Minecraft Version 2.73 Patch Notes for PS4

Mojang has released a new Minecraft version 2.73 for PS4, PC, Xbox and Switch. According to the official Minecraft 2.73 patch notes, the latest update adds a variety of changes, fixes, and experimental features. Apart from this, today’s Minecraft update 2.73 also includes general stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big MC update 2.59 added quality-of-life improvements and fixes. Recently, MC update 2.60 and MC patch 2.61 added minor tweaks and changes. Unfortunately, players are still facing issues with the game. Today’s Minecraft patch 2.73 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Minecraft Version 2.73 Patch Notes for PS4, Switch & Xbox

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when playing in splitscreen multiplayer
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the Realms Plus page
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on PlayStation when opening the control center or a controller notification appeared on screen
  • Improved server performance when Villagers are grouped together
  • Fixed an issue that caused Marketplace to become inaccessible after leaving the game on for extended periods of time
  • Fixed issues with @minecraft/server-ui dependencies failing to load with newer versions of the @minecraft/server module

The following changes were added recently.

Experimental Features:

Even more experimental features are available in this update that are coming in the Minecraft Trails & Talesupdate!

As these features are still incomplete, in development, and considered a work in progress, be sure to backup your worlds before enabling experimental features. The features can be enabled by turning on the “Next Major Update” toggle in world settings.

Player Sneaking

  • The ability to sneak under 1.5 block gaps is now behind the “Short Sneak” toggle. Enable the toggle to continue to test out the feature while we continue polishing it
  • Player’s hitbox height now reduces to 1.5 blocks while sneaking
    • Sneaking will automatically be initiated while stuck in a gap of less than 1.8 blocks
    • Sneaking will lower the player camera height respective of these changes
    • Sneaking now requires enough space to stand in order to exit sneaking state
    • Players will transition from swimming to sneaking if they are unable to stand up but would be able to sneak

Cherry Grove

  • Introducing the Cherry Grove biome, with pretty Cherry Blossom trees. You can find it in the mountains, like Meadows
  • It has a new flower, Pink Petals, as ground cover, which can be crafted into Pink Dye
  • Pigs, Rabbits, Sheep, and Bees spawn there
  • Comes with a new wood set for the Cherry Blossom trees


  • Added the Trail Ruins, a buried structure from a lost culture
  • Added Suspicious Gravel block, which has the same characteristics as Suspicious Sand
  • Added Suspicious Sand to Warm Ocean Ruins
  • Added Suspicious Gravel to Cold Ocean Ruins
  • Added 16 new Pottery Shards (Now 20 Pottery Shards in total)
    • These have been distributed between the five Archaeology sites: Desert Wells, Desert Temples, Cold Ocean Ruins, Warm Ocean Ruins, and Trail Ruins

Armor Trims

  • You can now visually customize your armor with a variety of unique trims at the Smithing Table
  • Armor Trims are purely visual with no gameplay benefits, and can only be applied to Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, and Boots
    • All trim patterns are visually the same on an armor’s item icon, but the color will still change based on the trim material
    • To check which trim pattern a piece of armor has, you can hover over it in the inventory
  • An Armor Trim has two properties: a pattern and a material
    • The pattern is defined by the Smithing Template used to apply the trim, and represents the visual pattern of the trim
    • The material is defined by what ingredient you used to apply the trim, and represents the color of the trim
  • The viable ingredients you can use to define the color of your Armor Trim are the following:
    • Iron
    • Copper
    • Gold
    • Lapis
    • Emerald
    • Diamond
    • Netherite
    • Redstone
    • Amethyst
    • Quartz

