Monopoly Go Palace Parade Rewards List

Monopoly Go Palace Parade event (April 4 to April 6, 2024) is here with a variety of rewards, including cash, free dice rolls, and sticker packs, by landing on tax and utility spaces. The Palace Parade Monopoly Go event requires players to strategically roll the dice and land on tax and utility spaces to accumulate event points and progress through the milestone rewards. Here is the complete list of Monopoly Go Palace Parade rewards and milestones.

Monopoly Go Palace Parade Reward – April 4, 2024

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Monopoly Go Palace Parade Easter Rewards List

Here’s a table summarizing all the rewards and milestones for the Palace Parade event:

Milestone Points Palace Parade Rewards
1 5 💰 Cash
2 5 🎲 20 Free Dice Rolls
3 10 🟩 1-Star Green Sticker Pack
4 50 🎲 125 Free Dice Rolls
5 15 💰 Cash
6 15 🟩 1-Star Green Sticker Pack
7 15 ⏳ 10-Minute Rent Frenzy Boost
8 20 💰 Cash
9 100 🎲 225 Free Dice Rolls
10 25 💰 Cash
11 25 🟩 1-Star Green Sticker Pack
12 30 💰 Cash
13 250 🎲 450 Free Dice Rolls
14 35 💰 Cash
15 40 🟡 2-Star Yellow Sticker Pack
16 45 💰 Cash
17 400 🎲 700 Fee Dice Rolls
18 50 ⏳ 10-Minute High Roller Boost
19 75 🌸 3-Star Pink Sticker Pack
20 60 💰 Cash
21 1200 🎲 700 Free Dice Rolls
22 60 💰 Cash
23 65 💙 4-Star Blue Sticker Pack
24 70 ⏳ 15-Minute Cash Grab Boost
25 80 🎲 100 Free Dice Rolls
26 500 💰 Cash
27 150 🎲 225 Free Dice Rolls
28 200 💰 Cash
29 250 💙 4-Star Blue Sticker Pack
30 1200 🎲 1700 Free Dice Rolls
31 300 ⏳ 5-Minute Cash Boost
32 400 💰 Cash
33 500 💰 Cash
34 1800 🎲 2400 Free Dice Rolls
35 550 💜 5-Star Purple Sticker Pack
36 600 💰 Cash
37 700 🎲 700 Free Dice Rolls
38 1300 💰 Cash
39 750 🎲 800 Free Dice Rolls
40 800 💜 5-Star Purple Sticker Pack
41 900 💰 Cash
42 4300 🎲 7000 Free Dice Rolls + 💜 5-Star Purple Sticker Pack

Here is a list of all free Monopoly Go dice.

Monopoly Go Palace Parade Tricks

To help you maximize your points and rewards during the Palace Parade event, consider these tips and tricks:

  1. Strategize Your Dice Rolls: Use a low multiplier when rolling in the second leg of the board where there are no tax or utility spaces, and switch to a higher multiplier in the third and fourth legs to increase your chances of landing on those valuable spaces.
  2. Prioritize Tax Spaces: Luxury Tax and Income Tax spaces provide the most event points, so aim to land on these whenever possible.
  3. Utilize High Roller Boosts: Keep an eye on the daily boost schedule and stack High Roller boosts to maximize your point-earning potential, as the event only offers a single 10-minute High Roller boost in the milestones.
  4. Time Your Sticker Boom: If you have a Sticker Boom boost available, consider triggering it near the end of the milestones list to get the most value out of the 5-star purple sticker pack rewards.
  5. Plan Ahead for Fountain Partners: With the Fountain Partners co-op event coming up on April 6, be mindful of your dice spending during the Palace Parade event to ensure you have enough resources to fully participate in the upcoming event.

By implementing these strategies and staying focused on landing on those tax and utility spaces, you’ll be well on your way to making the most of the Palace Parade event!

Also Read: Monopoly Go event time table here.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.