit/miss and 4 more frames of hitstun

• Noob – Sickle Strike (Down + Back Kick) has 2 more frames of recovery, 2 less frames of hitstun, and had its hit region adjusted


• Raiden – Lightning Strike Amplified now tracks the opponent

• Raiden – Electric Burst startup is now 19 frames (was 17), has 1 less active frame, recovers 3 frames faster

• Raiden – Electric Burst causes increased blockstun and pushback while Quick Charge is active

• Raiden – Electric Current combo damage scaling adjusted and recovery reduced by 4 frames

• Raiden – Electric Current Amplified is now a mid, causes a popup on hit if done while Quick Charge is active, has 1 frame more recovery on block, and had its hit region adjusted

• Raiden – Discharge startup is now 6 frames (from 4), has 1 more active frame, hit reaction has been adjusted so hit advantage is the same if done on grounded or airborne opponents

• Raiden – Discharge Amplified had its hit region adjusted

• Raiden – Far Sparkport now has 21 recovery frames (up from 19)


• Scorpion – Hell Port and (Air) Hell Port are now high attacks

• Scorpion – Low Jab (Down + Front Punch) recovery increased by 1 frame

• Scorpion – Quick Kick (Down + Back Kick) recovery increased by 5 frames

• Scorpion – Fixed a rare issue with Spear follow-up hit that could cause it to miss


• Skarlet – Dagger Dance Amplified Krushing Blow Held Check input is now the correct button

• Skarlet – Reaching Whip (Away + Back Kick) now has 5 less recovery frames

• Skarlet – Silent Stab (Down + Front Punch) now has 3 more frames of hitstun

• Skarlet – Spear Strike (Down + Front Kick) has a different hit reaction and 11 more frames of hitstun

• Skarlet – Spinning Scythe (Down + Back Kick) now has 11 more frames of hitstun

• Skarlet – Fixed Thicker Than Water (Away + Front Punch, Back Punch) Krushing Blow not working correctly with Easy Krushing Blows in practice mode

• Skarlet – Bloodport Far now has 50 recovery frames (up from 42)

Sonya Blade

• Sonya – Now has 950 health points (down from 1000)

• Sonya – Amplified Energy Rings when dash cancelled now has more damage scaling

• Sonya – Amplified Air Control now does 60 damage (was 20) but does not cause a pop up

• Sonya – Fixed issue causing an unintended side switch when Sonya wins the final round with Amplified Low Kounter

Shao Kahn

• Shao Kahn – Now has 1050 health points (up from 1000)

• Shao Kahn – Annihilation Krushing Blow recovers faster

• Shao Kahn – Forward Throw Krushing Blow recovers slightly faster and leaves opponent closer

• Shao Kahn – Merciless Spear does 80 damage (from 60)

• Shao Kahn – Shoulder Charger Down + Amplify startup is 22 frames (was 20), recovers 13 frames faster, knockdown advantage is increased by 8, and had its hit region adjusted

• Shao Kahn – Dark Priest recovers 17 frames faster

• Shao Kahn – Ridicule recovers 36 frames faster and the debuff now lasts 9 seconds (was 6.67 seconds)

• Shao Kahn – Humiliate recovers 36 frames faster and the debuff now lasts 9 seconds (was 6.67 seconds)

• Shao Kahn – Face Smash (Front Punch) cancel frame occurs 1 frame earlier and has 1 more recovery frame

• Shao Kahn – Warlord (Front Punch, Back Punch) cancel frame occurs 2 frames earlier, has 13 startup frames (down from 15), cancel occurs 2 frames earlier, 5 less recovery frames, 5 more frames of blockstun, and had its hit region adjusted

• Shao Kahn – DIE (Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick) startup is now 26 frames (was 27), and its hit region adjusted, and can no longer be cancelled into special moves when it is blocked

• Shao Kahn – Takeover (Front Punch, Back Kick) startup is now 16 frames (was 19)

• Shao Kahn – Tenderizer (Away + Back Punch) has 1 more active frame, cancel frames occurs 1 frame earlier, 1 frame less recovery, and had its hit region adjusted

• Shao Kahn – Rage Strike (Towards + Back Punch) now has 8 more frames of hitstun and does a different hit reaction

• Shao Kahn – Will You Fail (Towards + Back Punch, Front Punch) cancel frame now occurs 3 frames earlier

• Shao Kahn – Bow To Me (Towards + Back Punch, Front Punch, Back Punch) startup is 21 frames (was 23)

• Shao Kahn – Fear Me (Towards + Back Punch, Back Kick) startup is now 28 frames (was 26), recovers 18 frames faster, when Flawless Blocked has 10 less frames of blockstun with reduced pushback

• Shao Kahn – Hammer Poke (Jump + Front Punch) had its hit region adjusted

• Shao Kahn – Fixed issue with Ground Shatter and Ground Shatter Amplified interacting with projectile destroying abilities

• Shao Kahn – Fixed audio issue when “Seeking Hammer” ability is interrupted

• Shao Kahn – Fixed visual issue with Hammer object playing incorrect animation when turning around while ducking

• Shao Kahn – Fixed issue with Forward Throw Krushing Blow not working correctly while the HUD is turned off

Shang Tsung

• Shang Tsung – Ground Eruption first hit now does 50 damage (was 60), second hit now does 40 damage (was 60)

• Shang Tsung – Ground Eruption Amplified now does 30 damage (was 60)

• Shang Tsung – Serpent Stab (Down + Front Punch) now has 7 startup frames (down from 8), 2 more recovery frames, and has 1 more frame of hitstun

• Shang Tsung – Ankle Snap (Down + Front Kick) now has 8 startup frames (down from 7), 2 more recovery frames, and has 1 more frame of hitstun

• Shang Tsung – Fixed several visual effect issues while “Soul Swap” ability is performed

• Shang Tsung – Fix for visual issue with a floating weapon appearing after performing Kollector’s “Play For Souls” Krushing Blow while morphed

• Shang Tsung – Fixed problem with Shang Tsung facing the incorrect direction after hitting Kronika with Reptile Slide

• Shang Tsung – Fixed a rare issue that could allow the damage buff from Soul Steal to persist into the next round

  • Performance and stability improvements.
  • Added fixes for some crashing issues with MK11 update 1.07.
  • Fixed players reported glitches.
  • Matchmaking improvements.
  • Added fixes for the audio issues.
  • Added fixes for framerate drop and freezing issues with Mortal Kombat 11 update 1.07.
  • Added fixes for stuttering/lag issues.

Mortal Kombat 11 update 1.07 for PS4 is now available for download.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.