Smithing Templates

  • Smithing Tables have been redesigned into a workstation for physical equipment upgrades and modifications
  • Alongside slots for combining a piece of equipment and materials, there is now a required slot for an item type called Smithing Templates
  • Smithing Templates define what type of upgrade you will be making to equipment
    • It specifies both what type of items you can upgrade, and which ingredients are valid to customize the upgrade
    • There are currently two categories of Smithing Templates: Armor Trim and Netherite Upgrade
  • Armor Trim Smithing Templates can be found all throughout the world, and each of the following structures contain their own unique Smithing Template:
    • Pillager Outpost: Sentry Armor Trim
    • Desert Pyramid: Dune Armor Trim
    • Shipwreck: Coast Armor Trim
    • Jungle Temple: Wild Armor Trim
    • Ocean Monument: Tide Armor Trim
    • Ancient City: Ward Armor Trim
    • Woodland Mansion: Vex Armor Trim
    • Nether Fortress: Rib Armor Trim
    • Bastion Remnant: Snout Armor Trim
    • Stronghold: Eye Armor Trim
    • End City: Spire Armor Trim
    • Trail Ruins: Wayfinder Armor Trim, Raiser Armor Trim, Shaper Armor Trim, Host Armor Trim
    • Ancient City: Silence Armor Trim
  • Smithing Templates are found in Chests in their respective structure, except for the Ocean Monument. Instead of finding it in Chests, Elder Guardians sometimes drop a Smithing Template when defeated
  • Some Armor Trim Smithing Templates are rarer than others, so be on the lookout for them to impress your friends!
  • Smithing Templates are consumed when used to upgrade an item in the Smithing Table
  • You can craft a copy of a Smithing Template in the Crafting Table with 7 Diamonds + 1 block of material that the template is made out of + 1 Smithing Template, which will output 2 of the same Smithing Template

Netherite Equipment

  • Netherite equipment crafting now also requires a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template
  • Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates can be found randomly in all Bastion Remnant chests, and there is a guarantee of 2 in every Treasure Room Bastion Remnant
  • This change was made for a variety of reasons:
    • Increases the time players utilize Diamond equipment before Netherite
    • Make Netherite equipment a more significant achievement in the game’s progression
    • Adapts Netherite more naturally into the new Smithing Table crafting system

Calibrated Sculk Sensors

  • A new variant of Sculk Sensors which allows you to filter vibrations based on their frequency level. They are not found naturally and can only be crafted
  • They can be crafted with 1 Sculk Sensor and 3 Amethyst Shards in the Crafting Table
  • One side of the Calibrated Sculk Sensor can receive a Redstone signal as input
    • The strength of that Redstone signal is the only vibration frequency the Sculk Sensor will listen to

Vibration Resonance

  • Blocks of Amethyst have a new behavior when placed adjacent to Sculk Sensors
  • If that Sculk Sensor receives a vibration, the Block of Amethyst will re-emit its frequency as a separate vibration at its location
  • This behaviour is called Vibration Resonance, and allows players to move vibration frequencies across long distances without having to recreate the vibration naturally

Sign Improvements

  • Signs have improved customization options
  • Sign text can now be edited after being placed in the world
    • This can be done by interacting with the Sign
  • Both sides of the Sign can now have separate text and colors, allowing for further customization options
    • By default, a Sign will prompt you to input the front side’s text when placed
    • To apply text to the back-side, you must walk to the other side and interact with that face to edit it
  • Signs can now also be waxed with Honeycomb, preventing any further edits to its text

Vanilla Parity:

  • Renamed and enchanted weapons are now displayed in respawn and chat windows with color when a player is killed by an entity using it.
  • Weighted Pressure Plates now produce the same sound as in Java Edition.
  • Removed the character limit for scoreboard objective names and objective display names.
  • Melons and Pumpkins can now grow onto Mud, Podzol, Rooted Dirt, and Muddy Mangrove Roots.
  • Nylium blocks are now grouped with Netherrack in the Creative inventory.
  • Armor Stands now vanish with no sound effects when killed with the /kill command.
  • Slightly decreased Panda collision box to match Java Edition
  • Slightly increased Polar Bear collision box to match Java Edition
  • Shipwreck supply chests are no longer missing Moss Block as loot.
  • Mobs will once again take damage when standing on an incomplete block next to a Campfire.

Fixes and Changes:

Stability and Performance

  • Minecraft version 2.63 fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • Fixed a bug where invalid Banner Patterns were causing players in render distance to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where Command Blocks could cause actors within a level chunk to freeze.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the My Packs tab with a broken pack.


  • Minecraft PS4 update 2.63 fixed the player moving in the wrong direction after exiting a container screen while using a gamepad.
  • Players can no longer sneak while flying.
  • The player’s camera no longer appears inside blocks when sprint and swim are held.
  • Fixed animation transition between swimming and walking.
  • The Health Boost effect will no longer fully replenish the player’s health after the effect runs out.
  • Fixed ambient cave sounds to no longer play when the player enters or loads into The End.


