MK1 Update 1.001.003 Patch Notes for PS5 (v1.003)

[Mortal Kombat 1] MK1 update 1.001.003 is available to download on PS5, PC, Xbox and Swtich. According to the official MK1 1.001.003 patch notes, the latest update adds Omni-Man to the game. Apart from this, the MK1 patch 1.001.003 also includes visual enhancements, 4k movies, and additional features for Nintendo Switch.

Previously, a minor update 1.02 added various tweaks and changes. Today’s MK1 version 1.001.003 update is expected to fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

MK1 Version 1.001.003 Patch Notes – November 9, 2023

  • Added Omni-Man
  • General bug fixes
  • Added numerous additional finishing moves
  • Improved and refined UI to include additional new options

General Gameplay Adjustments

  • Move list corrections
  • Localization fixes
  • AI adjustments & improvements
  • Improvements to Screen Reader & Test to Speech functionality
  • Fixed issue causing character dialogue during a brutality to be missing facial animations
  • Improvements to filtering in Kombat League Leaderboards
  • Fixed issue that could cause notification indicator to not disappear after checking a new Kombo Challenge
  • Fixed rare issue that could cause the game to become unresponsive if the user performs a certain sequence of actions involving Quick Resume
  • Fixed several visual issues with brutalities
  • Interrupting a Kameo will no longer occasionally not cause damage if the Kameo was recently interrupted by a Fatal Blow
  • Fixed issue with “Become A Ninja In No Time” Trophy / Achievement not unlocking correctly when using cross-progression
  • Adjustments to scoring for Endless Tower
  • Fixed rare crash that could occur when an online opponent declined after connecting
  • Fixed rare crash that could occur when a player’s notification window is holding a large amount of messages
  • Fixed several issues that could cause desyncs in King of the Hill
  • Added additional Kombo Challenge for Fighters

Practice Mode

  • Players can now change the current Kameo for either team from within Practice Settings
  • Fixed issue with Playback Recording that could cause a character’s Tagged Moves to persist on screen
  • Kustomize Kontrol settings will now always properly apply when using Recording
  • Adjusted how Auto Block setting works with Sub-Zero’s Deadly Vapors


  • Fixed visual issues that could occur when travelling between Encounters and repeatedly pressing the inventory button
  • Maximum Damage is now disabled in most Encounters
  • Additional uses of the Ethereal Talisman will now count toward the progress of the “Talis-mania” achievement
  • Fixed visual issue where some characters’ weapon animations could become out of sync with the character after teleporting to Shop or Forge
  • Scorpion’s Enhanced Devouring Flame will no longer occasionally cause issues if it defeats a boss enemy in the first phase of the fight
  • Fixed visual issues with some Kombat Modifiers
  • Fixed missing audio when defeating an airborne opponent in an endurance match
  • Fixed issue with endurance matches preventing the AI from performing Shang Tsung Old Morph
  • Fixed crash that could occur when recharging a Talisman with more than 8 charges
  • Fixed rare issue that could cause the game to become unresponsive if disconnected from the internet while at the Mesa Selection

Character Specific Adjustments

  • Ashrah– Fixed hitting an airborne opponent with Ascension outside of a combo causing the opponent to appear at an incorrect location in the air
  • Geras– Double Time attacks will no longer sometimes not work correctly with certain changes with Kontrols
  • Geras– Fixed visual issue that could occur when using Fixed Point while Sub-Zero’s Arctic Armor is active
  • Havik– Fixed hitting an airborne opponent with final hit of Helping Hand outside of a combo causing the opponent to appear at an incorrect location in the air
  • Johnny Cage– Reduced base health value to 650 (from 700)
  • Johnny Cage– Sky Die (Up + Front Punch) is now able to be parried by Johnny Cage’s Fatal Blow
  • Kenshi– Fixed issue which was preventing forward throws using Kameo from executing while Ancestor is active
  • Kenshi– Enhanced Demon Drop can now be Up Blocked
  • Kung Lao– Fixed hitting an airborne opponent with Soaring Monk outside of a combo causing the opponent to appear at an incorrect location in the air
  • Kung Lao– Fixed visual issue with his hat returning with no visual effects in certain circumstances
  • Mileena– Adjusted auto-facing of Enhanced Roll follow-up attack
  • Mileena –Fixed rare issue with Teleport Down when used against a cornered opponent that could cause players to be outside the arena for a short time
  • Nitara –Fixed hitting an airborne opponent with Flying Kolors (Back Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch) outside of a combo causing the opponent to appear at an incorrect location in the air
  • Nitara –Fixed visual issue with wings animation being incorrect when a throw escape occurs
  • Rain –Holding Rain God now allows for additional diagonal Up directions
  • Rain –Fixed rare issue with Water Gate Teleport not moving to correct location when cancelled from attacks in certain circumstances
  • Rain –Fixed visual issue that could cause jittering animation when landing from Overkast (Jump + Back Punch, Back Kick) or Drownpour (Jump + Back Punch, Back Kick, Front Kick)
  • Rain –Fixed AI being unable to use Water Gate portals
  • Reptile –Fixed issue that could cause Dash Attack to sometimes be throw immune when blocked
  • Shang Tsung –Fixed being able to slightly extend opponent morph duration by ducking without inputting any actions
  • Shang Tsung –Fixed Enhanced Inspire while morphed into Sindel not triggering Breaker Denied when the opponent attempts a Breaker
  • Sindel –Fixed Enhanced Queen’s Command not preventing opponent from performing Fatal Blow after it has hit
  • Sindel –Fixed issue with lingering visual effects if Inspire is performed as Shang Tsung morphed into Sindel
  • Smoke –Fixed being able to cancel Tele-Stab (Back + Back Punch) after it is Up Blocked
  • Smoke –Fixed visual issue with opponent’s animation when they are defeated by Fatal Blow
  • Smoke –Fixed visual issue during the startup of Smoke-Port
  • Cyrax (Kameo)– Reduced knock out duration when hit during Self-Destruct to 3 seconds (from 6)
  • Frost (Kameo)– Fixed issue which could cause an opponent to clip through the ground if hit while frozen from Ice Karpet at specific timing
  • Goro (Kameo)– Fixed rare issue with Shokan Stomp that could prevent a player from performing some special cancels with specific timing
  • Jax (Kameo)– Fixed rare situations where Ground Pound was not considering the opponent to be in a reaction
  • Motaro (Kameo)– Reduced knock out duration when hit during Reflect to 3 seconds (from 6)
  • Motaro (Kameo)– Fixed issue with interrupting Charge! Fatal Blow which could cause the background visual effects to linger
  • Sareena (Kameo)Fixed issue that could prevent brutalities from being performed in a Kombo after defeating the opponent with Kia’s Blades
  • Scorpion (Kameo)Fixed rare bug that could cause Get Over Here to pass through the Fighter if they are hit at a specific timing
  • Sektor (Kameo)Fixed rare issue with Activate Homing that could prevent a player from performing some special cancels with specific timing
  • Shujinko (Kameo)Reduced knock out duration when hit during Meditate to 3 seconds (from 6)
  • Shujinko (Kameo)Fixed using Reiko’s Retaliation as a special cancel after Apep Punch or Konquest Kick not being able to Parry
  • Shujinko (Kameo)Fixed issues with Mimic & Kopy Kat Invisibility lingering into cinematics
  • Shujinko (Kameo)Fixed visual issue causing claws to appear clipping through the ground when performing Kopy Kat against Shang Tsung
  • Shujinko (Kameo)Fixed AI being unable to use several stolen moves

Download free MK1 update 1.001.003 on PlayStation 5, Switch, PC and XSX.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.