Monster Hunter Rise PC Save File Location (MH Rise Failed to Save)

Monster Hunter Rise is now available on PC(Steam). Unfortunately, since the release, players are experiencing various issues including a bug where Monster Hunter Rise failed to save the game.

Today we have posted MH Rise save file locations for Steam. Read more details below.

How to fix Monster Hunter Rise Failed to Save issue?

Follow the steps below to fix this issue.
  1. Disable Steam Cloud and quit the game.

Go to your Library in the Steam client, right click on Monster Hunter Rise, then select [Properties] > [General] > [Steam Cloud].

  1. Delete save data from the local files for the demo and full version.

Go to the below folder and delete the folders “1446780” and “1641480”.

*Be careful not to delete the wrong folder!

It is advised you copy the folders to another location before deleting them just to be safe.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata(User ID)\remote\

  1. Reboot your PC.
Also, you can try the following workaround.
  1. Restart your computer and launch the Steam.
  2. Next, right click the game in your Library.
  3. From the drop down menu, select. Properties…
  4. Select the. Local Files. …
  5. Steam will verify the game’s files.

This process may take several minutes.

MH Rise save file location for PC(Steam Cloud Save)

Here’s how you can locate the Monster Hunter Rise save file.

Copy the save files to: “<Steam-folder>\userdata\<user-id>\1446780\remote\”


The Steam default game folder location is

C:\Program Files\Steam\


In the address bar, change the “user-id” with your personal ID.

Download Monster Hunter Rise save files

You can download the 100% completed save files for Monster Hunter Rise from here. All you need to do to backup / replace your saves is copy the root folder from the directory mentioned above.

Note: MHRise save file download links will go live soon.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.