  • Mobs can now enter a Boat only if they are smaller than the Boat itself
  • Villagers will now generate green particles when a successful trade is completed
  • Mobs no longer play the player eat sound when fed breeding materials
  • Turtles can now enter Boats and Boats with Chest.
  • Hoglins, Polar Bears, and Spiders can no longer enter Boats and Boats with Chest.
  • Minecraft PS4 update 2.63 fixed experience orb position desync after teleport.
  • Villagers will now wake up in a valid position and will not phase though blocks.


  • Mangrove, Bamboo, and Polished Blackstone buttons are no longer visible on maps
  • Flowers are once again displayed immediately when placed inside a Flower Pot
  • Nether Portals can now replace blocks other than just air when being generated. This includes blocks such as Grass and Snow layers.
  • Light Blocks can no longer have their light levels changed in Survival or Adventure modes.
  • Campfire sounds are now louder and clearer.
  • Sponges no longer emit water drop particles underwater.
  • Fixed an issue where colored wool became white wool after been loaded from worlds prior to 1.17.


  • Potions no longer have an enchantment glint, due to it obscuring the color of the potion contents
  • Cooking Chorus Fruit in a Furnace will now generate experience.


  • A glint strength slider that adjusts how transparent the visual glint is on enchanted items has been added to the Accessibility Settings
  • A glint speed slider that adjusts how fast the visual glint shimmers across enchanted items has been added to the Accessibility Settings
  • Focus indicator is now automatically visible on menu items while using a keyboard
  • Text-to-speech no longer reads previously selected items after moving to new one
  • Text-to-speech no longer gets stuck on reading accessibility tab while the user switches between different tabs

User Interface

  • Added a header and title for the inventory tab in inventory screen while using Pocket UI
  • Updated look of sign in and sign up screens
  • Minecraft version 2.63 increased the spacing between headers in the Settings screen to increase readability
  • Touchpad scrolling now matches the operating system’s scroll direction
  • Feedback button on the pause menu will now prompt the user with a modal before redirecting to the browser
  • Corrected toggle navigation in Edit World menu while using gamepad or keyboard that were previously skipped


  • Halved the default visibility of the glint on enchanted items, which can now be modified in the Accessibility Settings.
  • Decreased the default visibility of the glint on enchanted items, which can now be modified in the Accessibility Settings
  • Minecraft 2.63 fixed an issue where unnecessary black boxes appeared in VR while around partial blocks
  • Minecraft update 2.63 fixed the issue where multiple light sources (such as Torches) were incorrectly emitting white light in RTX.
  • Boots do not z-fight anymore when worn by a player
  • The “leg” and “belt” parts of Leggings do not z-fight anymore when worn by a player
  • Capes no longer flash red when getting damaged.
  • Fixed a visible gap in Hopper model.
  • Fixed alignment of the output slot of Crafting Table.
  • Going into lava in third person view no longer causes the camera to turn black.


  • A Wishlist has been added to select players for testing so that players can save things to purchase at a later time
  • This feature is still in testing and, for now, will only be available for select players
  • Look for this icon in Marketplace:

Marketplace wishlist icon


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players on PlayStation 5 from purchasing a Realms Plus trial
  • Added the ability for members to update the Realm server version, meaning that the Realm owner will not need to log on to update
  • Added D-pad navigation in the Realms feed screen popup
  • Minecraft version 2.63 added keyboard navigation in the Realms feed screen popup
  • Fixed a bug where players would be stuck if they added a resource pack to an expired Realm and clicked the exit button
  • Fixed a bug where content packs applied to a world in a Realm slot were applied to another world in another slot in the same Realm
  • Fixed a bug where content packs applied to a world is unintentionally unapplied when joining a world
  • Fixed an extra Cancel button displaying on mobile file download dialog
  • Added a link to Microsoft Privacy Statement in the world upload dialog

Touch Controls

  • Minecraft update 2.73 added new touch and hold Stack Splitting for precision selection of the items in a single slot
  • Fixed an issue where items could get stuck in the Crafting Table when using touch input
  • If the player is underwater and Auto-Jump is enabled, as they approach a block that is 1 level higher than the current level, they will rise. This also allows auto-jumping out of water onto land

Download free Minecraft version 2.73 on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox and Switch.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.